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"Please support The Cauldron with a small donation if you can."

While we try to keep costs down, it does take money to run The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum. So if you have a few dollars to spare you can help keep The Cauldron bubbling even if you lack the time or talent for volunteer work -- we would be honored to have your help in paying for this web site. You can donate either by using the Amazon Honor System button or the PayPal button below (we get about 85% of what you donate).

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The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum was founded in December 1997 to provide a friendly but serious discussion area for Pagans on the Internet. We've grown a bit over the years. We now have an active message area, a large web site with around 800 pages of information (including well over 300 book and divination deck reviews), and a MUX chat area. To continue to provide and expand these services, The Cauldron needs lots of volunteer help and donations from our members and supporters.

Here are some of the things members and supporters can do to help The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum thrive:

* Actively Participate In Our Message Board
While our message board welcomes readers, we encourage members to actively participate by posting their comments and views in our discussions. One of the easiest ways to help The Cauldron is to actively participate in our message board. The staff especially appreciates members who start new topics for discussion based on their own questions, opinions, or interests.
* Articles! Essays! Tutorials!
We are in constant need of original, well-written and accurate articles, essays, tutorials, and other written items for both our web site (and for our Cauldron and Candle newsletter -- if and when it resumes publication). There's no real limit on length for web site articles. Here are a few areas in which we always need articles:
  • accurate information on the beliefs and theology of the various Pagan religions, especially non-Wiccan religions
  • accuate information on holidays and festivals of the various Pagan religions, especially non-Wiccan religions
  • accurate information on historical pagan deities and cultures
  • recipes for oils, incenses, and food for the various Pagan holidays
  • divination, magick, spells, and ritual information
  • herbal information
  • positive articles on dealing with other faiths
  • editorial/opinion pieces
  • reviews of book and divination decks (see below)
  • reviews of Pagan-oriented movies and TV shows
  • reviews of music suitable for ritual or meditation
  • reviews of major web sites of interest to the Pagan community
  • reports on Neo-Pagan gatherings
Non-Wiccan material is stressed not because we don't want Wiccan material but because good non-Wiccan material has been hard to find. Wiccan material is certainly welcome as well. We have a web form you can use to submit an article for consideration.
* Reviews
While The Cauldron receives some review copies from a couple of Pagan publishers, there are many books that can only be reviewed on our web site, if a member has a copy and writes a good, objective review. The Cauldron is interested in reviews on the more academic books used by reconstructionist Pagan religions as well as on the books one finds on the Pagan/New Age shelf in the bookstore. We have a web form you can use to submit a book review for consideration.

We are also interested in reviews of music cds and dvds with pagan themes.
* Graphic Assistance
The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum is purposely a low graphics site as we value page download speed over flashy graphics. However, we are always willing to talk with artists who have ideas for well-designed small graphics (small in both physical dimensions and file size) that might enhance a specific article or page.
* Invite Your Friends
If you have friends or acquaintances who you believe would find The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum useful, please tell them about our site. If you are active on our message board and have friends who might enjoy it or have information to contribute, please invite them.
* Link To The Cauldron
If you have a web site where linking to The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum would be appropriate, simply providing a link to this web site is a big help. Our Link to this Site page explains how you can do this if you need help or want some simple graphic buttons to use.
* Link To The Cheap Web Hosting Report
If you have a web site, linking to forum hosts' Cheap Web Hosting Report web site at

will help the hosts devote more time to The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum. The more money this site makes for them, the more time they will have for Cauldron related activities.

If you have specific questions, proposals or other ideas we haven't mentioned here, please email them to (Unfortunately, Randall has to answer general "Tell me more?" type questions with a request for a more specific question. He's not trying to be rude, he just can't think of anything general and useful to say that isn't said here.)

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