Author: Paul Naudon Trade Paperback, 320 pages
Publisher: Inner Traditions
Publication date: 2005
List: US$16.95, C$24.50
ISBN: 159477028X Price & More Info: Click Here
This is the first U.S. printing of a book originally published in France in
1991. This presents one problem to the American reader as most of the works
cited in the notes are in French, Italian, or German, thus making it
difficult to check sources, if you are so inclined.
Unlike other books on the topic which I have seen, which give only a token
background of the operative branch of masonry while extolling the
speculative branch, there is an extensive exploration of the formations of
masonic organizations. The emphasis in the first half of this book is on
historical background with minimal speculation, instead of the other way
around. The legends associated with Freemasonry - Hiram of Tyre, et. al,
are barely mentioned by this author. The author, I seems to me, assumes his
readers are at least conversant with the basics of alleged Masonic history.
This is a book which is devoted, in its major treatments, to the history of
operative freemasonry and its gradual evolution into the speculative
Freemasonry of today. The formation of masonic guilds, brotherhoods, and
compagnonnages receives far more detail than the "higher degrees" of modern
While I would hesitate to qualify this as a book for specialists, I would
have to say that it is not aimed at the casual reader. The author is a
high-ranking Freemason living in France, and thus has access to much
information which is difficult for others to obtain. He writes eloquently
about topics which are near and dear to his heart. His background as a law
scholar specializing in the history of civil law and institutions gives a
perspective which, when combined with his Masonic knowledge, must be close
to unique.
I learned more about the facts underlying Freemasonry in this one book than
in a dozen others I have read. I highly recommend it to those who wish to
learn more about this fascinating topic.
Reviewed by Mike Gleason