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Home > Holidays > 1999 Beltane Search

1999 Beltane Ritual Log

This is the log of our online Beltane ritual of May 9, 1999. This log has been edited to remove extraneous comments.

.Randall> I want to welcome everyone to The Cauldron's Beltane Ritual.
.Randall> For the sake of any who may have never attended one of our
.Randall> online rituals, I will mention a few things:
.Randall> This is not a particularly Wiccan Ritual, although like most
.Randall> modern Pagan rituals, there are many common elements.  This
.Randall> ritual has many elements taken from my "Eclectic Druid"
.Randall> tradition which borrows from "Reformed Druid" material (among
.Randall> others).
.Randall> We will be grounding and centering, casting a circle, calling
.Randall> the quarters, and deities, celebrating Beltane and charging
.Randall> the Waters of Life.
.Randall> If you don't have something I call for, then imagine yourself
.Randall> having the item and doing the action called for. Any questions
.Randall> before we start?
.Ginny> No, just tell me what to do, I'm a newbie
JADEGRAY> Newbie here too
.Ann> None here.  :)
.teleri> moi aussi
.Randall> No problem, instructions come with the ritual. :)
.Randall> Okay then.  We shall start.
.Randall> I want all of you to relax.... leaving your fingers lightly
.Randall> on the keyboard.
.Randall> Take a deep breath... Hold it... Let it out slowly....
.Randall> Do it again, taking in a calm, peaceful feeling.... letting
.Randall> out the cares and distractions of mundane life.
.Randall> Another breath and you feel the everyday world drawing
.Randall> away...
.Randall> Another breath and you smell the new growth bursting through
.Randall> the fertile soil of fields...
.Randall> Continue to breath and relax... until you feel yourself
.Randall> enter that place that exists between the worlds, not in this
.Randall> world and not in the next.
.Randall> This is the Place between Worlds....
.Randall> You are very welcome here.
.Randall> Type <> when you are grounded and centered, and ready to go
.Randall> on.
.Sieglinde> <>
.Ann> <>
.Ginny> <>
.Sperran> <>
.teleri> <>
.Randall> I draw this circle to contain and protect out ritual.  From
.Randall> Keyboard to Keyboard, I connect us.  We come here in
.Randall> friendship and desire to reach beyond ourselves and touch
.Randall> the Gods.  By our will, the circle is now cast.
.Randall> Teleri, please call the spirits of the East
.teleri> by her breath I call her
.teleri> <>
.Randall> Ann, south
.Ann> Lords of the South, Guardians of Fire, we ask that you join us 
  and lend your energies and protection to this Circle!  <>
.Randall> Jade, West please
JADEGRAY> Powers of the West, Spirits of Water, of the Ocean from 
  whence we all came
JADEGRAY> We invite you to our Beltaine rite, be with us now
.Randall> Sieglinde, North
.Sieglinde> Spirits of the North, guardians of the mountain fastness, 
  guardians of the earth, be here now.
.Sieglinde> <>
.Randall> This is the appointed place, now is the appointed time.
.Randall> We come to worship the Gods.
.Randall> The Gods are everywhere....
.Randall> but we worship Them here.
.Randall> The Gods are without form....
.Randall> but worship them in these forms.
.Randall> We offer them our prayers, sacrifices, and worship.
.Randall> Each of us in our own way.
.Randall> Mighty Lord of the Hunt, the Shining One, the spark of the
.Randall> Sun now quicking the fields, I call you forth.
.Randall> Young Sun King, Horned One, Stag Spirit wild and free
.Randall> Come dance and sing with the Maid of Spring.
.Randall> We come to celebrate thy joining with our Lady.
.Randall> We ask thee to attend our rite.
.Randall> I call upon the Lady of the Moon, of the Earth and of the
.Randall> mysterious waters from which life began and to which all
.Randall> must return.
.Randall> Lovely Maiden, Mother, Wise One be
.Randall> A flame within our hearts today
.Randall> That grows in energy as
.Randall> We come to celebrate thy joining with our Lord,
.Randall> we ask thee to attend our rite.
.Randall> If you wish to invite another into our circle, please do so.
.Randall> Type <> when you are finished.
.teleri> my children
.Ann> My Fire-winged Prince, join us if you will!  <>
.teleri> <>
.Randall> Wise Athena, lend us your wisdom, guard us with your spear. 
.Randall> <>
.Ginny> Bridget and Joan, please come
.Randall> The Lord has reached the end of his journey
.Ginny> <>
.Randall> through the cold and darkness,
.Randall> To find the Lady awaiting him with warm and comfort.
.Randall> This is a time for joy and a time for sharing.
.Randall> Now is the time that seeds should be spilled.
