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A Publication of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum
C A U L D R O N A N D C A N D L E #103 -- November 2009 A Publication of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum website: http://www.ecauldron.net/ message board: http://www.ecauldron.net/forum/ social network: http://ecauldron.ning.com/ newsletter: http://www.ecauldron.net/cnc/ Please DONATE to Support our SERVER http://www.ecauldron.net/forum/index.php?page=62 In this Issue: [00] Editorial Notes [01] Cauldron News * Message Board Reorganization * Now All Members Can Post In All Public Boards * Download Hundreds and Hundreds of Spells * Buy Pagan and Magick Supplies Through The Cauldron [02] Interesting Recent Cauldron Discussions * Beginner Incense Questions * How Do You Communicate with the Divine? * Multiple Gods, Multiple Offerings? * Evil Is Sent Through Halloween Candy * Do your Gods dictate? * Lying? * Is magic impious? * Which roles do your deities play in your life? * Handwriting of the Gods? * Disposing of Offerings and Spell Materials [03] Phyllis Vega's Tarot Talk: Keywords in Tarot [04] Flamekeeping: Embracing one's Path [05] Articles * Notes for the Seeker: Gathering the Tools [06] Support The Cauldron with Donations [07] Support The Cauldron with Assistance [08] Newsletter Information (Including How To Subscribe/Unsubscribe) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ Please support our sponsor +++ LOOKING FOR PAGAN SUPPLIES? Visit The Cauldron's Pagan Supply Store http://www.ecauldron.net/esesf.php +++ Please support our sponsor +++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [00] ========= ========= EDITORIAL NOTES ========= Welcome to the November 2009 issue of Cauldron and Candle. You are receiving this issue because you subscribed. To learn how to unsubscribe, see the last section of this newsletter These newsletters have become very irregular recently, because my wife and I are down to one computer and have to share it. My wife's motherboard died and with out huge cancer bills, we can't afford to replace it and may not be able to for a long time. However, we've made the effort to get this issue out to announce that The Cauldron's message board has had a MAJOR REORGANIZATION. For all the details, see these articles in the Cauldron News section below: * Message Board Reorganization * Now All Members Can Post In All Public Boards As usual, I'd like to invite everyone reading this to come by our message board when you get a chance. You can read our discussions without registering, but if you want to post you will need to register a member id. Those who haven't been by don't really know what they are missing. http://www.ecauldron.net/forum/index.php Finally, just in case there is no newsletter in December, I'd like to mention that December 13th will be The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum's TWELFTH Anniversary. The Cauldron's old forum on DelphiForums opened to the public on December 13, 1997. We've been around a long time -- thanks to our many active members and our staff. The Hosts would like to thank everyone for their participation and help over the last 12 years. Randall Sapphire Editor and Publisher, Cauldron and Candle Co-Host, The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum [01] ========= ========= CAULDRON NEWS ========= by The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum Staff ========= ===== ===== MESSAGE BOARD REORGANIZATION ===== The Cauldron's message board is undergoing a major reorganization, which is 90% complete as of this writing. This reorganization includes: 1) Boards will move around between categories. New Boards may appear. Old boards may be merged with other boards. New categories might appear. 2) Membership Classes will be GREATLY reorganized. (See article below for more info) Regular members will gain access to almost all non-private boards. Companion and Full memberships will be going away (at least in their current forms). Donor memberships will continue and should get noticeable extras. The reason for these changes is that TC has lost its focus over the past couple of years. TC used to aim mainly at non-beginners with a lot of more "advanced" discussion and debate than most Pagan-oriented boards have. We have lost that focus since moving to SMF from Beehive. Part of this was caused by the Hosts being preoccupied with things like cancer treatments (and the recovery therefore) but a lot of it was caused by our decision to limit access to the more advanced discussion areas to Full members. We had a number of good reasons for doing this, however, we expected far more people to apply for full membership than we have had. Only about 10% of the membership of this board are full members. We expected 50 to 60%, so most people never even have a chance at posting in the advanced discussion areas. We will still have boards aimed that those new to Pagan Religions and those New to Magic. They will be staffed by people who like working with newcomers and visited those of our more advanced members who enjoy answering newcomer questions. Newcomers will be cut some slack in these boards. Note, however, that nothing will stop newcomers to Paganism and Magic from posting in the advanced boards, but those who do and are not up to the advanced level of those boards will quickly have their ass handed to them in debate and discussion. If you choose to post their, you will be assumed to be able to handle being bluntly told what you learned in some bad 101 book is utter nonsense. ===== ===== NOW ALL MEMBERS CAN POST IN ALL PUBLIC BOARDS ===== When we moved our message board from Beehive to SMF over 18 months ago, we set up two separate membership classes. Regular membership -- which one got simply by registering for the board -- and Full Membership -- which one had to apply for after waiting at least a week and making enough posts to show one understood TC's rules and culture. Regular members could only post on a few board on the forum. This was intended to limit the damage spammers and trolls could do. We did not expect it to limit discussions as we expect most members would quickly apply for Full Membership and gain posting access to the entire forum. We were mistaken. We expected 50% to 70% of our members to be Full members. Unfortunately only 10% of TC's membership bothered to become Full members. We are correcting this problem. Regular members should now have posting access to all public boards (except admin ones, obviously) -- including the ability to start new topics, etc. All Basic and Companion members have been returned to Regular member status. Full members are still Full members for