Chat Log Index

The Cauldron makes the chat logs of many of our topic-oriented chats and online rituals available. This page is a master index to these chat logs. Some of these logs are edited to remove extraneous comments.

For information on participating in Cauldron Chats, please see our chat information page.

Topic Oriented Chat Logs

* Pagan Research and You
The log of The Cauldron's May 27, 2003 chat on how best to use libraries and the internet to research Pagan topics, presented by Jenett.
* The Afterlife and You
This is the log of The Cauldron's June 10, 2003 chat on Pagan afterlives and what we expect for ourselves and our loved ones on the other side.
* Summer Solstice
This is the log of The Cauldron's June 17, 2003 chat on our summer holidays and our plans, and how such holidays may have gotten started.
* Gardening Pagans
This is the log of The Cauldron's June 24, 2003 chat on tips on gardening, your uses for what you grow, and your experiences in the garden!
* Ask Anything To Pagan Clergy
This is the log of The Cauldron's July 1, 2003 chat, which was an opportunity to ask all the questions you've ever wanted to ask a Pagan Clergyperson about being clergy and to learn more about what it's like to serve as Pagan clergy in this world.
* What Do the Gods Want?
This is the log of The Cauldron's July 15, 2003 chat, which was an exploration of the requests that Gods and the Divine make of their followers.
* What Is Sin?
This is the log of The Cauldron's August 19, 2003 chat, which was a discussion of the nature of Sin in Pagan religions, and mechanisms for describing wrong actions.
* Eclectic Paganism
This is the log of The Cauldron's September 16, 2003 chat, which was a discussion of Eclectic Pagan Paths: what it takes to create a path for oneself, what the challenges are, and what to look out for.
* Nature of the Divine
This is the log of The Cauldron's September 23, 2003 chat, which was a discussion of the nature of the divine: what we believe of it and believe it is.
* Creation!
This is the log of The Cauldron's September 30, 2003 chat, which was a discussion of Creation: why we're here, how we got here, and where we're going from various Pagan perspectives.

Online Ritual Chat Logs

* 1997 Ostara Ritual Led by Ghost
This is the edited log of The Grove's 1997 Ostara ritual.
* 1998 Ostara Ritual Led by Elspeth
This is the edited log of our online Ostara ritual, performed March 22, 1998.
* 1998 Midsummer Ritual Led by Randall
This is the edited log of our online Midsummer ritual, performed June 21, 1998.
* 1998 Lughnasadh Ritual Led by Randall
This is the edited log of our online Lughnasadh ritual, performed August 9, 1998.
* 1998 Samhain Ritual Led by Elspeth
This is the edited log of our online Samhain ritual, performed October 25, 1998.
* 1999 Ostara Ritual Led by Randall
This is the edited log of our online Ostara ritual, performed March 21, 1999.
* 1999 Beltane Ritual Led by Randall
This is the edited log of our online Beltane ritual, performed May 9, 1999.
* 1999 Lughnasadh Ritual Led by Randall
This is the edited log of our online Lughnasadh ritual, performed August 8, 1999.
* 2003 Beltane Ritual Led by Sperran
This is the edited log of our online Beltane ritual for 2003.
* Reconnection Ritual Led by Shadow
This is the log of The Cauldron's July 29, 2003 chat, which was a ritual in the Flamekeeping tradition to reconnect oneself to the Divine within.
* 2003 Samhain Ritual Led by Sperran
This is the edited log of our online Samhain ritual, performed October 30, 2003.

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