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Home > Article Library > Magick > New Aeon > Chapter 9 Search

New Aeon Magick
Chapter 9

by Garald Campo

                          WHY THELEMA?

"The  old  gods  are  dead or dying  and  people  everywhere  are
searching, asking:  What is the new mythology to be?"

                                                  Joseph Campbell

As  you  read this book you may be asking  yourself:   Why  would
anyone  want to attune to a new form of thought while  there  are
already  very powerful, well organized religions, which have  had
the benefit of thousands of years of trial and error?

The answer is quite simple:  There is a phenomena which occurs in
the Universe every 2,000 years called "The Equinox of The  Gods".
At this time there is a change in the Universal unconscious which
dominates  the  evolutionary process of  humans.   The  different
shifts  are represented by gods (usually Egyptian) who's  virtues
will demonstrate the fate of the next reign.  There have been (so
far  as we have archaeological data) three such "shifts"  in  the
evolution of humanity:

1)  The Aeon of Isis.  This period was matriarchal.   Women  were
worshiped  as Gods for their ability to give birth, nurture,  and
otherwise care for their young.  The tribes were ruled by Queens,
and  the  women  were  viewed as  the  strong  ones.   There  are
indications  that women did the hunting and fought battles  along
side  of  men.   It was a time of great respect  for  nature,  as
people learned to love Her and live in harmony with Her.

2)  The next Aeon was ruled by Osiris.  Osiris was killed by  his
jealous  brother Set who cut him into pieces and threw  him  into
the  Nile.  His wife Isis, stricken with grief, gathered  all  of
his  body parts and used the Magick of Thoth (Lord of Magick)  to
resurrect Osiris.  It was the era of the "sacrificial Gods".   It
marked  the beginning of Judaism and Christianity.   This  change
occurred  when  man  realized that he had something  to  do  with
conception,   primarily;  insemination.   Suddenly,  women   were
treated  as second rate citizens, weaker, and not as  intelligent
as  men.  Man was no longer to live in harmony with  Nature,  man
was to have dominion over Her. Mankind was to serve the male  god
as  slaves.    The last traces of this oppressive era  are  still
with  us today.  We can see its influence on the environment,  in
South Africa, et cetera.

3)  In  1904  another  such shift  occurred.   The  angel  Aiwaz
dictated  the  three fold "Book of The Law" and  proclaimed  that
Horus, the hawk-headed God, had taken his place in the Throne  of
the  Gods.  Aleister Crowley, Victorian Age Magician, was  to  be
the  conduit.  This era marks the Aeon of the Child, the word  of
whose Law is: THELEMA.  This Law encompasses all True  Religions,
and  is capable of great tolerance which is essential to  protect
the  diversity  it indoctrinates.  Here we are dealing  with  the
liberation of the human race from those which have oppressed  us.
Horus is the Egyptian God of war, and recently, we have seen  him
do his thing in Germany (at the Berlin Wall), Yugoslavia, Poland,
The Soviet Union, South Korea, and Tienamen Square in China.  The
masses cry for Freedom.

The  Aeon of Osiris has had a very strong influence in  the  last
2,000  years.  Even those who did not subscribe to its dogma  are
influenced by it one way or another.  Most codes of morality  are
based  upon its principles.  This has been the case for  so  long
that  we are presented with the opportunity to reflect on it  and
see how its poison has effected the world.

It has portrayed women as trouble makers, people who cannot  keep
secrets,  weaker and not as intelligent as men, not  trustworthy.
It has even gone as far as explaining the pain of child birth and
menstrual bleeding as punishments by God for having deceived man.
Women in this day are still  fighting for the equality which they

It has led man believe that Nature cannot go on without him.  All
we have to do is watch TV or read a newspaper to find out what  a
great  impact we have made and how much good we have  contributed
to  the environment.  It is inconceivable that after millions  of
years  of  evolution there are still people  who  really  believe
Nature  is  to be dominated.  We are told that God  doesn't  live
here, and we are discouraged from showing affection or allegiance
to the Earth.  We can already see what this kind of thinking  has
done to the condition of our Mother.