the time being, but the Full Membership will be phased out as soon as a few private areas are taken care of. This is a major policy change. This allows all members to participate in all public board areas. Note that the Hosts and Staff retain the ability to severely limit the access of members who cannot or will not obey forum rules or who cause trouble. So if you had very limited posting access to The Cauldron before, when you next visit you should find that you can most in almost every board you can see. Join us and post away today. ===== ===== DOWNLOAD HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF SPELLS ===== The Cauldron's webmaster has collected hundreds of spells, most of which cannot be put on this site due to time, space, or other constraints. If you cannot find any spells here (or elsewhere on the web -- try googling) that could suit your purpose, the web master will be happy to search through his files and send you any spells he feels might be likely candidates via email (see our spell search service for more information) or you can obtain a zipped collection of the text files with most of the webmaster's collection of spells for your own use -- over 1.5 megs of text files containing hundreds and hundreds of spells. Here are some of the files included: over 275K of love spells over 200K of healing spells over 150K of herbal spells over 140K of protection spells over 100K of money spells over 60K of "wishing" spells over 50K of "reversing spells" over 30K of luck spells and files full of justice spells, glamour spells, poppet spells, banishing spells, employment spells, lost things spells and more === === A Few of the Spells Included === Here are just a few of the spells included in this collection: Banish Lovers Jealousy House Blessing Break the Powers of a Spell Remove Curses To Rid a Room of Evil Candle Sleep Spell Happiness Spell Promotion Spell To Lose Your Troubles Unwanted Habit Spell Seashell Healing Spell To Banish Pain Herbal Magic Money Jar Win at Law Spell Finding Spell Undo Love Spell To Attract True Love Bring Back My Lover Spell Lust Potion Love and Lust Spell To Reunite Parted Lovers Charm for a Happy Marriage To Enflame Desire Spell for Luck Money Come Soon Spell Money Doubling Spell Green Devil Money Back Spell Silver Success Spell To Protect an Object Oil Magic Harmony in the Workplace Charm To Bind an Enemy Wishing Powder Spell to Bind Bullies To Make an Enemy into a Friend To Drive Away Evil To Break a Streak of Bad Luck To Banish an Unwelcome Entity To Conjure Spirits Self Empowerment Spell Lovers Truth Spell Truth Revealed Spell Rain Spell To Get What You Want === === Important Notes === * While not all the spells in this collection are of the "cause no possible harm" variety, there are no death spells or other spells designed to solely cause harm. If you are looking for "black magic" this is not the spell collection for you. * We make no claims about the effectiveness of spells provided. These spells are simply ones the webmaster has collected over the years. These spell files are plain ascii text (which can be read with programs like Notepad and Wordpad -- and similar programs included with other operating systems). Many of these files are pasted captures of spells from web sites that have not been available since the late 1990s. These files are not formatted for "pretty", but are quite readable. They are in English. === === Bonus Extras === Also included in the file with all these spells are copies of several texts on Chaos magic, eleven lessons on magick, a pdf copy of the Long Lost Friend (a book of American folk spells and charms from the 1800s) and a copy of The Ancient Book of Formulas (formulas for many magical incenses, oils, and powders). === === Donate $25 and this huge collection is yours === You can get a zipped file containing all these spells in text files for a US$25.00 donation to The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum. Your donation helps the Hosts pay the huge bills resulting from oral cancer. As many of you know, LyricFox is recovering from oral cancer and Lyric and Randall are some of the 40 to 50 million people in the US who do not have health insurance and do not qualify for government aid as we live in Texas and have no children. The cancer treatments and related expenses have cost over $110,000 so far. While over half of this has been absorbed by hospital foundations and the like, we still owe a lot of it. Your donation to obtain this collection of spells will help pay these bills and our ongoing expenses. Thank you very much and we hope you find these spells useful. To obtain this file, visit the link below. This will take you to a Paypal form where you can make your donation. Be sure your email program/web mail site is set to accept mail from any address at ecauldron.com so the results email will reach you. You should receive an email telling you how to download a copy of the zipped file of spells (if you do not, use the report a problem link at the bottom of any TC Web page to report that you did not get your download info.) Note that this email is sent manually by the webmaster and usually takes no more than 2 business days (after Paypal clears your donation payment) -- most of the time, the webmaster will email you the information as soon as he next checks email, which he usually does several times a day. * Donate $25 and get hundreds and hundreds of spells (and extras) http://www.ecauldron.net/web/goto.php?id=spelldonation ===== ===== Buy Pagan and Magick Supplies Through The Cauldron ===== As long time users of The Cauldron probably remember, we had an affiliate arrangement with Pagan Shopping/Earth Spirits Emporium for many years (where things you bought earned TC a percentage). They closed down last year and we have had a hard time finding another supply house with good prices, reasonable shipping, and a large variety of merchandise to replace it. We have finally found a supply house that meets all our requirements. You can now order from Meta Pot via our affiliate links and get the items you need while helping to fund TC (at no extra cost to you). You can go to this page -- Buy Pagan Supplies -- to start shopping. If you like Meta Pot, please bookmark our Buy Pagan Supplies page and use it to shop from so we get credit for your purchases. * Buy Pagan Supplies http://www.ecauldron.net/esesf.php They have a wide variety of Pagan Supplies as this list of Meta Pot item categories shows: * 3 x 6.5 Inches Pillar Candles * 7 Knob Candles * Altar Cloths * Amulets & Talismans * Anklets * Anna Riva Oils * Athames * Bags and Boxes * Bath Oils and Salts * Beeswax Candles * Blank Books, Book of Shadows * Bottles and Containers * Bowls and Chalices * Bracelets * Bumper Stickers A-G * Bumper Stickers H-M * Bumper Stickers N-Z * Candle Holders * Candle Snuffers * Cat Candles * Charmed Ritual Candles * Cloaks & Cologne * Crystal Balls and Runes * Dripless Candles * Earrings * Essential Oils * Foxcraft Oils * Gemstones * Head & Hair * Herbal Teas * Herbs and Powders * Human Figure Candles * Incense Burners * Incense Cast Iron Cauldrons & Charcoal * Incense Cone * Incense Granular * Incense Holders * Incense Powder * Incense Sticks by Others * Incense Sticks by Us * Indian Oils * Jar Candles * Mixes & Aids * Mortar And Pestle * Necklaces * Oil Diffusers, Oil Rings * Oil Essences * Original Oils * Other Candles * Other Wiccan Jewelry * Patches * Pendants * Pentagrams * Pins * Posters * Rings * Ritual Kits * Ritual Tools * Scented Votive Candles * Smoking Herbs * Smudge Sticks * Statues * Taper Candles * Tea Bags & Strainers * Unscented Votive Candles * Wands, Brooms, Mirrors * Writing Tools * Ziplock Herbal Storage Bags Remember, click on the "Buy Pagan Supplies" in the left hand menu of any The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum web page to visit Meta Pot and The Cauldron will get credit for any purchases you make. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ Please support our sponsor +++ PAGAN-FRIENDLY WEB HOSTING http://www.ecauldron.net/web/zdreamhost.php Dreamhost offers high-quality, low cost web hosting with a dedication to free speech. Pagan sites are welcome! Read why we used Dreamhost for The Cauldron's web site: http://www.ecauldron.net/web/whydreamhost.php Plan Features * unlimited web space * unlimited bandwidth * unlimited email boxes (POP3/IMAP) * unlimited ftp/shell accounts * host unlimited domains/subdomains * php4, php5, cgi, fastcgi, ssi * zend optimizer, ruby on rails * unlimited MySQL databases * announcement lists * discussion (aka mailing) lists * Jabber server * Crontab and Shell access * Web-based Control Panel * One-Click installs of the Wordpress blog & PhpBB forum * 1 free domain name * helpful tech support * and much more! All for $10.95 a month with a $49.95 setup fee. Pay for a year in advance (only 9.95/month) and there is no setup fee. Pay two years in advance and the price drops to $8.95 a month. (And there is a 97 day money back guarantee!) Visit Dreamhost for Affordable, Pagan-Friendly Hosting http://www.ecauldron.net/web/zdreamhost.php +++ Please support our sponsor +++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [02] ========= ========= INTERESTING RECENT CAULDRON DISCUSSIONS ========= Recent Discussion Topics on our Message Board ========= In an average month, over 200 new discussion topics are started on The Cauldron's message board. Here are a few of the more interesting recent discussions. It's not too late to join in. Thanks to Feedburner, you can now receive an email every night on days we post new site news items to the main page of The Cauldron's web site. These emails contain a link to the new item and the first couple of lines of the news text. You can sign up for Feedburner's free news delivery via the form at the end of the site "News and Updates" section of The Cauldron's main web page. ===== ===== Beginner Incense Questions ===== I was just informed by email that a friend ordered me some Nippon Kodo Incense and a incense holder for my birthday. So she being sweet as she knows I was looking into Roman Numina and ancestor worship (or she giving me a hint my bachelors apartment could use a air-freshener). So is this brand a good brand? And also is there any hints on how to use or handle the Incense? * Read (or join in) this discussion: http://www.ecauldron.net/forum/index.php?topic=10431.0 ===== ===== How Do You Communicate with the Divine? ===== I was reading a post a few minutes ago, and this question came to me "how do you communicate with the gods or the divine?". This interests me because, the only way I communicate is by meditating and then sending my astral self to them. Another way I use is summoning their presence to my altar and then communicated threw meditation or by simply observing nature and figuring out how they are feeling or what there answers are by the way nature acts around me. I was wondering if anyone else uses any other way to communicate with the divine? or if any other ways exist to communicate? * Read (or join in) this discussion: http://www.ecauldron.net/forum/index.php?topic=10574.0 ===== ===== Multiple Gods, Multiple Offerings? ===== Just a question on the logistics of how some of you handle offerings if you are honoring multiple Gods at a time. Do you feel that your Gods like to "share?" Or do they prefer to have separate offerings? Do you find that some Gods are more amenable to sharing than others? Are there some that are okay with sharing with certain other Gods, but not others? If you are offering the same thing to several Gods, do they each need their own bowl? * Read (or join in) this discussion: http://www.ecauldron.net/forum/index.php?topic=10550.0 ===== ===== Evil Is Sent Through Halloween Candy ===== Who is crazy enough to believe this? Kimberly Daniels Warns That Evil Is Sent Through Halloween Candy http://www.alan.com/2009/10/29/kimberly-daniels-warns-that-evil- is-sent-through-halloween-candy/ And the actual article: The Danger of Celebrating Halloween http://www.charismamag.com/index.php/prophetic-insight/23723-the- danger-of-celebrating-halloween * Read (or join in) this discussion: http://www.ecauldron.net/forum/index.php?topic=10519.0 ===== ===== Do your Gods dictate? ===== Of the following, which kind of relationship do you have with your God(s)? -One of command. Your God tells you want to do, and you do it -A little more courteous than the first; your God asks you to do something and you do it -Your God asks you to do something and hopes that you do it -Your God suggests that you do something, and then leaves you to decide -Your God doesn't tell you anything and leaves you to do what you want. My answer lies somewhere between the last two. I get the impression that my Gods leave hints as to what they suggest I do, but generally they leave me to make my own decisions. How about you? * Read (or join in) this discussion: http://www.ecauldron.net/forum/index.php?topic=10521.0 ===== ===== Lying? ===== What does your path say about lying -- if anything? Is honesty valued? Why? Do you believe lying is inherently bad? Or does it depend on the situation and/or on the lie? Is lying ever the right thing to do? * Read (or join in) this discussion: http://www.ecauldron.net/forum/index.php?topic=10497.0 ===== ===== Is magic Impious? ===== First of all, let me inform you that I am a follower of Hellenismos. That being said, I shoukd explain, in the event that anyone does not already know the following: Hellenic reconstructionism as based on the ancient Greek tradition, has, at its core, certain values and virtues that all Hellenes should try their hardest to subscribe to. One of these fundamental central ethics is that of "eusabeia," which can be safely translated to mean "piety." That fact lends itself to very strong opinions amongst many Hellenes regarding what is and is not impious behavior. As we can only place subjective observations in such matters, we have many philosophical debates regarding such. The topic of magic is a rather contentious area of discussion in many Hellenic circles. It is precisely this that causes a lot of people who, in general, share our deities and basic tenets of belief to choose not to identify as recon. My questions to you all, I hope, should start discussion and healthy debate. 