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Cauldron News Old: July 2004

Hommage Frequency?
Posted Friday, July 30, 2004 by Randall

I am curious about how often and for how long we pay hommage to our dieties. Paying hommage is whatever you do, whether that be praying, meditiating, doing a spell, chatting, etc.

How often do you pay hommage to your dieties? For how long?

Psychic Abilities: Physical or Spiritual?
Posted Friday, July 30, 2004 by Randall

Do you believe study of Psychic abilities is spiritual or just a physical trait most of us have been unable to tap into -- by not using a large portion of our brain...?

I know we could make it spiritual if so desired. My thinking is that it's a physical trait -- though I have no basis for it other than my thoughts of it relating to the human mind or psyche.

Music and Magick
Posted Wednesday, July 28, 2004 by Randall

Do you think people can work magick through music, or the use of music? Music seems to bring out a lot of emotions and responses in people, it can make them laugh, cry, or spur people to action.

So, do you think people can use music in a magickal way? Have you ever encountered someone who did it, or a site on this online?

Do You Believe a God Created You?
Posted Wednesday, July 28, 2004 by Randall

I just started reading a book to learn about Wicca. I learned about the core belief that the God and Goddess are our "creators". I personally feel strongly that I was created by the forces of nature, not by another being.

I was just really curious about what everyone's different beliefs were. Do most Pagans believe in Gods as creators or is that more specific to Wicca? Does anyone believe the Gods might just be other creatures that sprung up from nature the same way we did?

The Most Important Thing
Posted Tuesday, July 27, 2004 by Randall

I've heard it said a couple of times lately that people feel their patron deity, or their relationship with their patron deity, is the most important thing in their lives. How do you feel about this? Is it something you would agree is true for you? Do you feel it should be true, regardless of whether or not it is?

All This Stuff?
Posted Tuesday, July 27, 2004 by Randall

So... We have our altars and our tools and our candles and our representations of Gods. Or, at least, many of us do, and I've seen several others talk about trying to put something together as well. We have our Stuff.


What I mean is, is your Stuff there (or potentially there in the future) because your God(s) want it there, because it helps you, because you just like it...? How necessary do you believe it is to have Stuff in a religious context? And if you need Stuff, does it have to be exactly the right Stuff, or is whatever is handy and seems appropriate OK?

Santa, The Easter Bunny, and God
Posted Monday, July 26, 2004 by Randall

I was talking with my friend and she and I were talking about why I stopped going to church...

I told her that it was because one particular day after Sunday School, the pastor said (and keep in mind that there were a lot of kids present) that there wasn't any such people as the Easter Bunny or Santa but that only God was real, and that it was all the parents who were doing this.

I was 10 or so at the time and while I knew the truth, there were a lot of young kids between 3-5 who started to cry and I could hear kids asking mom and dad if that was true. But there wasn't a lot of response from the parents because they couldn't really say "oh no, the pastor is wrong" because that would mean (at least in the kids' minds) that *God* was wrong. Because the pastor is supposed to say what God really means.

As a parent, how do you respond to something like this? To your children, and what would you say to the person who said this? How would you get your kids to believe again? Would you try and get your kids to believe again?

My other question is this: How did you find our that they weren't real?

Unexpected Changes Due to Religion?
Posted Friday, July 23, 2004 by Randall

What has been the most unexpected change in your life that was directly a result of your religion? Was it a life-altering change or a more subtle change? How did the change come about?

For example, I am a Hellenic reconstructionist. Because of this, I do a lot of study on ancient Greece in my spare time (I work full-time as an editor). But my study has sparked a desire to learn more in a formal environment, so I have gone back to school in the subject. This may lead me into a career in classical archaeology or religion--something I never thought of just a few years ago.

What new avenues has your religion opened up to you? It doesn't have to be a physical change, it could be a change inside you. Do you think these changes would have come about if you didn't follow your particular religion?

Tiny Altar Research
Posted Friday, July 23, 2004 by Randall

I'm planning to write up and illustrate an article on making tiny altars, and I'm wondering what things you think simply must be on the altar for you to work.

While the article will be about tiny altars, what is on your full-sized, permanent altar would be ideal information, as that's what I want to replicate in miniature.

Review: Paganism: A Beginner's Guide
Posted Thursday, July 22, 2004 by Randall

Paganism: A Beginner's Guide is part of a series published by Hodder and Stoughton on their Headway educational imprint. Others in the series include Chakras: A Beginner's Guide, I Ching: A Beginner's Guide, Qabalah: A Beginner's Guide, and Tarot: A Beginner's Guide. This book is intended as a very basic guide for Paganism to spark the interest of those considering alternative paths.