The Church will not condone the use of condoms.  It believes that
people should just "not do it".  As a result the rate of unwanted
pregnancy  is increasing at an alarming rate, not to mention  the
sexually  transmitted  diseases  which  are  destroying  so  many
peoples  lives.   It is curious to see that the same  people  who
oppose  birth  control also oppose abortion, sex  education,  and
Planned  Parenthood.  Abortion would cease to exist if  education
and  birth  control technology was not  obstructed  by  religious
zealots.   When it comes to human sexuality, we are still in  the
Dark Ages.

During  the  "Inquisition"  thousands  of  innocent  people  were
tortured  and  killed in the name of God.  Many of  these  people
were  often women (mid-wives) who happened to be taking  business
away  from  the  growing medical  profession.   Things  have  not
changed much since those days.  In some states they want to  jail
midwives  who  perform their services to couples  who  have  lost
their faith in "the scientific age".  In all, most decisions  our
political  leaders  make abide in some form or another  with  old
Aeon  ideas,  with  very  little  regard  to  common  sense   and
intelligence,  and even less consideration to the rights  of  the

The  burning and censoring of books and Art still  occurs  today.
Others have controlled what we watch, see, eat, and listen to.

We have been taught that any deviance from conventional  religion
is "Satanic", evil, etc.  On August 15th 1989 The  Fundamentalist
Movement declared on national television that the Star of  David,
the  Pentagram, and even the Peace sign  are signs of the  Devil.
The Hexagram; a geometric representation of God, the Pentagram; a
geometric  representation  of Man, the Peace sign;  a  symbol  of
Utopian  society.

It is easy to see the impact this kind of thinking has had on our
global  evolutionary  development:  Brother  has  turned  against
brother for the sake of tradition, as in the case of the Catholic
Priest  Michael Molinos.  This devoted priest was sent to  prison
to serve a life sentence because he published a book in which  he
taught that "inward prayer" (meditation) was more effective  than
outward  prayer.   This would have made confession via  a  priest
obsolete.  The fact that at the time of his arrest he was one  of
the  most devout members of The Church had very little  influence
on  the power hungry individuals who condemned him.  The name  of
the book he wrote is:  "The Spiritual Guide of Michael  Molinos".
I  strongly  recommend  it as a guide to  developing  a  PERSONAL
relationship with God.

Fundamentalism  spends  millions of dollars in  printed  material
every  year to encourage new membership while there are  millions
of homeless men, women, and children who could be helped by these
same  dollars.   It is obvious that the  priority  is  membership
rather than service.

For  the last 2,000 years we have been told that sex  is  filthy.
Love-making is to be done only for the purposes of  pro-creation.
This  mentality is responsible for a great percentage of  violent
sexual crimes, child abuse, sexual dysfunctions, psychosis,  etc.
The  beauty and selflessness of giving one's self to another  has
been turned into a hideous crime against God.

We are told not to question the Scriptures.  Man has become  lazy
and gullible as a result.  We don't question anything and believe
all  we  are  told.  You are expected to refrain  from  your  own
interpretation  of  the Scriptures in fear that  you  might  find
truth  therein.  To guard against this; the Scriptures have  been
altered  so much that no one knows the truth any more.  This  has
effected  the  way we view life in general.  We do  not  question
what  our politicians do, what they spray in our food, what  they
put  into  the  ground,  etc.  And when we  do  ask;  we  believe
everything  they  tell us.  THELEMA demands that  one  think  for

A newborn child is the most innocent and pure of all things.  Yet
children are baptized by parents who have been forced to  believe
the child is unclean because it is born through sin.  This is  an
insult and shows to what degree and for what "reasons" we do  the
things we do.

Religious  zealots have created a group mind which  welcomes  the
destruction  of the planet.  It is held to be a fact that  before
the  "savior"  comes back the world must first  face  a  terrible
ordeal.    "Revelation"  clearly marks the end  of  the   Osirian
Aeon, but it is seen through the eyes of the vulgar as the end of
the world.  This "group mind" has greatly effected the  condition
of  the planet.  We have a duty to return to Nature what  belongs
to Her.

