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Home > Holidays > 1999 Ostara Search

1999 Ostara Ritual Log

This is the log of our online Ostara ritual of March 21, 1999. This log has been edited to remove extraneous comments.

.Randall> I want to welcome everyone to The Cauldron's Ostara Ritual.
.Randall> For the sake of any who may have never attended one of our
.Randall> online rituals, I will mention a few things:
.Randall> This is not a particularly Wiccan ritual, although like most
.Randall> modern Pagan rituals, there are many common elements.  This
.Randall> ritual has many elements taken from "Reformed Druid" ritual.
.Randall> We will be grounding and centering, casting a circle,
.Randall> calling the quarters, and deities, celebrating spring,
.Randall> and charging the Waters of Life.  Finally we will eat
.Randall> and be merry.
.Randall> If you don't have something I call for, then imagine
.Randall> yourself having the item and doing the action called for.
.Randall> If you get knocked out of the chat room, please /SEN a private
.Randall> message to Ann (EMPIREONE) and she will invite you back into
.Randall> this private room.
.Randall> Any questions before we start?
.Randall> None?
.Randall> They should do fine,
.Sieglinde> Will popcorn do?  I can go get some.
.Randall> LOL.  I have my doubts on popcorn, Sieglinde. :)
.Gypsydove> Ok...just planted them yesterday.
.Sieglinde> or dry red kidney beans?
.Sieglinde> (not a plant person)
.Sieglinde> :)
MIRIAT> Do you guys have a cookie handy?
.Randall> Something that will grow
MIRIAT> OOps...never mind...
.Randall> Any more questions?
.Randall> If not, we'll start....
.Randall> I want all of you to relax.... leaving your fingers lightly
.Randall> on the keyboard.
.Randall> Take a deep breath... Hold it... Let it out slowly....
.Randall> Do it again, taking in a calm, peaceful feeling.... letting
.Randall> out the cares and distractions of everyday life.
.Randall> Another breath and you feel the mundane world drawing
.Randall> away...
.Randall> Another breath and you smell the first breath of spring
.Randall> bourne on the wings of the March winds
.Randall> Continue to breath and relax... until you feel yourself
.Randall> enter that place that exists between the worlds, not in this
.Randall> world and not in the next.
.Randall> This is the Place between Worlds....
.Randall> You are very welcome here.
.Randall> Type <> when you are grounded and centered, and ready to go
.Randall> on.
.Ann> <>
.Sieglinde> <>
.Solstice> <>
.Caroline> <>
.Cheryl> <>
.emma> <>
.Gypsydove> <>
.Amy> <>
.WoodlanSpirit> <>
.Ariela> <>
.Randall> <>
.Ruby> <>
.Randall> I draw this circle to contain and protect out ritual. From
.Randall> Keyboard to Keyboard, I connect us.  We come here in
.Randall> friendship and desire to reach beyond ourselves and touch
.Randall> the Gods.  By our will, the circle is now cast.
.Randall> Miria, please call East (Type <> when finished)
MIRIAT> Living spirit of the East, we call to you
MIRIAT> Airy Sylphs, Powers of Intellect
MIRIAT> Strength of the Whirlwind
MIRIAT> and pleasant scents of the dawning Spring
MIRIAT> come join us, be witness to this rite
MIRIAT> help our minds to think as one
MIRIAT> Welcome
MIRIAT> and Blessed Be
.Randall> Ann, please call South (Type <> when finished)
.Ann> Guardians of the South, Lords of Fire, bless us with your
.Ann> presence and join our Circle, if You will.  Bless and
.Ann> guard our rite!  <>
.Randall> Solstice, please call West (Type <> when finished)
.Solstice> From the womb of the seas,
.Solstice> Spirits of the West, powers of water and inspiration,
.Solstice> we ask that you would join us and let us taste of your
  sweet rejuvenating flow,
.Solstice> as we gather together, circled in spirit, and intent <>
.Randall> Sieglinde, please call North (Type <> when finished)
.Sieglinde> Powers of the North, of the Earth
.Sieglinde> Be with us here, bless us with the spirit of the
  green growing things of earth
.Sieglinde> Bless us with the living things that crawl upon the
.Sieglinde> Be with us here today and give us the strength that we
.Sieglinde> Blessed Be.  <>
.Randall> This is the appointed place,
.Randall> Now is the appointed time.
.Randall> We come to worship the Gods.
.Randall> The Gods are everywhere....
.Randall> but we worship Them here.
.Randall> The Gods are without form....
.Randall> but worship them in these forms.
.Randall> We offer them our prayers, sacrifices, and worship.