1. Does the use of magic show some degree of impiety? 2. In your religion is it at all arrogant to say that you have abilities stretching out farther than normal human capacuty and thus approaching the divine? 3. If you claim magic is not impious because the power comes from your deities and not from yourself, is it not impious to say you can call down the power and aid of a god/goddess at will? 4. How does your personal use of magic display your piety or honor for god or the gods? 5. In the event that piety is not a significantly important part of your belief system, would you please explain? Why? * Read (or join in) this discussion: http://www.ecauldron.net/forum/index.php?topic=10458.0 ===== ===== Which roles do your deities play in your life? ===== I think every relationship 'serves' some purpose for us, there are people you can talk very deeply with, people you like to practice specific sports or hobbies with, people you like to party with, people you would 'steal horses' with, people you like to watch movies with, people you can work well with, people you do raise kids with, people you learn with, people you borrow things from, people you enjoy to have sex with, people you argue with, people who give good advice, people you like to help out... How is this with your deities? What are the reasons you 'work' with a specific deity? Which roles do they play in your life? I know this is a complex question. I suggest to just pick a few deities which are the most important to you and explain what you do with each of them. * Read (or join in) this discussion: http://www.ecauldron.net/forum/index.php?topic=10423.0 ===== ===== Handwriting of the Gods? ===== There are a lot of paths out there for which very little is written down. Most of their lore is either passed on orally or lost in the mists of time, and UPG and archeology are the main ways people build their beliefs. Other paths, though, have reams and reams of original sources and learned commentary. The original writings can be from many different time periods, and the interpretations change according to who is doing it and what has been discovered through other means (again, archeology is a major changer-of-perspective) Often there are contradictory things said about how a god behaves or relates to people, or its fundamental nature even. How do you decide what to include in your practice? Do you pick a certain time period, or a particular interpreter? If part of a god's history is distasteful or feels wrong to you, how do you justify ignoring or re-interpreting that part, or do you just accept that everybody, including gods, will occasionally earn your disapproval? If you feel that some of the gods' baggage is just the weight of the original culture or the interpretation of politically minded leaders, where do you find the bits that aren't? In other words, how do you identify what is 'truly' an aspect of your god, and what is put upon it by humans? Do you feel that some ancient writers were more faithful than others, have more of a clear view, or that you can trace a myth back to pre-political interpretations, or does the god speak to you and tell you 'He's got the truth.' 'He's just a hack.' 'That view is degenerate, but that one is me'. 'That is just the way I dictated it, but that one takes liberties'. How do you decide which sources are reliable and which are not when they contradict each other? Is there a repeating clue, an identifier, that you look for, like authentic handwriting vs clever forgery? * Read (or join in) this discussion: http://www.ecauldron.net/forum/index.php?topic=10370.0 ===== ===== Disposing of Offerings and Spell Materials ===== We were talking about offerings and sacrifices over in the Hazel and Oak SIG, which spun me off into talking about how best to dispose of offerings without soiling the environment. I have alley cats I feed, and my own cat goes in the front yard... not to mention the birds, the cats I don't feed, and whoever's dogs get loose running around the neighborhood. I don't want to put anything out in the yard that will harm the critters or kill my grass or plants. How do you dispose of your offerings or used spell materials (like wax candle stubs)? Do you just chuck them in the trash? Pour them down the sink? Take them outdoors into the yard or other wilderness? Have you thought about the affects that your leavings might have on local wildlife or the environment? * Read (or join in) this discussion: http://www.ecauldron.net/forum/index.php?topic=10336.0 [03] ========= ========= PHYLLIS VEGA'S TAROT TALK ========= Keywords in Tarot ========= by Phyllis Vega ========= Keywords can be a valuable tool when reading the tarot, especially for the beginner. The keywords can be combined with the in-depth meanings in such a way as to create memory pegs that make it easier to interpret the cards when you're in the midst of a reading. Sometimes just the recollection of one or two keywords is enough to trigger total recall of a card's meaning. Once the keywords have been mastered, the ability to combine and synthesize the meanings of each of the 78 tarot cards comes with practice. ===== ===== Part 1 – Tarot Reader's Keyword Cheat Sheet ===== === === The Major Arcana === 0. The Fool: innocence, inexperience, new beginnings, fresh start, freedom loving, open minded, a trip or journey, risk, following your dreams, taking a chance. l. The Magician: manifestation, transformation, metamorphosis, will and determination, magic, psychic awareness, self- confidence, creative intelligence, mental agility, crafty, a trickster. 2. The High Priestess: intuition, inspiration, secrecy, detachment, mystery, psychic ability, passive, receptive, the unconscious, memories, dreams, spiritual development, esoteric knowledge, hidden power, women's mysteries. 