Here is a list of most of the common abbreviations used on our message board and in chat.
ADM | Atlantean Dolphin Masters (a Cauldron joke) |
AFAIK | As Far As I Know |
BTW | By The Way, or British Traditional Wicca/Witchcraft/Wiccan/Witch, depending on context |
CM | Ceremonial Magick/Ceremonial Magican |
DD | Dear Daughter |
DH | Dear Husband |
ETA | Edited to Add (rarely Estimated Time of Arrival) |
F/X | For Example |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FF | Fumble Fingers |
FWIW | For What It's Worth |
G | Grin |
G&D | Grin & Duck |
G&D&R | Grin & Duck & Run |
G&D&RLH | Grin & Duck & Run Like Hell |
GMTA | Great Minds Think Alike |
HP | High Priest |
HPS | High Priestess |
IIRC | If I Recall/Remember Correctly |
IMHO | In My Humble/Honest Opinion |
IMNSHO | In My Not So Humble Opinion |
IMO | In My Opinion |
IOW | In Other Words |
JIC | Just In Case |
JK | Just Kidding |
L | Laugh |
LJ | LiveJournal |
LMAO | Laughing My Ass Off |
LOL | Laugh Out Loud |
MOF | Matter of Fact |
MMC | Maiden/Mother/Crone |
NP | No Problem |
OIC | Oh, I See |
OMG | Oh My God(s) |
OTOH | On The Other Hand |
PITA | Pain In The Ass |
POV | Point Of View |
PW |'s Pagan/Wiccan Religion board |
ROTFLOL | Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud |
SO | Significant Other |
TC | The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum |
TIA | Thanks In Advance |
TMI | Too Much Information |
TT | The Thicket (A Witches' Thicket on Delphiforums) |
TWO | Teen Witch Online |
TWV | The Witches' Voice (aka WitchVox) |
TY | Thank You |
UPG | Uncomfirmed (or Unverified) Personal Gnosis |
VEG | Very Evil Grin |
W/R/T | With Regard To |
WEG | Wide Evil Grin |
WG | Wide Grin |
YMMV | Your Mileage May Vary (i.e. Things may be different for you) |
YW | You're Welcome |