.Randall> Each of us in our own way.
.Randall> I call upon the Lady of the Moon, of the Earth and of the
.Randall> mysterious waters from which life began and to which all
.Randall> must return.
.Randall> Be among us now as Maiden of the forest,
.Randall> The fair one who brings joy and new life
.Randall> To break the winter's stillness and silence.
.Randall> Mighty Lord of Day, the Shining One, the spark of the Sun
.Randall> now renewing life in the fields, I call you forth as
.Randall> The laughing God of the green woods
.Randall> With your pipes and cloven hooves,
.Randall> Please join us here, and with your warmth
.Randall> Let life be born anew.
.Randall> If you wish to invite another deity into our circle,
.Randall> please do so now.
.Randall> Type <> when you are finished.
.Ann> My Prince, I ask your presence here and welcome you with joy!
.Sieglinde> I call upon Ostara, Lady of the Spring, bring your soft
  breezes.  <>
YANNELL> I invite Madame Pele and Lono, God of Plenty.
MIRIAT> I call upon, Ra, Lord of the Sun. <>
.Randall> I call upon mighty Athena, lend us your wisdom. <>
.Gypsydove> I invite Aine...goddess of the fairies.
.Randall> [Anyone else....?]
.Solstice> I call upon my Lady to join with us today, and bless
  us with her gifts of fertility and creation. With the birth
  and renewal of not only flesh, but of spirit, and of mind. <>
.Randall> Today we celebrate the awakening of Mother Earth from her
.Randall> winter slumbers. With the return of the Maiden from the
.Randall> underworld, life returns throughout the lands.
.Randall> The nights were long, the trees had shed,
.Randall> The days were short, and life had fled.
.Randall> The winds were cold, the land seemed dead,
.Randall> But the Sun now returns from Southern Lands
.Randall> Plants spring up on every hand,
.Randall> "Let life return!" is the Maiden's command.
.Randall> The Sun grows stronger every day.
.Randall> The world goes lush and life holds sway.
.Randall> The Day will conquer the Night.
.Randall> If you have a candle, light it now.  See the light of the
.Randall> returning Sun in the flame of your candle. Feel the warmth
.Randall> of the reborn world flow into your body and spirit.
.Randall> Type <> when you are ready to continue.
.Ann> <>
.Ariela> <>
.emma> <>
.Caroline> <>
.Solstice> <>
.Cheryl> <>
.Sieglinde> <>
.Ruby> <>
.Gypsydove> <>
.Randall> <>
.WoodlanSpirit> <>
.Randall> Join with me as we celebrate Spring.
.Randall> (Just type the words I do)
.Randall> We call forth the Gentle Rains!
.Ann> We call forth the Gentle Rains!
MIRIAT> We call forth the Gentle Rains!
.Ruby> we call forth the Gentle Rains
.Sieglinde> We call forth the Gentle Rains!
.Cheryl> We call forth the Gentle Rains!
.Solstice> We call forth the Gentle Rains!
.WoodlanSpirit> We call forth the gentle rains!
.Amy> We call forth the Gentle Rains!
.Ariela> we call forth the gentle rains
.Caroline> We call forth the gentle rains!
YANNELL> we call forth the Gentle Rains1
.Gypsydove> We call forth the Gentle Rains.
.Randall> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
.Ann> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
.Ariela> We call forth the fertile Earth!
MIRIAT> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
.emma> we call forth the fertile earth
.WoodlanSpirit> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
.Solstice> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
.Amy> We call forth the Ferile Earth!
.Sieglinde> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
.Cheryl> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
.Ruby> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
YANNELL> We call forth THe Fertile Earth!!
.Caroline> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
.Gypsydove> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
.Randall> We call forth the Warm Sun!
.Solstice> We call forth the Warm Sun
.Ann> We call forth the Warm Sun!
MIRIAT> We call forth the Warm Sun!
.emma> we call forth the warm sun!
.Caroline> We call forththe  warm Sun!
.Amy> We call forth the Warm Sun!
.Ruby> We call forth the Warm Sun !
.WoodlanSpirit> We call forth the Warm Sun!
.Sieglinde> We call forth the Warm Sun!
YANNELL> We call forth the warm Sun!!
.Cheryl> We call forth the Warm Sun!
.Randall> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
.Ariela> We call forth the Warm Sun!
.Gypsydove> We call forth the Warm Sun!
MIRIAT> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
.Caroline> We call forth the soft breezes!
.emma> We call forth the soft breezes
.Amy> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
.Sieglinde> We call forth the Soft Breezws!
