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As The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum was established in December 1997, this site has a long history that tends to fade as time passes and we change software or message board servers. This section of our web site attempts to keep some of this history alive.
- Site News
The news listed on our main page has gone through a number of different sets of software, each with their own archives. This page links to all the news archive pages no longer available from the current news system.
- Archive Board 2006
We moved to this board in February 2007, running an older but much faster version of Beehive software when the new version we upgrade to on our first Beehive Board proved too slow our our new hardware. This second Beehive board with all its messages is still available in a read-only format. Many of its 2500+ threads are still interesting. We moved from this board in March 2007 to our current SMF board.
- Archive Board 2005
When we moved from DelphiForums in April 2004, we moved here. We moved from this Beehive message board in the middle of February 2006. This first Beehive board with all its messages is still available in a read-only format. Many of its 9000+ threads are very interesting, but the board is so slow it takes patience to find and read them.
- Old DelphiForums Messages
We were on DelphiForums from December 1997 to April 2004. There are a number of interesting threads still available in a read-only format on our old DelphiForums message board. This page links to some of the most interesting (or most important to forum history) threads on our old DelphiForums messageboard.
- A Brief History of Weirdness and The Cauldron
The purpose of this article is to help new members experience some aspects of The Cauldron’s history, and also to remind old members of things they probably would prefer not to remember. Due to the nature of this kind of article, it will inevitable resemble a list.