There  was a time when it took years to get from one part of  the
country  to another.  We can now do it in a matter of  hours;  we
have  reduced  the world to a speck of dust.  With  all  of  this
technology  there are still people dying of hunger all  over  the
world.   Wars  are  being fought to keep  something  or  to  take
something from someone else.  When religion stands in the way  of
evolution  or  the  creation  of Utopia, it is  time  for  a  NEW

These  old  ideas  cannot help  us to  further  our  evolutionary
objective;  they are full of hate and bigotry and can do  nothing
more  than  to  hold the human race back.   The  world  needs  an
alternative:   True  Freedom.    The  world  needs  the   Freedom
necessary  to  fulfill  itself  as best as  it  can  without  the
interference  of  a  twisted demented  creed  that  was  designed
specifically to control people.  Nature needs to have its respect
from  Man.  We must learn to work with Her, not against Her,  and
then perhaps we can stop the destruction of the planet.

With  all  that's been said above, it is hard to  understand  why
anyone would bother with Religion in the first place.  The answer
is  quite  simple:   Man  is made up  of  Physical,  Mental,  and
Spiritual  matter.   To  deny any of these  aspects  a  means  of
expressing  itself  would cause a involuntary  imbalance  in  our
natural  make-up.   Also,  Religion and Myth are  the  tools  The
Beloved uses to create the beings which we have chosen to become;
just  as  the  potter  uses the wheel  and  the  kiln  to  create
something which only a few moments ago existed in the imagination
of the creator.

Thelema  offers the solution to the imbalance created by such  an
oppressive  society.   As  humans, it is our duty  to  carry  the
vision of future generations on our shoulders, by evolving.  This
is  "The Great Work".  One day The Aeon of Horus will  pass,  and
Thelema  will no longer be the Word of the Law, and a  new  Order
will  rule  for  an  Aeon.   There  will  be  other  battles  and
principles, and it is my guess that we will be here once again to
fight for them.

The  following thesis is based on the code of conduct who  accept
the Law of Thelema.



                        ALEISTER CROWLEY

  (A  note  on  the chief rules of  practical  conduct  to  be
        observed by those who accept the Law of Thelema.)

   "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

   "There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt."

   "[...]  thou hast no right but to do thy will.  Do that,   and
no  other shall say nay.  For pure will, unassuaged  of  purpose,
delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect."

   "Love is the law, love under will."

   "Every man and every woman is a star."


1.  Find yourself to be the centre of your own Universe.

    "I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in  the
    core of every star."

2.  Explore the Nature and Powers of your own Being.

    This  includes everything which is, or can be for  you;   and
    you must accept everything exactly as it is in itself, as one
    of  the   factors which go to make up your True  Self.   This
    True  Self thus  ultimately  includes all things soever;  its
    discovery  is Initiation  (the traveling inwards) and as  its
    Nature is to  move continually, it must be understood not  as
    static, but as dynamic, not as a Noun but as a Verb.

3.  Develop in due harmony and proportion every faculty which you

    "Wisdom says: be strong!"
    "But exceed!  exceed!"
    "Be  strong,  o  man!  lust, enjoy all things  of  sense  and
    rapture: fear not that any God shall deny thee for this."

4.  Contemplate your own Nature.

    Consider  every  element  thereof  both  separately  and   in
    relation  to  all the rest as to judge  accurately  the  true
    purpose of the totality of your Being.
5.  Find  the  formula of this purpose, or "True  Will,"  in   an
    expression as simple as possible.

    Learn  to  understand  clearly how best  to  manipulate   the
    energies  which  you  control  to  obtain  the  results  most
    favourable  to  it from its relations with the  part  of  the
    Universe which  you do not yet control.

6.  Extend the dominion of your consciousness, and its control of
    all forces alien to it, to the utmost.

    Do  this by the ever stronger and more skillful   application
    of   your  faculties  to  the finer,  clearer,  fuller,   and
    more  accurate  perception,  the  better understanding,   and
    the   more  wisely  ordered  government,  of  that   external

7.  Never  permit  the thought or will of  any  other  Being   to
    interfere with your own.

    Be  constantly  vigilant  to resent, and  on  the  alert   to
    resist,   with   unvanquishable  ardour  and   vehemence   of
    passion  unquenchable,  every attempt of any other  Being  to
    influence   you otherwise  than by contributing new facts  to
    your   experience   of the Universe, or by assisting  you  to
    reach a higher synthesis  of Truth by the mode of  passionate

8.  Do not repress or restrict any true instinct of your  Nature;
    but devote all in perfection to the sole service of your  one
    True Will.

