Pagan Book Review Index

Cauldron Reviews

There has been an explosion of mainly popular press books on Pagan religions since 1990 (not to mention other books not specially written for Pagans that are of interest to Pagans). Read what members of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum think of some of these books in these reviews. The more info link in each review will take you to a page on our site with more information on the book from Amazon. Remember that ordering books from Amazon via our links helps support The Cauldron! You can also find discussions and reviews of specific popular press books in the Pagan Religion Book Discussions board (Pagan Religions Book Discussions Index) and the Magick Book Discussions board (Magick Book Discussions Index) of The Cauldron's forum. You are more likely to find reviews and discussions of recent books via these discussion and review links.

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