3. The Empress: abundance, fertility, nurturing, motherhood, pregnancy, sensuality, sexuality, practicality, good luck, success, feelings, property, land, synthesis, comfort, luxury. 4. The Emperor: authority, government, logic, reasoning, solid foundations, leadership, organization, order, fatherhood, bosses, courts, society in general, police, war, conquest, victory. 5. The Hierophant: tradition, organized religion, family, conventional mores, conventional belief systems, rituals, marriage, organizations, groups, rigidity, orthodox guidance, the establishment. 6. The Lovers: choice, unions, partnership, a love match, unpredictable changes, travel, new experiences, duality, decisions, new relationships, someone interfering between lovers. 7. The Chariot: ambition, motivation, focus, power, victory, success, self-discipline, travel, determination, youthful energy, bravado, willpower, fruition. 8. Strength: fortitude, inner strength, courage, passion, perseverance, wisdom, knowledge, self-dominion, self-confidence, enthusiasm, endurance, patience, stubbornness. 9. The Hermit: guidance, contemplation, solitude, study, teaching, metaphysics, travel, self-containment, truth seeking, meditation, occult knowledge and secrets, spiritual teaching, higher self. 10. The Wheel of Fortune: good and bad luck, destiny, karma, what goes around comes around, spinning your wheels, cycles, risk taking, changes. 11. Justice: equity, balance, harmony, the law, deliberations, contracts, choice, impartiality, detachment, compromise, lawsuits, legal problems, law enforcement, looking at both sides, getting what you deserve. 12. The Hanged Man: stagnation, suspended action, unconventional behavior, frustration, delays, a new point of view, going your own way, sacrifice, loneliness, victim consciousness. 13. Death: regeneration, transformation, rebirth, permanent change, renewal, revitalization, metamorphosis, the phoenix rising from the ashes, complete turn around. 14. Temperance: moderation, compromise, alchemy, adaptation, tempering, self-control, modification, patience, mix and match, weave together, blend fire and water, harmony, balance, a delay. 15. The Devil: temptation, limits, burdens, restrictions, boundaries, misdirection, self-indulgence, sensuality, lust, bondage to the past, fear of change, obsession, passive choosing, lack of self-confidence. 16. The Tower: sudden and unexpected life changes, trauma, breaking apart of structures, a wake up call, violent upheaval, violent endings, catalyst for change, clearing away of the old to make room for the new. 17. The Star: renewal, hope, healing, inspiration, inner peace, calm, insight, meditation, guidance, purpose, light, reaching for the stars, purity, beauty. 18. The Moon: illusion, the unconscious, dreams, visions, worry, fear, confusion, madness, paranoia, swamped by emotion, psychic ability, the mysterious, goddess consciousness, women's mysteries, reflection, dark night of the soul. 19. The Sun: joy, energy, good luck, success, material wealth, things up front, god consciousness, exuberance, enthusiasm, attainment, empowerment, illumination, master of your own destiny, travel. 20. Judgement: enlightenment, a spiritual awakening, second chance, starting over, regeneration, critiquing and judging others, higher consciousness, wisdom, a more meaningful existence. 21. The World: fulfillment, success, growth, change, milestone, coming full circle, travel, having it all, ending one cycle and beginning another, journey's end. === === The Court Cards === King of Wands: entrepreneur, visionary, self-starter, enthusiastic, self-employed, independent, motivated, an inspiration to others, promoter, salesman, agent, manager, impatient, impulsive, con man. King of Cups: compassionate, loving, kind, romantic, nurturing, family man, metaphysician, preacher, cook, counselor, psychologist, operating a home business, working at what you enjoy, tendency to over indulge in food and drink. King of Pentacles: stable, astute in business, loyal, secure, dependable, successful, materialistic, family oriented, accomplished, square peg in a square hole, financier, CEO, manager, industrialist, banker, measurable risk. King of Swords: logical, warrior/scholar/diplomat, professional man, lawyer, judge, doctor, writer, law and order, the justice of the establishment, authority, wise, impartial, detective, undercover agent, spy. Queen of Wands: exuberant, spirited, creative, businesslike, energetic, enterprising, dramatic, ardent, passionate, honest, open, creative, outgoing, opinionated, fiery. Queen of Cups: nurturing, loving, romantic, motherhood, psychic, clairvoyant, compassionate, emotional, dramatic, spirituality, sexuality, secretive, tendency towards overweight, loves animals and children. Queen of Pentacles: practical, nurturing, responsible, secure, down-to-earth, business oriented, go-getter, materialistic, over- protective, efficient, earth mother, writer, actress, inventor, accountant, psychologist. Queen of Swords: courageous, intelligent, creative, feminine, a woman alone, independent, a widow or divorcee, outspoken, sharp tongued, self-motivated, secretive, demanding, dominating, vindictive, deceitful. Knight of Wands: informative, travel related to business or spiritual matters, heightened intuition, synchronistic events, a spiritual quest, eager, ardent, energetic, a messenger bringing good news. Knight of Cups: romantic, travel, flirtations, social activities, new romance, improvements and increase, following a path with heart, flights of fancy, charm, excessive emotion, Don Juan. Knight of Pentacles: dependable, serious, responsible, hard- working, practical, working behind the scenes, workaholic, smoldering temper, travel related to finances, business, investing, saving. Knight of Swords: assertive action, aggression, travel, communication, social activities, courage, bravado, overcoming obstacles, headstrong, sharp mind, mental challenge. Page of Wands: communicative, spreading good news, new projects, new beginnings, adventurous, spiritual, fun-loving, charismatic, easily bored, unfinished projects, messages about work and employment, advertising, promotion. Page of Cups: expansive, pregnancy, birth, new beginnings, social messages, sensitive, emotional, romantic, psychic, creative, intuitive, immature. Page of Pentacles: enthusiastic, student, scholarship, apprentice, perpetual beginner, solitary journey, vision quest, work as play, negotiations, financial communications, computer nerd. Page of Swords: cerebral, intellectual, not taking things seriously, intelligent, outspoken communication, assertive, crusader, detached, watcher, ironic observer, active and curious mind. === === The Pip