.Randall> Togetherness brings bliss and fills the Earth
.Randall> with abundance.
.Randall> If you have a candle, light it now.  See the blinding light
.Randall> of joy in the flame of your candle.  Feel the afterglow of our
.Randall> Lord and Lady's mating flow into your body and spirit and
.Randall> renew your life as it renews nature.
.Randall> Type <> When you are ready to continue.
.teleri> <>
.Ginny> <>
.Sieglinde> <>
.Sperran> <>
.Ann> <>
.Randall> [We are about to create the Waters of Life.  During part this
.Randall> ritual (I'll tell you when) hold your wand or athame in power
.Randall> hand (probably the one you write with) and insert the wand or
.Randall> athame into the liquid in your glass of fruit juice or water.
.Randall> As I speak and type the words that follow the instruction to
.Randall> do this, imagine the light and power of the Sun shining on the
.Randall> crown of your head and flowing throughout your body to radiate
.Randall> from your magickal tool into your glass of juice or water. See
.Randall> the brilliant light charging the water with bright solar
.Randall> energy, the seed of the Lord.  If you have a specific need
.Randall> (e.g. health, knowledge, etc.) you will have a chance to ask
.Randall> the Gods for their aid (either publicly or privately as you
.Randall> choose) during this ritual.  Please type <> when you are ready
.Randall> to begin.]
.Ann> <>
.teleri> <>
.Sperran> <>
.Sieglinde> <>
.Ginny> <>
.Randall> O Might Ones, all ye Gods and Goddesses around us and within
.Randall> us, we have called upon you and you have heard us.  We have
.Randall> offered of ourselves and you have accepted.  Each of us has
.Randall> needs for guidance and for aid, without which we cannot
.Randall> fulfill your ways.  Hear now your children and help us to
.Randall> help ourselves as you will.
.Randall> If you have a request or need, please state it now, either
.Randall> publicly by typing it or silently as you prefer.  Type <>
.Randall> when you have done so and are ready to continue.
.Sieglinde> <>
.Ann> <>
.teleri> <>
.Ginny> <>
.Sperran> I found out today that I lost a friend I met through an 
  internet project; I hope for her happiness in the next life. <>
.Randall> <>
.Randall> Please join with me in giving thanks to the Lady
.Randall> [Just type the words I do.]
.Randall> O Earth Mother,
.Ann> O Earth Mother,
.Sieglinde> O Earth Mother,
.Sperran> O Earth Mother,
JADEGRAY> O Earth Mother,
.Ginny> O Earth Mother,
.teleri> o earth mother
.Randall> We thank thee that seed springeth,
.Ann> We thank the that seed springeth,
JADEGRAY> We thank thee that seed springeth,
.Sieglinde> We thank thee that seed springeth,
.Ginny> We thank thee that seed springeth,
.Sperran> We thank thee that seed springeth,
.teleri> we thank thee that seed springeth
.Randall> that flower openeth,
.Sieglinde> that flower openeth,
.Ann> that flower openeth,
.Ginny> that flower openeth,
JADEGRAY> that flower openeth
.Sperran> that flower openeth,
.teleri> that flower openeth
.Randall> that grass waveth.
.Sieglinde> that grass waveth
.Ginny> that grass waveth.
.Sperran> that grass waveth.
.teleri> that grass waveth
.Ann> that grass waveth.
JADEGRAY> that grass waveth
.Randall> We thank thee for winds that whisper
.Ginny> We thank thee for winds that whisper
.Ann> We thank thee for winds that whisper
.teleri> we thank thee for winds that whisper
.Sperran> We thank thee for winds that whisper
JADEGRAY> We thank thee for winds that whisper
.Sieglinde> We thank thee for winds that whisper
.Randall> through the graceful elm,
.Sieglinde> through the graceful elm,
JADEGRAY> through the graceful elm,
.Ann> through the graceful elm,
.Sperran> through the graceful elm,
.Ginny> through the graceful elm,
.teleri> through the graceful elm,
.Randall> through the shapely maple,
.Sieglinde> through the shapely maple,
.Ginny> through the shapely maple,
.Ann> through the shapely maple,
.Sperran> through the shapely maple,
JADEGRAY> through the shapely maple,
.teleri> through the shapely maple
.Randall> through the lively pine,
.Sieglinde> through the lively pine,
.Ginny> through the lively pine,
JADEGRAY> through the lively pine,
.Ann> through the lively pine,
.Sperran> through the lively pine,
.teleri> through the lively pine,
.Randall> through the shining birch,
.Sieglinde> through the shining birch,
.Ann> through the shining birch,
.Sperran> through the shining birch,
.Ginny> through the shining birch,
JADEGRAY> through the shining birch,
.teleri> through the shining birch
.Randall> through the mighty oak.
