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New Aeon Magick Chapter 5 by Garald Campo |
"Nothing resists the will of man, when he knows the truth, and
wills the good."
Eliphas Levi
The best way to explain the difference between these two concepts
is to illustrate the way in which they affect our lives. It is
important to define these two terms, as the difference between
them will reveal one of the many differences between Christianity
and Gnosis.
True Will is congruent with what most people refer to as Destiny,
but there is one difference which goes far beyond the literary
sense of both words.
Destiny implies a predetermined course which one must travel,
wherein there is no control of the outcome. It is yours, like it
or not. Man has become a pawn in a game called "life". She or
He prays diligently to his or her God that they may be a worthy
candidate for heaven, knowing all along (according to Christian
thought) that God has already decided the outcome, and to make
matters worse; God wont say!
Destiny is also a convenient tool for blaming ones problems on
Life, the Universe, and even to the God to which he prays. It is
people's way of getting even with God for being so silent.
True Will on the other hand, implies choice and purpose. It is
for those few who choose a more responsible approach in their
role as co-creator with the Universe. These people do not plead
nor beg for their God's acceptance, they are what their God has
made them and for that they make no apologies.
It could be said that True Will is Destiny transmuted into a form
which allows one an active roll in their creation.
Once one finds their True Will they begin to see the deity which
dwells within them. It then becomes unavoidable that they also
recognize the deity dwelling in all other Stars. And there is a
great penalty incurred by this power: That which you wish upon
some other you also invoke upon yourself. Every Word, Deed, and
Thought must be pure in Nature, so that it will lead you to the
unity of all things.
"The will of the just man is the Will of God himself, and the law
of Nature."
Eliphas Levi
The Magician's first task is to find his Destiny by studying the
chain of events that have led him to his present Physical,
Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental states. By reviewing specific
events, and spending considerable time meditating on them he will
eventually come to the Understanding of himself, and where he is
going, thus he will discover his Destiny. "KNOW THYSELF" has
always been the Foundation of our Work.
Write your life story and review it often. It will have to be
rewritten many times. This simple exercise will illustrate
that every conclusion we come up with at any given time is
an illusion which is very convenient, but tentative at best.
The next step is to Magically turn the tables around and get
control of a seemingly uncontrollable force. Here the Magician
plays an unsurpassable game of "if you can't beat `em join `em".
He attaches himself to his destiny through an act of Love.
Once this has been successfully accomplished the Magician
experiences a series of phenomenon that changes Destiny into True
Will. One comes to the realization that there is no other path
they would rather travel. Because you are one with it you can
now play an active part in fulfilling it. You are no longer a
prisoner to that which used to lead you by the tail. Instead,
you are an agent in your own creation. Because you are now going
with the current of the Universe, you have the inertia of the
Universe behind you. Destiny has been transmuted into True Will.
"To find the central clue to our moral being which unites us to
the universal order, that indeed is the highest human attainment.
For a long time people have seldom been capable of it."
As I have mentioned previously; doing your True Will means
following the course which the Universe has chosen for you, and
staying on it. Staying on course is very easy once you know what
your Will is, but perhaps the hardest part of all is not allowing
others to interfere, and simultaneously being vigilant not to
interfere with that of another.
"EVERY MAN AND EVERY WOMAN IS A STAR". This is to say that
everyone has a course of their own which is unique to them. No
matter how insignificant it may seem to you, your Will plays an
important role within the Divine Plan. Just as the stars in the
heavens spend millenniums traveling through the cosmos in perfect
Harmony; if one should veer off of its course and collide against
another the whole Universe would be affected. It is equally
chaotic if we interfere with another. Try to imagine a world
where everyone followed their Wills and encouraged their fellow
stars to do the same!
Let's study the opening phrase of this book, it's an important
factor in this philosophy, no, more than that, it is our Law. "Do
what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." I have often
greeted people with this sentence, and it has always been
received cheerfully by all. The exception to the rule is those
who know their intentions, motivations, and desires to be
anything but pure. Firstly, let me say again that this does not
imply "do what you want", as most of the things which we desire
only gratify the Ego and have no real value. Will may be related
to, happen to be, or may be the complete opposite of want.
The word "THOU" is taken from the Hebrew "ATEH", which was used
by the ancients when referring to God. This sentence gives every
human the right to carry out his Will, allowing that they have
united with it and are truly following the course chosen for them
by their God. It is a lawful and noble task. One must
constantly keep in mind the rules set forth above, and never
interfere with the life of another, IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM.
We are referring to the Divine Will, which is yours when you have
unselfishly given yourself to it and to the service of mankind.
As you have noticed, "Love is the law, love under will" is the
second half of our formula.
This philosophy has no beginning and no end. "Do what thou wilt"
leads you to do as you love, but keeps it in check with your
will. We all do what we want, but what we want should be what
we, in good consciousness, Will. Of course, this has been
simplified in order to illustrate some of its many implications.
This concept implies that Love & Will are congruent, and that the
only way to unite with Will is through Love. Doing one's Will
is an act of Love for humanity, the Universe, and God.
Who but a person in Love would sacrifice so much of their life to
aid and participate in the Divine Plan? Our goal is to evolve,
to be "more than human", but before we can start we must possess
a super-human ability to Love.
"The more obstacles the will surmounts, the stronger it is. It
is for this reason that Christ glorified poverty and sorrow."
Eliphas Levi
When one strays from their course they can expect to encounter
This is not to say that if you have discovered your True Will you
will not suffer. After all, movement creates friction. Those of
us who are going to live our lives on our own terms will have to
be willing to take a few punches from time to time.
All one has to do is read about the ailments associated with
inactivity in order to agree that it is better to experience
the ordeals that life offers us than to restrict movement and
growth. It doesn't take much imagination to speculate the
Spiritual disorders caused by inertia.
The Universe has many lessons to teach, and some come in the form
of Ordeals. Sometimes knowing "what is to be" is saddening
enough, just as I'm sure it must have been for both Jesus and
Judas in the Christian legend.
Balance is the basis of the Work of the Macrocosm; as the
Microcosm we must assist by keeping harmony within ourselves. We
do this by following and staying on our Path. When we stray the
scale tips and the Universe has to compensate. This compensation,
more often that not, manifests itself in an unpleasant form.
"Karma" and the Ordeals I am referring to here, are the same
thing. When there is an imbalance the Universe will present you
with the situation best suited to correct the imbalance you have
created as quickly and effectively as possible.
No matter how painful the Ordeal may be, it must be treated as an
adventure. Keep in mind that up until this point every ordeal's
purpose has been to prepare you for the kind of life you are now
living. See where current circumstances are leading you, and how
they are changing your life, and use that information to find out
where you are going. It is an honor to know that one has been
worthy of instruction. Remember that you placed yourself where
you are now. Remember the ancient dictum: "I will interpret
every phenomena as a particular dealing with God and my Soul".