Author: Richard Webster
Trade Paperback, 192 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn
Publication date: November 1995
ISBN: 156718801X
Price & More Info: Click Here
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I can still remember fondly the afternoons when I was ten years
old and our teacher would reward good behavior by teaching us
math games. One of my favorites was the magical square where the
numbers all added up to the same no matter the direction chosen.
They always seemed magical to me. . . .
Now, I discover that they are. The author of this Llewellyn's
Practical Magic book takes us on a journey of discovery as we go
from one magickal system to another. Talisman Magic is a very
down to basics book and I had no trouble understanding his
explanations of the various systems. The part that I really
enjoyed was the mini history lessons -- like how the I-Ching was
created. After explaining the systems, the book goes on and
shows us how to draw up a personal yantra to clarify our lives.
I quickly discovered that this book was more enjoyable read in
small doses as my mind would begin to bog down on large doses of
If you are looking for a very basic text on yantra squares, then
this is the book for you.
Reviewed by Elspeth
Additional Books by Richard Webster