Cards === === Wands Ace of Wands: new enterprises, creative beginnings, birth of an idea, new challenges, boundless energy, fiery enthusiasm, optimism, exhilaration, a journey, birth of a child, a sexual escapade, mail or phone messages. Two of Wands: impending success, moving in the right direction, creative partnerships, collaboration of ideas, successful negotiations, ships just over the horizon, friendship based on common interests. Three of Wands: imminent success, past efforts starting to pay off, ships coming in, commerce, overseas transactions, imports and exports, alliances with others, pooling talent and ideas. Four of Wands: foundations, stability, solidly laid plans, architecture, property, building and planning, a new home, a happy family, committed relationships, business partnerships, friendship, births, marriage, engagement, rites of passage. Five of Wands: competition, rivalry, aggressive action, standing your ground, struggle, beating the bushes for new business, flushing out opportunities, fighting for what you want. Six of Wands: victory, success, triumph, overcoming obstacles, achievement, winning, honors, realization of goals, vindication for hard work and struggle, attaining a cherished dream. Seven of Wands: holding your own, success against all opposition, winning out over unfavorable odds, position of advantage, fighting back successfully, taking a stand, self employment, writing. Eight of Wands: swiftness, energy, messages, good news, moving closer to your goal, plans nearing completion, travel, mail, faxes, email, phone calls, advertising, promotion, new ideas, new projects, taking a risk. Nine of Wands: final test, one last challenge, a pause in the struggle, wait and see, caution and patience, drawing on reserve strength, poised on the threshold of victory. Ten of Wands: overburdened, excessive responsibility, carrying a heavy load, biting off more than you can chew, doing everything yourself, stress, pressure, all work and no play. === Cups Ace of Cups: new relationships, new love, joy, fulfillment, pregnancy, birth, fertility, new opportunities, renewed passion, a new appreciation for life, a happy situation, the Holy Grail. Two of Cups: partnership, true love, one-on-one relationships, marriage, engagement, emotional compatibility, mutual trust, openness, dating, good feelings, give and take. Three of Cups: celebrations, rejoicing, reunions, the holidays, births, baptisms, engagements, good fortune, success, happiness, friendships, convivially, happy hours, fun, eating and drinking, overindulgence, oversensitivity. Four of Cups: apathy, unappealing choices, lack of enthusiasm for the future, opportunities that merit a second look, jaded outlook, boredom, dissatisfaction, a ho-hum attitude. Five of Cups: regret, disappointment, loss, holding onto past wrongs, sorrow, emotional pain, end of a relationship or job, reversal of fortune, demotion, passed over for promotion, burned out. Six of Cups: nostalgia, old memories, new opportunities, children, childhood, appearance of an old friend or lover, birth, pregnancy, happy times, a new use for old skills and abilities. Seven of Cups: indecision, imagination, fantasy, an abundance of options, inability to distinguish between good and bad choices, feeling muddled and confused, vacillating. Eight of Cups: walking away, moving on, the gradual withdrawal of affection, loss of interest, conscious decision to leave a relationship or job, backing off, pulling back, searching for higher meaning. Nine of Cups: wish fulfillment, happiness, joy, contentment, abundance, material success, physical well being, fulfillment of a dream, good luck, earthly pleasures. Ten of Cups: happy family, joy and contentment in personal relationships, lasting success, complete happiness, emotional harmony, prosperity, security, commitment, marriage, children, a house or home. === Pentacles Ace of Pentacles: financial opportunity, a fresh start, a new job, renewed health, expansion, material gain, a raise or promotion, auspicious time to launch a new business venture. Two of Pentacles: Your relationships are going through a period of change and adjustment, and you're mainly concerned with maintaining your equilibrium and striking a workable balance between the various aspects of your life. Three of Pentacles: master craftsperson, an expert, public recognition, reward for expertise, master builder, payment of royalties or residuals, satisfying work, achievement. Four of Pentacles: security, a solid financial foundation, stability, financially conservative, protective of possessions, seeking happiness from money, self-sufficient, professional advancement, a miserly disposition. Five of Pentacles: insecurity, hardships, poverty, unemployment, debts, self-employment that tends to feast or famine, misfortune, out in the cold emotionally, feeling abandoned and ignored. Six of Pentacles: financial aid, assistance, loan, social security check, welfare, a grant, a scholarship, a gift, an inheritance, bonus, raise, prize, benefactor, patron, what goes around – comes around. Seven of Pentacles: financial harvest, evaluating accomplishments, weighing options for the future, royalties, a surge in sales, reevaluation of goals, a pause in progress. Eight of Pentacles: apprentice, education, learning a new trade, polishing skills, attention to detail, fine tuning of ability, taking pride in what you do, a new hobby. Nine of Pentacles: comfort, independence, financial security, alone but not lonely, contentment, well-being, self-reliance, a beautiful environment, love of animals and nature, a home body, material success. Ten of Pentacles: wealth, prosperity, riches, purchase of land or stock, business travel, transactions involving millions, a windfall, improved health, happiness and contentment, security. === Swords Ace of Swords: new ideas, new beliefs, new projects, invention, resolving old problems, solutions to a mystery, cutting through illusions, a sudden romance or sexual encounter. Two of Swords: stalemate, deadlock, procrastination, a paradoxical situation, a temporary truce or compromise, a fork in the road, a decision yet to be made, the need to decide soon. Three of Swords: heartbreak, loss, physical and emotional pain, letting go, deep suffering, a broken relationship, divorce, separation, open heart surgery, abortion, miscarriage. Four of Swords: respite, incarceration, jail term, hospital stay, a period of rest and recuperation, time out for quiet contemplation, a spiritual retreat, inactivity, waiting. Five of Swords: empty victory, winning through the use of deception and unfair tactics, sabotage, treachery, escape from danger, breaking of bonds, lifting of restrictions, a