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1998 Midsummer Ritual Log |
This is the log of our online Midsummer ritual of June 21, 1998. This log has been
edited to remove extraneous comments.
.Randall> I think we'll go ahead and start now. It's 10 after.
.Randall> I want to welcome everyone to the Grove's Midsummer Ritual.
.Randall> For the sake of any who may have never attended one of our online
.Randall> rituals, I will mention a few things:
.Randall> This is not a particularly Wiccan Ritual, although like most
.Randall> modern Pagan rituals, there are many common elements. This ritual
.Randall> has many elements taken from my "Eclectic Druid" ritual. We will
.Randall> be grounding and centering, casting a circle, calling the quarters
.Randall> and deities, celebrating the solstice and charging the Waters of
.Randall> If you don't have something I call for, then imagine yourself
.Randall> having the item and doing the action called for.
.Randall> Any questions or comments before the ritual starts?
.Ann> None here. :)
.D&P> none here
.Randall> I want all of you to relax.... leaving your fingers lightly on the
.Randall> keyboard.
.Randall> Take a deep breath... Hold it... Let it out slowly....
.Randall> Do it again, taking in a calm, peaceful feeling.... letting out the
.Randall> cares and distractions of mundane life.
.Randall> Another breath and you feel the everyday world drawing away...
.Randall> Another breath and you feel the warmth and glow of the summer sun...
.Randall> Continue to breath and relax... until you feel yourself enter that
.Randall> place that exists between the worlds, not in this world and not in
.Randall> the next.
.Randall> This is the Place between Worlds.... Be welcome here.
.Randall> Type <> when you are grounded and centered, and ready to go on.
.Ann> <>
.Starcharge> <>
.D&P> <>
.Randall> I draw this circle to contain and protect out ritual. From Keyboard
.Randall> to Keyboard, I connect us. We come here in friendship and desire to
.Randall> reach beyond ourselves. By our will, the circle is now cast.
.Randall> Spirits of the East, South, West, and North,
.Randall> Slyphs of Air, Salamanders of Fire, Undines of Water, and Gnomes of
.Randall> Earth,
.Randall> I ask you to be present to witness and aid our rite.
.Randall> This is the appointed place, now is the appointed time.
.Randall> We come to worship the Gods.
.Randall> The Gods are everywhere.... but we worship Them here.
.Randall> The Gods are without form.... but worship them in these forms.
.Randall> We offer them our prayers, sacrifices, and worship.
.Randall> Each of us in our own way.
.Randall> I call upon the Lady, the Earth Mother, the spirit of all that lives
.Randall> upon the Earth, swims beneath the waters, and flies through the air.
.Randall> With joy in our hearts and a song on our lips,
.Randall> We ask thee to attend our rite.
.Randall> I call upon the Lord, the Shining One, the spirit of truth and light,
.Randall> the spark of the sun, and the flame within the heart of the sun.
.Randall> On this longest day of the year,
.Randall> We ask thee to attend our rite.
.Randall> If you wish to invite another into our circle, please do so.
.Randall> Type <> when you are finished.
.Ann> My Prince, join us and be welcome! :) <>
.Starcharge> <>
.D&P> We invite Pele, Lono, Dianna, Isis and Herne <>
.Nepthele> <>
.Randall> Athena, Freya, Frigga, and other who watch over me, be welcome here.
.Randall> Join with me as welcome the Summer Sun. (Just type the words I do)
.Randall> Hail the Sun of Summer!
.Ann> Hail the Sun of Summer!
.Starcharge> Hail the Sun of Summer!
.D&P> Hail the Sun of Summer!
** .Crone just joined "Midsummer Ritual" (6 members now) **
.Randall> Golden One, Brightest, Warmth of the Green Earth
.D&P> Golden One, Brightest, Warmth of the Green Earth
.Starcharge> Golden One, Brightest, Warmth of the Green Earth
.Ann> Golden One, Brightest, Warmth of the Green Earth
.Randall> Hail the Sun of Summer!
.D&P> Hail the Sun of Summer!
.Starcharge> Hail the Sun of Summer!
.Ann> Hail the Sun of Summer!
.Randall> Crown of Striving, Gem of the Heavens, First among Daylights
** SILVERLILITH just joined "Midsummer Ritual" (7 members now) **
.D&P> Crown of Striving, Gem of the Heavens, First among Daylights
.Ann> Crown of Striving, Gem of the Heavens, First among Daylights
.Starcharge> Crown of Striving, Gem of the Heavens, First among Daylights
SILVERLILITH> - signed off -
.Randall> Hail the Sun of Summer!
.D&P> Hail the Sun of Summer!
.Starcharge> Hail the Sun of Summer!
.Ann> Hail the Sun of Summer!