.Ann> through the mighty oak.
.Ginny> through the mighty oak.
.Sieglinde> through the mighty oak.
.Sperran> through the mighty oak.
JADEGRAY> through the mighty oak,
.teleri> through the mighty oak.
.Randall> We thank thee for all things
.Sieglinde> We thank thee for all things
JADEGRAY> We thank thee for all things
.Ann> We thank thee for all things
.Ginny> We thank thee for all things
.Sperran> We thank thee for all things
.teleri> we thank thee for all things
.Randall> O Earth Mother,
JADEGRAY> O Earth Mother,
.Sieglinde> O Earth Mother,
.Ginny> O Earth Mother,
.Ann> O Earth Mother,
.Sperran> O Earth Mother,
.teleri> o earth mother
.Randall> who giveth life.
.Sieglinde> who giveth life.
JADEGRAY> who giveth life.
.Ginny> who giveth life
.Ann> who giveth life
.Sperran> who giveth life.
.teleri> who giveth life
.Randall> [Stop repeating what I type and insert your athame or wand
.Randall> into your glass of water. SAY (not type) the following
.Randall> words as I type them.]
.Randall> Lord and Lady,
.Randall> hallow these waters by thy sevenfold powers,
.Randall> and by the three ways of day
.Randall> and one of night.
.Randall> Let thy power flow through us and into
.Randall> the Waters of Life.
.Randall> [Type <> when you are ready to continue]
.Ann> <>
.Sieglinde> <>
.Sperran> <>
.Ginny> <>
.teleri> <>
.Randall> Feel the power finish flowing through you. When it has, you
.Randall> may set your wand or athame down. When you are ready to
.Randall> continue, type <>.
.Sieglinde> <>
.Ann> <>
.Ginny> <>
.Sperran> <>
.teleri> <>
.Randall> Take a small sip of the Waters of Life.  Feel the warmth of
.Randall> the Beltane Sun and the strength of the Earth flow into your
.Randall> body with that sip.  Take another and feel the love of the
.Randall> Gods empower you.  Take a third small sip and feel the light
.Randall> of truth and knowledge shining within you.
.Randall> Now drink all but a small portion of the Waters and feel
.Randall> that which your need most flow into you.  After the ritual
.Randall> is concluded, pour the remainder of the Waters onto the
.Randall> earth as a libation to the Gods.
.Randall> [Type <> when you are ready to continue]
.Sieglinde> <>
.Ginny> <>
.Sperran> <>
.Ann> <>
.teleri> <>
.Randall> Set your food before you and hold your power hand over it.
.Randall> We do ask, O Lord and Lady, Newly wed,
.Randall> That your blessings may surround us.
.Randall> We thank you for the plentiful food,
.Randall> The bounty of the Earth, Sky and Sea.
.Randall> Cast Your blessing upon this bounty,
.Randall> So we will be strengthened in Your love
.Randall> ::sketching the druid symbol in blue fire::
.Randall> Sample your food and refresh your energies before we close
.Randall> the circle. When you are ready to continue, type <>
.Sieglinde> <>
.Sperran> <>
.Ginny> <>
.teleri> <>
.Ann> <>
.Randall> If you called anyone special, please give them leave to 
.Randall> depart if they wish now.
.Ann> My Prince, thank you for your presence.  Stay if you will, leave 
  if you must.
.Randall> Mighty Athena, with thank you for your wisdom sublime and
  your guardian spear.  Go if you must, stay if you will. <>
.Ginny> Thank you Bridget and Joan, go if you must, stay if you will<>
.teleri> my children go as you came
.teleri> <>
.Randall> Lord and Lady, Honored Guests gathered here with us.... We
.Randall> are grateful for the support and wisdom you have shared with
.Randall> us at this time.  Go if you must, but know that you are 
.Randall> always welcome to remain.
.Randall> Teleri, if you will thank the Spirits of the East, please.
.teleri> spirits of the East, go if you must, stay if you will
.teleri> <>
.Randall> Ann, the south?
.Ann> Lords of the South, guardians of Flame, we thank you for your 
  presence. Go if you must, stay if you will. <>
.Randall> Jade, the West
JADEGRAY> Powers of the West, of feeling and emotion, thank you for 
  joining our rite today.
JADEGRAY> Go if you must, stay if you will.
.Randall> Sieglinde, North.
.Sieglinde> Spirits of the North, the earth, than you for your 
  presence here, Go if you must, stay if you will.
.Sieglinde> <>
.Randall> This Circle is now ended.
.Randall> But what we have shared here will never end... only grow.
.Randall> Go in peace and fellowship.
.Randall> Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet Again!
.Randall> And a special thanks to Teleri, Ann, Jade, and Sieglinde

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