.Ruby> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
.Solstice> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
.Ann> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
YANNELL> We cAll forth the Soft Breezes!!!
.Cheryl> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
.Ariela> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
.Randall> Come forth, Maiden of the Forest!
.Gypsydove> We call forth the Soft Breezes.
.WoodlanSpirit> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
MIRIAT> Come forth, Maiden of the Forest!
.Ann> Come forth, Maiden of the Forest!
.emma> Come forth, Maiden of the forest!
.Sieglinde> Come forth, Maiden of the Forest!
.Cheryl> Come forth, Maiden of the Forest!
.Ruby> Come forth, Maiden of the Forest!
.WoodlanSpirit> Come forth, Maiden of the Forest!
YANNELL> Come Forth, Maiden of the Forest!!
.Solstice> Come forth, Maiden of the Forest!
.Amy> Come forth, Maiden of the Forest!
.Gypsydove> Come forth, Maiden of the Forest!
.Ariela> Come forth, Maiden of the Forest!
.Caroline> Come forth Maiden of the Forest!
.Randall> O Lord!  O Lady!
MIRIAT> O Lord!  O Lady!
.Ann> O Lord!  O Lady!
.emma> O lady! O lady!
.Ruby> O Lord! O Lady!
.Solstice> O Lord! O Lady!
YANNELL> O Lord!! O lady
.Caroline> O Lord! O Lady!
.Sieglinde> O Lord! O Lady!
.Amy> O Lord! O Lady!
.Cheryl> O Lord!  O Lady!
.Ariela> O Lord!  O Lady!
.WoodlanSpirit> O Lord!  O Lady!
.Gypsydove> O Lord !   O Lady !
.Randall> For this renewal of life and light, we thank you.
.Ann> For this renewal of life and light, we thank you.  :)
.WoodlanSpirit> For this renewal of life and light, we thank you.
.Sieglinde> For this renwal of life and light, we think you.
.Gypsydove> For this renewal of life and light, we thank you.
MIRIAT> For this renewal of life and light, we thank you.
.Cheryl> For this renewal of life and light, we thank you.
.Caroline> for this renewal of life and light , we thank you.
.Ruby> For this renewal of life and light, we thank you
.emma> For this renewal of life and light we thank you
.Ariela> For this renewal of life and light, we thank you!
.Amy> For this renewal of life & light,we thank you!
.Solstice> For this renewal of life and light, we thank you.
YANNELL> For this renewal of life and light we thank you.
.Randall> [We are about to create the Waters of Life.  During this part
.Randall> of the ritual hold your open power hand (probably the one you
.Randall> write with), palm down, over your glass of water. As I speak
.Randall> and type the words that follow this description, imagine the
.Randall> warmth and power of the reborn Earth coming from the ground
.Randall> beneath your feet and flowing throughout your body to radiate
.Randall> from the palm of your open hand into your glass of water.
.Randall> See the brilliant light charging the water with Earth energy.
.Randall> If you have a specific need (e.g. health, knowledge, etc.)
.Randall> you will have a chance to ask the Gods for their aid (either
.Randall> publicly or privately as you choose) during this ritual.
.Randall> Please type <> when you are ready to begin.]
.Ann> <>
.Sieglinde> <>
.emma> <>
.Ruby> <>
.Cheryl> <>
.Gypsydove> <>
.Ariela> <>
.WoodlanSpirit> <>
.Solstice> <>
.Amy> <>
.Caroline> <>
.Randall> O Might Ones, all ye Gods and Goddesses around us and within
.Randall> us, we have called upon you and you have heard us.  We have
.Randall> offered of ourselves and you have accepted.  Each of us has
.Randall> needs for guidance and for aid, without which we cannot
.Randall> fulfill your ways.  Hear now your children and help us to
.Randall> help ourselves as you will.
.Randall> If you have a request or need, please state it now, either
.Randall> publicly by typing it or silently as you prefer.  Type <>
.Randall> when you have done so and are ready to continue.
.Sieglinde> Revival of spirit in  my life.
.Sieglinde> <>
.Ann> <>
.Cheryl> <>
.Ariela> <>
.Caroline> <>
.emma> <>
.Ruby> for my friend ardees health
.Solstice> <>
.WoodlanSpirit> <>
.Ruby> <>
.Gypsydove> <>
.Randall> <>
.Randall> O Earth Mother,
.Randall> We thank thee that seed springeth,
.Randall> that flower openeth,
.Randall> that grass waveth.
.Randall> We thank thee for winds that whisper
.Randall> through the graceful elm,
.Randall> through the shapely maple,
.Randall> through the lively pine,
.Randall> through the shining birch,
.Randall> through the mighty oak.
