[This is the online of a very traditional Wiccan Samhain ritual from the late 1960s or early 1970s.] Preparation:
All Coveners are properly prepared. All are purified by the scourge. High Priestess erects the Circle. The High Priest says: High Priest: O Gods, beloved of us all, Facing north with arms upraised, coveners hand-linked in a semicircle behind him, the High Priest invokes the Horned One. High Priestess bearing a priapus wand then leads the Coven in a meeting dance, slowly, to the Witches' Rune. High Priest gives each an unlit candle and brings up the rear of the dance. The candles are each lit from the balefire before the outward spiral. When it is done the High Priestess assumes the Goddess position saying: High Priestess: Dread Lord of the Shadows, God of Life and High Priestess goes to the High Priest and, with wand, draws the five-point star upon his breast and upon the crown of the Horned God. High Priest kneels and High Priestess places the crown upon his head. Fresh incense is cast into the thurible. High Priestess strikes the bell and High Priest says: High Priest: Hear ye my witches, High Priestess strikes bell. Witches walk slowly around the Circle. High Priestess fills chalice with wine and hands it to High Priest who drinks and then says: High Priest: In humility, as the Horned One asks, High Priest takes chalice to first witch, giving it with his right hand whilst taking the taper with his left (kiss), then extinguishing the taper before accepting back the chalice. Repeat with each witch present. High Priest then says: High Priest: Listen, my witches, to the words of the Horned Coveners partake of cakes and wine. Dances and games follow closing of Circle. Great Rite if at all possible by High Priestess and High Priest if no other. Merry meet, merry part. Notes There are plenty of published Samhain rituals, containing at least some of these elements. This is from What Witches Do by Stewart Farrar, fleshed out from Lady Sheba's Book of Shadows, as usual. For more information on Samhain (Halloween), |
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