    "Be goodly therefore"

    "The  word  of Sin is Restriction.  O man!  refuse  not   thy
    wife,  if she will!  O lover, if thou wilt, depart!  There is
    no bond  that can unite the divided but love: all else is   a
    curse.  Accursed! Accursed be it to the aeons!  Hell.

    "So with thy all; thou hast no right but to do thy will.   Do
    that,  and no other shall say nay.  For pure will, unassuaged
    of  purpose,   delivered  from  the  lust   of   result,   is
    every  way perfect."

    "Ye  shall  gather goods and store of women and  spices;   ye
    shall  wear rich jewels; ye shall exceed the nations  of  the
    earth in splendour & pride; but always in the love of me, and
    so  shall ye come to my joy."

9.  Rejoice!

    "Remember  all ye that existence is pure joy; that  all   the
    sorrows  are but as shadows; they pass & are done; but  there
    is that which remains."

    "But  ye, o my people, rise up & awake!  Let the rituals   be
    rightly performed with joy & beauty!  [...] A feast for  fire
    and  a   feast  for  water; a feast for life and  a   greater
    feast   for death!   A  feast  every  day in your  hearts  in
    the   joy  of  my rapture!   A  feast  every night  unto  Nu,
    and   the   pleasure  of uttermost   delight!    Aye!  feast!
    rejoice!   there   is   no  dread hereafter.   There  is  the
    dissolution, and eternal ecstasy in  the kisses of Nu."

    "Now rejoice!  now come in our splendour & rapture!  Come  in
    our passionate peace, & write sweet words for the Kings!"

    "Thrill with the joy of life & death!  Ah!  thy death   shall
    be lovely: whoso seeth it shall be glad.  Thy death shall  be
    the  seal  of the promise of our agelong love.   Come!   lift
    up  thine heart & rejoice!"

    "Is a God to live in a dog?  No!  but the highest are of  us.
    They  shall  rejoice,  our chosen: who sorroweth is  not   of
    us.  Beauty  and  strength, leaping laughter  and   delicious
    languor, force and fire, are of us."


1.  "Love is the law, love under will."

    Unite  yourself  passionately  with  every  other  form    of
    consciousness, thus destroying the sense of separateness from
    the Whole, and creating a new base-line in the Universe  from
    which to measure it.

2.  "As brothers fight ye!"

    "If he be a King, thou canst not hurt him."

    To   bring  out  saliently  the  differences   between    two
    points-of-view  is  useful to both in measuring the  position
    of  each  in  the whole.  Combat stimulates the   virile   or
    creative  energy;  and, like love, of which it is  one  form,
    excites  the mind to an orgasm which enables it to  transcend
    its rational dullness.

3.  Abstain from all interferences with other wills.

    "Beware lest any force another, King against King!"

    (The   love  and war in the previous injunctions are  of  the
    nature  of   sport, where one respects, and learns  from  the
    opponent,  but never interferes with him, outside the  actual
    game.)   To  seek  to dominate  or  influence another  is  to
    seek to deform  or  destroy him;  and he is a necessary  part
    of one's own Universe, that  is, of one's self.

4.  Seek, if you so will, to enlighten another when need arises.

    This  may  be done, always with the strict respect  for   the
    attitude   of  the good sportsman, when he  is  in   distress
    through   failure    to    understand    himself     clearly,
    especially   when   he specifically  demands  help;  for  his
    darkness   may  hinder  one's perception  of his  perfection.
    (Yet  also  his darkness may  serve as a warning,  or  excite
    one's interest.)  It is also lawful  when his  ignorance  has
    lead  him to interfere with one's  will.    All  interference
    is  in  any  case dangerous, and  demands  the   exercise  of
    extreme  skill  and good judgment, fortified  by  experience.
    To  influence  another is to leave one's  citadel  unguarded;
    and   the  attempt commonly ends in losing  one's  own  self-