Review: The Rebirth of Witchcraft
Posted Thursday, July 22, 2004 by Randall

The Rebirth Of Witchcraft is a fascinating history of Wicca as seen through the eyes of Doreen Valiente. Ms. Valiente presents a view of the early days of Wicca as only one who was there could give. The book is not a how-to, primer, or a beginner's guide to Wicca. Rather it is an examination of the personalities involved in creating Wicca as well as its historical and cultural context by someone who was actually there.

Changing Fairy Tales With Witches
Posted Wednesday, July 21, 2004 by Randall

Do those of you who are witches and who tell fairy tales to children alter them if they contain witches who are not placed in a good light?

For instance, Hansel and Gretel's witch was into eating children. Bar using this as a very scary disciplinary method, do you stick with Grimm tellings or do you tend to alter them to politically correct them?

Finding Your Deities
Posted Wednesday, July 21, 2004 by Randall

How do you find your deities?

I have been doing a lot of research into Scottish history, since that is my interest and ancestory, but keep running into Celtic, which I know consists of a few sub-beliefs (Scottish, Irish, Norse,
etc.), and that they all have their own deities. Then I started to think that maybe I should stop searching, concentrate more on meditation, and perhaps they will find me.

Is this a good way to find them? Do you worship or pay homage to just one female and one male
deity? I'd appreciate any help.

Mixing Festivals?
Posted Tuesday, July 20, 2004 by Randall

I am set to organize a festival/celebration/ritual on August 6th for my (very eclectic) group. We're doing a late Lammas (due to a key member being away), but the thing is, that particular day is also the beginning of the Festival of Djehuty (Thoth), my main deity.

So what I have to do is clear: I shall organize a dual Lammas and Festival of Djehuty. The thing is, I only have a vague idea of how I'm going to go through with this, and I would love suggestions. Djehuty, of course, will be invited to the Lammas ritual, but what else? A
procession of bread and ibises? Writing sacred texts about Lugh with quills made of wheat? I'm open to anything. Keep it mind that it won't be ultra formal by any means.

Using Deity Names
Posted Tuesday, July 20, 2004 by Randall

Several times recently I haveve noticed people mentioning that they don't like to use their patron/matron deity's name in casual conversation, mostly out of respect for said deity. How do y'all feel about this? Do you do it? If so, why?

Where Are the New Gods?
Posted Sunday, July 18, 2004 by Randall

Do you think Gods and Goddesses come and go or are they eternal? Can new Gods and Goddesses come into being and if so, how do we recognize them? And if we do, how could we convey the existence of these new Gods and Goddesses without appearing like a total wacko?

It seems like we haven't had any new deities show up for a few thousand years and it seems like it's time. Our culture is unique now and I think it's rather odd to worship, say, a deer god if you've never left the city.

Just points to ponder... but what if???

Recons: Adapting to a Modern World
Posted Sunday, July 18, 2004 by Randall

I know that when reconstructing ancient religions, there are certain issues that come up. The world we live in now is incredibly different from the world the ancients knew, and that's bound to cause problems when trying to recreate what they did. So, recons -- what are some issues you (or your religion) have run into? How have you resolved those problems?

Warding An Underconstruction House
Posted Saturday, July 17, 2004 by Randall

I have recently inherited 2 acres and would like to build a natural house on the property. (Possibly straw bale or cob.) I am a single mother of two boys and I would like to ward the foundation and house while under construction. I have not been able to find anything in any of my books. Does anybody know of a book or does anybody know how to go about achieving this?

Roman and Greek Gods The Same?
Posted Thursday, July 15, 2004 by Randall

Are Venus and Aphrodite the same person (for want of a better word)? I've seen a lot of art of Aphrodite that's very similiar to the birth of Venus.

I believe I've read Venus was originally a Goddess of the Harvest, however, and I also heard that Aphrodite was originally of Eastern Origin and the sister of Ishtar.

I think Gaia was also called Terra by the Romans, although I could be wrong. Are there other Gods that are "the same"?

July 15: Message Board Connection Problems
Posted Thursday, July 15, 2004 by Randall

Bob, our message board server admin, reports that the message board's upstream provider is having "connection issues" today. He's reported it and done what he can from his end, but it's up to the upstream provider to actually fix. Connections to the message board may be sporatic today. If you get a DNS error trying to reach, the connection is temporary down. Unfortunately, there is no ETA for a fix. (This seems to be affecting more than just us, a number of site across the Net seem to be having problems this morning.)

