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The following sample rituals have been collected from many sources (inculding old Pagan BBS files and submissions from our members and friends). Wiccan-Based RitualsWhile the following rituals do not all come from Wicca (some, for example, are labeled generic "Pagan"), they are all strongly influenced by Wicca beliefs and practices. Death/Funeral Rituals Deathbed Ritual Handfasting Rituals Handfasting/Wedding Ceremony I Wiccaning Rituals Wiccaning/Naming Ceremony I Seasonal Sabbat Rituals Samhain Ritual Hellenic RitualsFor the most part, these rituals are reconstrustionist -- that is, they are attempts to recreate in a modern context what ancient worshippers are thought to have done. Daily Devotions More rituals to be added soon. |