.Randall> We thank thee for all things
.Randall> O Earth Mother,
.Randall> who giveth life.
.Randall> [To charge your water, Please type the following
.Randall> six lines as I do.]
.Randall> Lord and Lady,
.Ann> Lord and Lady,
.Sieglinde> Lord and Lady,
MIRIAT> Lord and Lady,
.Caroline> Lord and Lady,
.Solstice> Lord and Lady,
.Ruby> Lord and Lady
.emma> Lord and Lady,
.Cheryl> Lord and Lady,
.Ariela> lord and lady
.Gypsydove> Lord and Lady,
.WoodlanSpirit> Lord and Lady
YANNELL> Lord and lady
.Randall> hallow these waters by thy sevenfold powers,
.Ann> hallow these waters by thy sevenfold powers,
YANNELL> hallow these waters by the sevenfold powers
.Sieglinde> hallow these waters by thy sevenfold powers,
.emma> Hallow these waters by thy sevenfold powers,
.Solstice> hallow these waters by thy sevenfold powers,
.Ariela> hallow these waters by thy sevenfold powers,
MIRIAT> hallow these waters by thy sevenfold powers,
.Cheryl> hallow these waters by thy sevenfold powers,
.Caroline> hallow these waters by seven fold powers,
.Gypsydove> Hallow these waters by thy sevenfold powers,
.WoodlanSpirit> Hallow thse waters by thy sevenfold powers
.Ruby> hallow these watersby thy sevenfold powers,
.Randall> and by the three ways of day
.WoodlanSpirit> and by the three ways of day
MIRIAT> and by the three ways of day
.Ann> and by the three ways of day
YANNELL> and by the three ways of day
.Ruby> and by the three ways of day
.Cheryl> and by the three ways of day
.Ariela> and by the three ways of day
.Caroline> and by the three ways of day,
.Solstice> and by the three ways of day
.Sieglinde> and by the three ways of day
.emma> and by the three ways of day
.Gypsydove> and by the three ways of day
.Randall> and one of night.
.Ann> and one of night.
MIRIAT> and one of night.
.Sieglinde> and one of night.
.Ruby> and one of night
.Caroline> and one of night.
.WoodlanSpirit> and one of night
.Cheryl> and one of night.
.Solstice> and one of night.
.emma> and one of night.
.Ariela> and one of night
.Gypsydove> and one of night
YANNELL> and one of night
.Randall> Let Earth power flow through us and into
.Ann> Let Earth power flow through us and into
.emma> Let earth power flow through us and into
.Sieglinde> Let Earth power flow through us and into
MIRIAT> Let Earth power flow through us and into
.Cheryl> Let Earth power flow through us and into
.Caroline> Let Earth power flow through us and into
.Ruby> Let Earth power flow through us and into
YANNELL> Let Earth power flow through us and into
.Ariela> Let Earth power flow through us and into
.Solstice> Let Earth power flow through us and into
.Gypsydove> Let Earth power flow through us ans into
.Randall> the Waters of Life.
MIRIAT> the Waters of Life.
.Sieglinde> the Waters of Life.
.Ann> the Waters of Life.
.emma> the Waters of Life.
.Caroline> the Waters of life.
.Cheryl> the Waters of Life.
YANNELL> the Waters of Life.
.Ruby> the Waters of Life
.Solstice> the Waters of Life.
.Gypsydove> the Waters of Life.
.Ariela> the Waters of Life
.WoodlanSpirit> the Waters of Life.
.Randall> Feel the power finish flowing through you.  When it
.Randall> has and you are ready to continue, type <>.
.Ann> <>
.Ariela> <>
.Sieglinde> <>
.WoodlanSpirit> <>
.Cheryl> <>
.Solstice> <>
.Gypsydove> <>
.Caroline> <>
.emma> <>
.Ruby> <>
.Randall> <>
.Randall> Take a small sip of the Waters of Life.  Feel the energies
.Randall> that have been hidden deep in the Earth during the cold,
.Randall> dark winter flow into your body with that sip, feel that
.Randall> which you most need flow into you.
.Randall> Take another sip and feel the love of the
.Randall> Gods empower you.
.Randall> Take a third small sip and feel the light of
.Randall> truth and knowledge shining within you.
.Randall> Type <> when you are ready to continue.