Looking for Sea Magick
Posted Tuesday, July 13, 2004 by Randall

Does anyone have any good nautical/sea spells/lore? I'm always looking for more knowledge, just incase. I have fishermen at sea that I try to keep an eye on and anything helps.

Magickally Protecting Children
Posted Tuesday, July 13, 2004 by Randall

How do you magickally protect your children? What kind of shielding do you use? Do you

Reading Journals
Posted Monday, July 12, 2004 by Randall

The basic question is: Do you keep a reading journal? What's in it?

I don't exactly keep one, but I've started keeping sort of one - tracking books I'm reading related to Paganism, but not actually about Pagan stuff - ethics, natural history, group dynamics, etc. etc. etc.

For other books, I've been doing paper notes, but am now starting to switch over to computer (since I have a lovely toy that makes it much easier than it used to be) which tend to be much more specific. For these, I focus mostly on books I don't own, and which I therefore have to give back.

Posted Monday, July 12, 2004 by Randall

As a child my mother always told me that the birthstone for Pisces is bloodstone and she has some very beautiful pieces.

As birthstones have obviously been becoming more popular jewellers in the UK now have lists in the window showing your birthstone and they say aquamarine?

It gets more confusing as i have just read a really interesting book called E-Witch by Deborah Grey who says that the Pisces birth stone is amethyst. This interestingly enough feels right and have a piece of hand made jewelry made for me by a special family member with a beautiful heart cut amethyst.

So here's the thing are they all right, none right or dependant on your actual astrological chart, date, time etc.?

Personal Rituals?
Posted Sunday, July 11, 2004 by Randall

I am new to Paganism, and I have been reading hell of a lot about it, and got very confused, and honestly I have no idea as what to define myself (I believe that everything has a soul, nature reverence, more like worshiping nature, I am basically pantheistic). So I can't yet define myself, but I have this very strong need in performing rituals to strengthen my belief since I come from a Jewish family (not religious neither traditional, but yet you can see the Jewish philosophy in every little thing in the every day life, something that BTW, I am not against and also would like to combine with my believe, there are things I disagree with Judaism and yet I respect it and follow its wisdom).

I have been reading about rituals, mostly Wicca, though I don't know whether I should define myself as Wicca, since I'm not sure I have the connection with the Goddess so it might not be a good idea, for now.

So I don't know what to do, so I was wondering, can I make up my own personal rituals? I am not talking about something too different (as it seems to me) from what there is out there, but things I do my own way, things that I feel comfortable doing, alone?

Accomodating Handicaps in Ritual
Posted Sunday, July 11, 2004 by Randall

Elspeth talking about folks being prohibited from participating in ritual because of a handicap made me think, what things would you suggest to make rituals more accessible to folks with handicaps? I can think of a few simple things like not making stupid rules requiring "sound bodies", or holding circle in a wheelchair accessible spot. What are some other ideas that might be helpful?

For our members that have handicaps, what sorts of things have posed problems for you at past rituals?

Homemade Oils?
Posted Friday, July 09, 2004 by Randall

Can anyone tell me how to make oils made from herbs?

Home Protection Spell?
Posted Friday, July 09, 2004 by Randall

My husband travels often on business for several days. I don't sleep well at night at all. I hear every click and scratch of tree limb against the siding. I cannot take sleeping pills because I have a son to take care of.

I wish to do some sort of protection circle around my home. Is there something simple a novice could do, using incense and salt water? I have no books to aide me as of right now. I burned all of my magic books, everything, even my Maj Jongg cards when I became a Jehovah's Witness years ago. I could really kick myself for that one. Please help me out.

What Makes a Pagan Tradition?
Posted Wednesday, July 07, 2004 by Randall

Pagans often distinguish between "traditional" and "eclectic". I've been wondering lately -- what makes something a tradition?

My basic idea so far involved a certain group or coven that passes a coherent and mostly unchanged body of practices and lore from teacher to student.

But is there more to it? Does it take a certain amount of "group generations" so that the practices are considered a pagan tradition? Does it take a certain number of years? Does it take surviving the death of the founders or them leaving?

Also - if a single coven/group has a unique coherent and mostly unchanged body of lore and practices, with specific deities and solid relationships with them - can that be called a tradition? Or do they need more covens, and more generations until it becomes so?

And further - if an individual has such a unique body of lore and practices that he or she keeps through many years, without eclectic jumps and adding something new every other week - can that be a tradition?

What do you think?

Sex-balanced Religion
Posted Wednesday, July 07, 2004 by Randall

Do you balance male and female in your religion? Why or why not?

If sex is balanced, are other things viewed in balance as well, or is sexuality somehow different? What do you do with hermaphroditic deities?