battle with no clear victor. Six of Swords: travel, moving away from problems, change of residence, a turning point, improvement in a situation, a trip over water, an overseas visitor, assistance. Seven of Swords: bold action, an impulsive act, furtiveness, stealth, outsmarting the opposition, playing your cards close to the vest, taking advantage of a person or situation, mistrust, a victory that brings only partial success. Eight of Swords: restriction, illusion of limitation, a mental prison, mental distress, fear, insecurity, blocked exits, lack of options, feeling boxed in, looking for a way out, a sense of hopelessness. Nine of Swords: worry, anxiety, sleepless nights, stress induced nightmares, fear, mental anguish, depression, concern for family, concern for the problems of the world, dark night of the soul. Ten of Swords: betrayal, unhappy endings, treachery, misfortune, being stabbed in the back, loss, final and dramatic resolution of a situation, the end of a thing on which you had been counting. ===== ===== Part 2 – Keyword Practice Exercise ===== 1) Study the keywords and phrases for each of the majors 2) Examine the following poem. 3) Using different keywords and phrases from the ones in the sample, write your own poem about the twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana. Innocent Fool says, "I begin". Crafty Magician says, "I manifest". Secretive High Priestess, says "I intuit". Fertile Empress says, "I nurture". Authoritative Emperor says, "I govern". Traditional Hierophant says, "I believe". Harmonious Lovers say, "We choose". Ambitious Chariot says, "I succeed". Courageous Strength says, "I persevere". Contemplative Hermit says, "I guide". Cyclical Wheel of Fortune says, "I change". Balanced Justice says, "I decide". Suspended Hanged Man says, "I don't conform". Transforming Death says, "I am reborn". Alchemical Temperance says, "I compromise". Limiting Devil says, "I tempt". Traumatic Tower says, "I clear away." Healing Star says, "I inspire". Reflective Moon says, "I create illusion". Glorious Sun Says, "I energize". Enlightened Judgement says, "I awaken". Affirming World says. "I've arrived". === === About Phyllis Vega === Phyllis Vega is a professional astrologer and tarot reader. She is the author of two popular tarot books, Romancing the Tarot and Power Tarot (with Trish MacGregor), with a third book, TarotCraft: How to Use the Cards for Divination, Creative Visualization, and Meditation currently in the works. Contact Phyllis via email at pvega@bellsouth.net or through her website at http://phyllisvega.geocities.com/. Tarot Tarot columns and other works by Phyllis are archived at http://tarottalk.ecauldron.net/. Phyllis Vega's Tarot Talk copyright (c) 2009 by Phyllis Vega. All rights reserved. [04] ========= ========= FLAMEKEEPING ========= EMBRACING ONE'S PATH ========= by HeartShadow ========= HeartShadow is following her own religious path. She calls it FlameKeeping. This regular column will present articles on FlameKeeping, many taken from HeartShadow's FlameKeeping blog at: http://flamekeeping.blogspot.com/ ===== ===== Embracing One's Path ===== We all see the Divine as different things. Truth, beauty, God, mathematics, science, or anything else we find that makes our heart sing and gives us a feeling of being where we belong. There is that spot when everything comes together and we find our place, where it seems like we have found the path ordained for us. While I do not believe these things are fated, that sense is holy and should be followed whenever possible. For each of us, depending on the direction we take in life, there are places and choices that can lead us to that feeling of completion, of finding our place in the universe, of meeting the Divine. And that place, be it as a parent, as a teacher, a scientist or anything else, is the place you belong and need to find a way to be. It's not always possible, of course. We need money, we are bound by regulations and idiocies that block us from our desired path, all kinds of things can stand in the way. But there are ways and ways to find these places in our lives: if the standard way is blocked to us, we should find another way to the same goal. We can trap ourselves in expectation, believing we are only a teacher in the classroom, only a scientist in a lab. We forget that a label is just a definition, not a trap, and that we can follow a calling without any official sanction whatsoever. Our callings can and often do change over our lives as well. We need to be willing to bend with grace, to shift to a new perspective when our world demands it. The only constant in our world is change. ===== ===== Questions: ===== * What is your calling? Do you have one? More than one? * What have you given up for a calling? What have you gained? * Is there a calling you wish you had but don't? Something you've always wished you could do? Is there a reason to not try? [05] ========= ========= ARTICLES ========= ======= ======= NOTES FOR THE SEEKER: GATHERING THE TOOLS ======= by Karen Carothers ======= The idea of writing a Pagan seeker's guide has been percolating in me for a while. Too often, I see seekers who rush impetuously from idea to idea and path to path, never finding satisfaction and always unsure why. It's my hope that by putting this guide together, I can help those folks who look out at the vast vista of religious seeking and wonder "Where on EARTH do I begin"? Well, seeker, the first thing you need to do is to gather supplies for your journey. My work here will require some sort of recording tool. I like to journal with LJ, or using plain spiral notebooks from the office supply store. But you can use another online blog, or a fancy blank book, or the little cheap notebooks they sell at dollar stores and craft stores... whatever you like that inspires you to fill it up with your words. You might also want to get yourself a special pen to keep with the journal. Maybe colored glitter pens, or a very nice fountain pen. Or crayons. Or if you're blogging online, you might want to gather special jpgs or LJ user icons you can use for your journaling. This is your creative space, so use whatever makes you happy. Once you've done that, plan to set aside a small amount of time for journaling on a regular basis. Doesn't have to be daily or weekly. But taking regular time and scheduling that time will help you keep your spiritual focus amongst all your other mundane tasks. And also remind you not to neglect the mundane in favor of spiritual seeking. Journaling and reading are important, but so is making sure there's food in the house and clean laundry in the closet. You might even want to make a special ritual out of your journaling time... light a candle, some incense, play some soft music. Or you might want to take your journal outdoors with you. Or you may have to be content with journaling quietly at the kitchen table after the kids and your spouse have gone to bed. Whatever works for you. This is not meant to be a complicated chore. It's meant to help you sort your mind so that your journey can be a bit easier. Now then... with that all accomplished... the first thing to address is where you've been. Grab your journal and spend some time musing over your spiritual past. Important things to consider are: 1. Why am I embarking on this journey now, rather than in the past or in the future? 