.emma> <>
.Sieglinde> <>
.Ariela> <>
.Ann> <>
.Ruby> <>
.Cheryl> <>
.WoodlanSpirit> <>
.Gypsydove> <>
.Solstice> <>
.Caroline> <>
.Randall> Now, with a small portion of your Waters of Life, water the
.Randall> plant beside you.  See the Earth energies concentrated in
.Randall> the waters enter into the plant and begin its own
.Randall> transformation to Spring.  Say (don't type) the following
.Randall> as you do this:
.Randall>    To thee we return this portion of thy bounty,
.Randall>    may Spring burst forth around us.
.Randall> Type <> when you are ready to continue.
.Sieglinde> <>
.emma> <>
.Ann> <>
.Gypsydove> <>
.Ruby> <>
.Ariela> <>
.Solstice> <>
.Cheryl> <>
.Caroline> <>
.WoodlanSpirit> <>
.Randall> <>
.Randall> When this ritual is finished, take the rest of your Waters
.Randall> of Life outside and pour the waters back into the Earth,
.Randall> repeating the above phase as you do. If you wish, you may
.Randall> pour the Waters a little bit at a time near your favorite
.Randall> plants. If you are in an area where drought is expected
.Randall> this year, you can fling the Waters from your fingertips
.Randall> to encourage rain instead of pouring.
.Randall> Now we come to the pasrt of the ritual Ghost would love
.Randall> if she were here.
.Randall> Hold your food before you in front of the monitor screen.
.Randall> We do ask, O Earth Maiden,
.Randall> That your blessings may surround us.
.Randall> We thank you for the plentiful food,
.Randall> The bounty of the Earth, Sky and Sea.
.Randall> Cast Your blessing upon this bounty,
.Randall> So we will be strengthened in Your love
.Randall> And enter the new season with joy.
.Randall> ::sketching the druid symbol in blue fire::
.Randall> Sample your food and refresh your energies before we close
.Randall> the circle. When you are ready to continue, type <>
.Sieglinde> <>
.Solstice> <>
.Ruby> <>
.Ariela> <>
.Cheryl> <>
.Ann> <>
.WoodlanSpirit> <>
.Caroline> <>
.Gypsydove> <>
.Randall> <>
.emma> <>
.Randall> Miria, please thank and dismiss East (Type <> when done)
MIRIAT> Living Spirit of the East
MIRIAT> We thank you for joining in our circle
MIRIAT> May there always be peace between us
MIRIAT> Go if you must, stay if you will
MIRIAT> Farewell and Blessed be. <>
.Randall> Ann, please thank and dismiss South (Type <> when done)
.Ann> Guardians of the South, Lords of Fire, we thank you for your
  presence and blessing.  :)  Stay if you will, go if you must,
  and be welcome always.  <>
.Randall> Solstice, please thank and dismiss West (Type <> when done)
.Solstice> Spirits of the West, we invite you to stay on with us,
  as your presence is welcome, but if you must depart, go with
  our thanks. <>
.Randall> Sieglinde, please thank and dismiss North (Type <> when done)
.Sieglinde> Powers of the North, thankyou for being with us here
  today.  Thank you for your bounty.
.Sieglinde> Go if you must, stay if you will Blessed BE.
.Sieglinde> <>
.Randall> If you called another deity here, please thank and
.Randall> bid them farewell now. (Type <> when finished)
.Ann> Thank you for coming, my Prince.  Stick around if you want,
  or go back to work if you gotta.  <>
.Sieglinde> Thank you Lady Spring, Ostara for yoiur presence at
  this rite.  Stay if you will Go if you must.  Blessed Be.
.Sieglinde> <>
.Caroline> <>
.Randall> Athena, we thank thee for thy wisdom.  Go if you must,
  stay if you will. <>
MIRIAT> Thank you Ra, Lord of the Sun, Shining One, for your
  presence here today.  Go if you must, stay if you will,
  farewell and Blessed Be.
.Gypsydove> Aine....Goddess of the fairies....thankyou for being
  here with us. Stay if you will Go if you must.  Soft Winds and
  Blessed Be.
.Solstice> My Lady, I give you my thanks for joining with us this
  day. I thank you for the blessings that you have so generously
  bestowed onto those present. I bid you farewell, if part you
  must, but stay and be with us further, if it should please you.
.Solstice> <>
YANNELL> Thank you Pele, thank you Lono for your presence and
  Blessing. Go if you must, stay if you will. Blessed Be!
.Randall> Lord and Lady, Honored Guests gathered here with us....
.Randall> We are grateful for the support and wisdom you have
.Randall> shared with us as life renews this Spring.  Go if you
.Randall> must, but know that you are always welcome to remain.
.Randall> This Circle is now ended.
.Randall> But what we have shared here will never end... only grow.
.Randall> Go in peace and fellowship.
.Randall> Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet Again!

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