Pilgrimages and Traveling
Posted Tuesday, July 06, 2004 by Randall

I was recently going through some past experiences that made me who I am today. In going through the myriad of experiences, good and bad, I came to realize that most of the experiences, especially the good ones, have occurred while I was traveling.

It makes me wonder what exactly it is about traveling, especially with a purpose like when you undertake a pilgrimage, that makes life-changes more likely. It may simply be that by removing yourself from familiar surroundings, your mind is able to move and change.

What experiences have you had while traveling that have impacted your life?

Where would you go, or have gone, on a pilgrimage?

Ritual Names?
Posted Tuesday, July 06, 2004 by Randall

Here's a question that for some of you may be too personal and some of you may not care at all. The question is when you recieved your "Ritual" name, was it given to you by another ie: HP, Goddes/God -- or did you name yourself?

Curses, Hexes, etc...
Posted Sunday, July 04, 2004 by Randall

If you do NOT follow a Wiccan type path that has the "3-fold law" and the "Harm none, do what thou wilt" caveats this question is for you:

Would you ever consider attacking someone with whatever power, charms, whatever that is known in your path? NOT for self-defense, but because you had personally judged that person and felt they *deserved* it.

If so, does your path have any punishments that could come onto YOU for this act, or if you would never consider such an act, does your path make any exceptions when such an act is deemed appropriate and no punishment is meted out?

Does anyone follow a path where the ethics or rules EXPECT you to occasionally attack someone for whatever slight/injury/insult?

The Off-switch on my Poppet?
Posted Sunday, July 04, 2004 by Randall

A skeptic friend of mind posted a good question to me today as he watched me (badly) sewing a poppet (of myself). I explained what it was and the sympathetic magic theory behind it. He posted another question:

So how do you turn it off?

Now typically I bury it or toss it in a river (I use biodegradable materials and thread) but, for example, if those techniques weren't available, has anyone actively de-charged an object?

I guess I could rub hemative over it to ground it, but are there other techniques folks have used or situations where they've needed to do this?

Ritual to Jupiter
Posted Friday, July 02, 2004 by Randall

I am working on a ritual to Jupiter (planet). Has anyone done something like this before outside of ceremonial magic practice? Right now I'm borrowing from Golden Dawn because that's what I can find, but I was wondering if anyone else has worked with invoking planetary energies, what tools were used and what was the general experience, including whether the ritual had to be repeated and how often for tangible result?

What is Worship and is it Bad?
Posted Friday, July 02, 2004 by Randall

I was reading a book recently that made me stop and think... The author was talking about the difference between being Pagan and Christian was in the whole subject of worship. Unlike Christians, he did not worship his gods. He saw this as a good thing, since he thought that worship had the effect of distancing deity from the worshiper. He saw Paganism as bringing deity closer because it didn't raise any walls between the gods and mortal.

I hadn't thought about it until then, but I realized that I didn't use the term worship either. 'Cause I don't. My relationship with my Lady is wildly complex, but worship it isn't. If I knelt at my Lady's head, She would probably drop kick me.

Even if asked what I worship, I normally answer that I 'look' to a warrior goddess.

Is this a fairly universal Pagan thing? Or is it just me?

Good Books for Interested Wiccan Newbies?
Posted Friday, July 02, 2004 by Randall

I have a friend who is interested in Wicca and I was trying to think of the best 2 or three books for her to read, with the goal of not being too "fluffy" or spell orientated, not too much info so as to overwhelm her, and with some discussion of the "religion" in Wicca.

So far, these are the books I think are best (in order of best to least best):

Janet and Stewart Farrar "Life and Times of a Modern Witch"
Carl McColman "When Someone You Love is Wiccan"
Scott Cunningham "The Practice of Witchcraft Today"

Can anyone here think of others, or have reasons why they think these would not be good?

UK Online Shops with Statues?
Posted Thursday, July 01, 2004 by Randall

I'm looking for online shops with Goddess statues and the lie that ship internationally. So far, I've only found ones that ship to mainland US, not the UK/Ireland. Specifically, Oberon Zell's Gaia and Odin statues. UK based online shops would probably be best.

Astral Projection Problem?
Posted Thursday, July 01, 2004 by Randall

I am curious on Astral Projection. I've tried a few time and I believe only once have I made any really progress. My friend had stayed the night and he claims to Astral Project quite often. I, full of zeal, tried it. About 10 minutes into it, it felt as if someone had taken me grabbed my body and was throwing back and forth, back forth. It was very vigorous. Can any one tell me what happened?

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