5.  Worship all!

    "Every man and every woman is a star."
    "Mercy let be off; damn them who pity!"
    "We  have nothing with the outcast and the unfit:  let   them
    die  in their misery.  For they feel not.  Compassion is  the
    vice  of kings: stamp down the wretched & the weak:  this  is
    the  law  of the strong: this is our law and the joy  of  the
    world.  Think not, o king, upon that lie: That Thou Must Die:
    verily  thou  shalt   not  die, but  live.   Now  let  it  be
    understood: if the body of the King dissolve, he shall remain
    in pure  ecstasy  for  ever.   Nuit!   Hadit!  Ra-Hoor-Khuit!
    The  Sun,  Strength  &  Sight,  Light;   these  are  for  the
    servants of the Star & the Snake."

    Each  being  is, exactly as you are, the sole  centre  of   a
    Universe  in no wise identical with, or even assimilable  to,
    your  own.   The impersonal Universe of "Nature" is  only  an
    abstraction,  approximately  true,  of the factors  which  it
    is  convenient  to regard  as common to all.  The Universe of
    another    is    therefore  necessarily   unknown   to,   and
    unknowable by, you; but  it  induces currents  of  energy  in
    yours  by  determining  in  part   your reactions.   Use  men
    and  women, therefore,  with  the  absolute respect   due  to
    inviolable   standards  of  measurement;  verify   your   own
    observations  by comparison with similar judgments  made   by
    them; and, studying the methods which determine their failure
    or  success, acquire for yourself the wit and skill  required
    to  cope with your own problems.


1.  Establish the Law of Thelema as the sole basis of conduct.

    The  general  welfare of the race being  necessary  in   many
    respects  to  your  own,  that  well-being,  like  your  own,
    principally   a   function  of  the  intelligent   and   wise
    observance of the Law  of Thelema,  it  is of the very  first
    importance  to  you  that  every  individual   should  accept
    frankly  that  Law, and  strictly  govern   himself  in  full
    accordance therewith.

    You may regard the establishment of the Law of Thelema as  an
    essential  element  of your True Will,  since,  whatever  the
    ultimate  nature   of  that Will, the  evident  condition  of
    putting    it   into  execution  is  freedom  from   external

    Governments  often  exhibit the most  deplorable   stupidity,
    however   enlightened   may  be  the  men  who  compose   and
    constitute  them, or the people whose destinies they  direct.
    It  is therefore incumbent  on  every man and woman  to  take
    the   proper  steps  to cause the revisions of  all  existing
    statutes on the basis of  the Law of Thelema.  This Law being
    a  Law of Liberty, the aim of  the legislation  must  be   to
    secure  the  amplest  freedom  for  each individual   in  the
    state,  eschewing  the  presumptuous   assumption  that   any
    given positive ideal is worthy to be obtained.

    "The word of Sin is Restriction."

    The   essence  of crime is that it restricts the  freedom  of
    the  individual outraged.  (Thus, murder restricts his  right
    to   live;  robbery,  his right to enjoy the  fruits  of  his
    labour;   coining, his  right to the guarantee of  the  state
    that  he  shall barter  in security;  etc.)  It is  then  the
    common  duty to prevent crime  by segregating  the  criminal,
    and by the threat of reprisals;  also, to teach the  criminal
    that  his acts, being analyzed, are contrary to his own  True
    Will.   (This may often be accomplished by  taking  from  him
    the right which he has denied to others; as by outlawing  the
    thief, so that he feels constant anxiety for the  safety   of
    his   own possessions, removed from the ward of the   State.)
    The rule  is quite simple.

    He   who  violated any right declares magically that it  does
    not exist; therefore it no longer does so, for him.

    Crime  being  a  direct spiritual violation of  the  Law   of
    Thelema, it should not be tolerated in the community.   Those
    who  possess   the   instinct  should  be  segregated  in   a
    settlement  to build  up  a  state of their own, so to  learn
    the   necessity   of themselves  imposing   and   maintaining
    rules   of  justice.    All artificial   crimes   should   be
    abolished.    When   fantastic restrictions  disappear,   the
    greater freedom of  the  individual will itself teach him  to
    avoid  acts which really restrict natural rights.  Thus  real
    crime will diminish dramatically.