.Randall> Eye of Burning, Fire of Noontide, Heat of the Forge
.D&P> Eye of Burning, Fire of Noontide, Heat of the Forge
.Starcharge> Eye of Burning, Fire of Noontide, Heat of the Forge
.Ann> Eye of Burning, Fire of Noontide, Heat of the Forge
.Randall> Hail the Sun of Summer!
.Starcharge> Hail the Sun of Summer!
.Ann> Hail the Sun of Summer!
.D&P> Hail the Sun of Summer!
.Randall> If you have a candle, light it now. See the light of Sun in the
.Randall> flame of your candle. Feel the light of the Summer Sun flow into
.Randall> your body and spirit, giving you the energy to face the darkening
.Randall> half of the year before us with a light heart.
.Randall> Type <> when you are ready to continue.
.D&P> <>
.Ann> <>
.Starcharge> <>
.Randall> [Long explanation, please wait for the entire paragraph ;)]
.Randall> We are about to create the Waters of Life. Hold your open power hand
.Randall> (probably the one you write with), palm down, over your glass of
.Randall> fruit juice or water. As I speak and type the words that follow this
.Randall> description, imagine the light and power of the Sun shining on the
.Randall> crown of your head and flowing throughout your body to radiate from
.Randall> the palm of your open hand into your glass of juice or water. See
.Randall> the brilliant light charging the water with bright solar energy, the
.Randall> bounty of the Summer to come. If you have a specific need (e.g.
.Randall> health, knowledge, etc.) you may ask the Gods for their aid as you do
.Randall> this. Please type <> when you are ready to begin.
** CSTLOUIS just joined "Midsummer Ritual" (7 members now) **
.Crone> - signed off -
.Ann> <>
.D&P> <>
.Starcharge> <>
.Randall> [If you have questions about this part of the ritual, now is a good
time to ask.
.Randall> Very well. We begin.
.Randall> O Earth Mother,
.Randall> We thank thee that seed springeth,
.Randall> that flower openeth,
.Randall> that grass waveth.
.Randall> We thank thee for winds that whisper
.Randall> through the graceful elm,
.Randall> through the shapely maple,
.Randall> through the lively pine,
.Randall> through the shining birch,
.Randall> through the mighty oak.
.Randall> We thank thee for all things
.Randall> O Earth Mother,
.Randall> who giveth life.
.Randall> Lord and Lady,
.Randall> hallow these waters by they sevenfold powers,
.Randall> and by the three ways of day
.Randall> and one of night.
.Randall> Let thy power flow through us and into
.Randall> the Waters of Life.
.Randall> Feel the power finish flowing through you. When it has and you are
.Randall> ready to continue, type <>.
** JACKNEILSON just joined "Midsummer Ritual" (7 members now) **
.D&P> <>
.Ann> <> Whoof!
.Starcharge> <>
.Randall> :)
JACKNEILSON> - signed off -
.Randall> Take a small sip of the Waters of Life. Feel the warmth of the
.Randall> Summer Sun flow into your body with that sip. Take another and feel
.Randall> the love of the Gods empower you. Take a third small sip and feel
.Randall> the light of truth and knowledge shining within you.
.Randall> When you are ready to continue, type <>
.D&P> <>
.Ann> <>
.Plato> <>
.Starcharge> <>
.Randall> Now drink all but a small portion of the Waters and feel that which
.Randall> your need most flow into you. After the ritual is concluded, pour
.Randall> the remainder of the Waters onto the earth as a libation to the Gods.
.Randall> When you are ready to continue, type <>
.Ann> <>
.Starcharge> <>
.D&P> <>
.Plato> <>
.Randall> If anyone has any comments or words they'd like to add before we close
the circle, now is the time. ;)
.D&P> Be one with the Universe... be one with Mother Earth.... be one with Self!
.Randall> Thanks, Dianne! Anyone Else?
.Ann> [Not here. :)]
.Plato> no
.Starcharge> :)
.Randall> Okay, In that case, we'll close things down.
.Randall> Spirits of the East, South, West, and North,
.Randall> Slyphs of Air, Salamanders of Fire, Undines of Water, and Gnomes of
.Randall> Earth,
.Randall> We thank you for your presence and your aid at our ritual.
.Randall> Go if you must, stay if you will.
.Randall> Lord and Lady, Honored Guests gathered here with us.... We are
.Randall> grateful for the support and wisdom You have shared with us at this
.Randall> time. Go if you must, but know that You are always welcome to
.Randall> remain.
.Randall> This Circle is now ended.
.Randall> But what we have shared here will never end... only grow.
.Randall> Go in peace and fellowship.
.Randall> Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet Again!
.Ann> Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet Again!
.D&P> Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet Again!
.D&P> Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet Again!
.Starcharge> Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet Again!
.Plato> Marry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet Again!
.Randall> Thank you all for attending and participating!
.Nepthele> MM,MP,MMA!