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Warning: Remember that you or others may suffer from allergic reactions to even the most common incenses. Use caution and common sense. CANCER INCENSE 2 Parts Myrrh Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase your own powers. CAPRICORN INCENSE 2 Parts Sandalwood Use as a personal altar or huosehold incense to increase your own powers. CEREMONIAL MAGICK INCENSE 3 Parts Frankincense This formula is from the Key Of Solomon is typical of grimoire type recipes. It can be used in general magickal workings to raise power & to purify the area. Other recipes include such ingredients as mace, Brandy and Vervain. CEREMONIAL MAGICK INCENSE #2 2 Parts Frankincense Another like the above. CIRCLE INCENSE 4 parts Frankincense Burn in the circle for all types of rituals and spells. CLEARING INCENSE 3 Parts Frankincense Burn this incense to clear your home of negative vibrations, especially when household members are arguing or when the house seems heavy and thick with anger, jealousy, depression, fear and other negative emotions. Leave the windows open while burning this mixture. CONSECRATION INCENSE 2 Parts Wood Aloe When purifying or consecrating magickal tools, jewelry, quartz crystals and other stones, smolder this incense and pass the tool through its smoke several times. So this while visualizing the fumes purfying the tool. COURAGE INCENSE 2 Parts Dragon's Blood Smolder this incense when you lack courage. If you are in a situation where you cannot burn it, recall its scent and be strong. If Tonka Bouquet is unavailable - use Tonka tincture or vanilla extract. CRYSTAL PURIFICATION INCENSE 2 Parts Frankincense To Use: Pour a bit of incense (leaving the crystal in the jar) onto charcoal. Smoulder and pass the crystal to be purified through the smoke wafting away the stones impurities. Natuarally, this incense can be used in connection with the others recommended purfying rituals, or in place of them. CURSE-BREAKER INCENSE 2 Parts Sandalwood Burn at night near an open window if you feel "cursed". Though curses are rare, if we believe we are cursed, we are! Therefore smolder this incense and visualize it banishing all negativity from you. Repeat this ritual for 7 nights during the Waning Moon, if possible or desirable. CURSE-BREAKING INCENSE 2 2 Parts Sandalwood Another like the first. CURSE-BREAKING INCENSE 3 2 Parts Frankincense Smoulder to remove negativity in general. Need more Spells? Click Here to Download Hundreds of Spells. |