    The  administration  of  the Law  should  be  simplified   by
    training  men  of  uprightness and discretion whose  will  is
    to   fulfill   this function in the community to  decide  all
    complaints by  the  abstract principle of the Law of Thelema,
    and   to   award  judgment   on   the  basis  of  the  actual
    restriction caused  by  the offense.

    The ultimate aim is thus to reintegrate conscience, on   true
    scientific  principles, as the warden of conduct, the monitor
    of the people, and the guarantee of the governors.


1.  Apply the Law of Thelema to all problems of fitness, use, and

    It is a violation of the Law of Thelema to abuse the  natural
    qualities  of any animal or object by diverting it  from  its
    proper  function,  as  determined  by consideration  of   its
    history   and structure.  Thus, to train children to  perform
    mental operations, or  to  practice tasks, for which they are
    unfitted, is  a  crime against  nature.  Similarly, to  build
    houses  of rotten  material, to adulterate food,  to  destroy
    forests, etc., etc., is to offend.

    The Law of Thelema is to be applied unflinchingly to   decide
    every question of conduct.  The inherent fitness of any thing
    for any proposed use should be the sole criterion.

    Apparent,   and  sometimes  even  real,   conflict    between
    interests  will  frequently  arise.  Such  cases  are  to  be
    decided by the  general  value  of the contending parties  in
    the   scale   of Nature.   Thus, a tree has a  right  to  its
    life;  but  a  man  being more  than  a tree, he may  cut  it
    down  for fuel or  shelter  when need arises.  Even  so,  let
    him remember that the Law never  fails to avenge infractions:
    as  when  wanton deforestation has ruined  a  climate   or  a
    soil,  or  as when the importation of rabbits  for   a  cheap
    supply of food has created a plague.

    Observe  that the violation of the Law of  Thelema   produces
    cumulative ills.  The drain of the agricultural population to
    big cities,  due chiefly to persuading them to abandon  their
    natural  ideals,   has   not   only  made  the  country  less
    tolerable  to  the peasant, but debauched the town.  And  the
    error tends to increase in  geometrical  progression, until a
    remedy   has   become  almost inconceivable   and  the  whole
    structure of society  is  threatened with ruin.

    The wise application based on observation and experience   of
    the   Law  of  Thelema  is  to  work  in  conscious   harmony
    with   Evolution.    Experiments   in   creation,   involving
    variation   from existing  types, are lawful  and  necessary.
    Their value is to  be judged  by  their fertility as  bearing
    witness to  their  harmony with the course of nature  towards


                        A BETTER SOCIETY

"Monarchy is based on the premise that one man is wiser than  one
million  men.  Democracy is based on the premise that  a  million
men are wiser than one man.  Both ideas are absurd."

                                                  Robert Heinlein

The  following  is  a  manuscript  written  by  Aleister  Crowley
describing the nature of the most elemental rights of every Star.
It  must  be remembered that it was written at a  time  when  the
English  language was male dominated.  Since I am not the  author
of this piece I am obligated to present it in its original form.

                         LIBER LXXVII

                  OZ:     "the law of
                           the strong:
                           this is our law
                           and the joy
                           of the world."

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." -AL.I.40

"thou  hast no right but to do thy will.   Do that,  and no other
shall say nay." -AL.I.42-3

"Every man and every woman is a star." -AL.I.3

    There is no god but man.

1.  Man has the right to live by his own law-
       to live in the way that he wills to do:
       to work as he will:
       to play as he will:
       to rest as he will:
       to die when and how he will:

2.  Man has the right to eat what he will:
       to drink what he will:
       to dwell where he will:
       to move as he will on the face of the earth.

3.  Man has the right to think what he will:
       to speak what he will:
       to write what he will:
       to draw, paint carve, etch, mould, build as he will:
       to dress as he will:

4.  Man has the right to love as he will:--
      "take your fill and will of love as ye will,
       when, where, and with whom ye will." --AL.I.51.

5.  Man  has   the right  to kill those who  would  thwart  these

      "the slaves shall serve." --AL.II.58.

 "Love is the law, love under will." --AL.I.57.

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