2. Which of my spiritual teachings do I like? 3. Which of my spiritual teachings do I dislike? 4. Ultimately, how do I want to end up? By sorting out where you've been, what you've learned, and why you've become dissatisfied with it, you can begin to piece together what you're looking for. By knowing what you didn't like, you can avoid trodding down that same path in the future. More importantly, you can explore WHY you didn't like it. By exploring how you want to end up, you also begin to pick up the directions of your seeker's journey. Are you looking to be more confident? To have power? To become a scholar? To become a community priest? You don't have to have all the answers now, but chances are that you have some sort of goal in mind, even if it's vague. Next time, we'll examine what you might be looking for in a new spiritual path. [06] ========= ========= Cauldron Info ========= SUPPORT THE CAULDRON'S SERVER WITH DONATIONS ========= As mentioned in the October 2008 newsletter, we now need over US$60 in donations every month to keep the server online. No donations, no server. No server, no message board. Well, not really "no message board" as there is always the free backup board, but the limitations of the free backup board drive staff and many members nuts. Your donations are needed to keep The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum's message board up. We now have two ways you can donate. OPTION 1: Make An "Anonymous" Donation in Any Amount If you are not a member of the message board -- or are a member but do not want a donor button to appear on your posts or wish to donate a non-standard amount, you can make an "anonymous" donation (which will not cause any "donor" notation on your posts) in any amount via the Paypal link below. You do NOT need a Paypal account to donate. After Paypal fees, we get 85% to 90% of the money you donate. http://www.ecauldron.com/donatepaypal.php OPTION 2: Message Board Member? Donate Through Your Profile: Get Bronze/Silver/Gold Donor Levels and Benefits If you are logged into the message board, you can make a donation (via Donation Subscriptions in your Profile) at the Bronze Donor (US$5.00), Silver Donor (US$10.00) or Gold Donor (US$15.00) level and get a special button that will appear on your posts as well have access to our Donor only areas (and more for Silver and Gold Donors, see this post on the board for current information: http://www.ecauldron.net/forum/index.php?topic=7335.0). These special benefits will last for one month (or one year if you elect the annual donation option) and can be renewed by extending your subscription. You can elect to make a one time donation or to set up a Paypal subscription that will automatically renew your donation each month or year until you cancel the subscription at Paypal. You can find the "Donation Subscription" link in the "Manage Profile" menu on your profile. Payments are made via Paypal but you do not need a Paypal account to donate (unless you wish to set up a recurring donation subscription). If you are a member of our message board, this link will take you directly to the Donation Subscription area of your Profile (with a stop to log in if you are not already logged in): http://www.ecauldron.net/profiledonations.php [07] ========= ========= Cauldron Info ========= SUPPORT THE CAULDRON BY VOLUNTEERING TO HELP ========= The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum was founded in December 1997 to provide a friendly but serious discussion area for Pagans on the Internet. We've grown a bit over the years. We now have an active message area, a large web site with around 700 pages of information (including over 300 book and divination deck reviews), and a monthly email newsletter. To continue to provide and expand these services, The Cauldron needs lots of volunteer help from our members and supporters. Here are some of the things members and supporters can do to help The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum thrive: ===== ===== Actively Participate In Our Message Board ===== While our new message board welcomes readers, we encourage members to actively participate by posting their comments and views in our discussions. One of the easiest ways to help The Cauldron is to actively participate in our message board. The staff especially appreciates members who start new topics for discussion based on their own questions, opinions, or interests. http://www.ecauldron.net/forum/ ===== ===== Articles! Essays! Tutorials! ===== We are in constant need of original, well-written and accurate articles, essays, tutorials, and other written items for both our web site and for our Cauldron and Candle newsletter. There's no real limit on length for web site articles. Here are a few areas in which we always need articles: * information on the beliefs and theology of the various Pagan religions, especially non-Wiccan religions * information on holidays and festivals of the various Pagan religions, especially non-Wiccan religions * recipes for oils, incenses, and food for the various Pagan holidays * magick, spells, and ritual information * herbal information * positive articles on dealing with other faiths * information on historical pagan cultures * editorial/opinion pieces Non-Wiccan material is stressed not because we don't want Wiccan material but because good non-Wiccan material has been hard to find. We have a web form you can use to submit an article for consideration: http://www.ecauldron.net/bnbarticleform.php ===== ===== Book Reviews ===== While The Cauldron receives some review copies from a couple of Pagan publishers, there are many books that can only be reviewed on our web site if a member has a copy and writes a good, objective review. The Cauldron is interested in reviews on the more academic books used by reconstructionist Pagan religions as well as on the books one finds on the Pagan/New Age shelf in the bookstore. We have a web form you can use to submit a book review for consideration: http://www.ecauldron.net/bnbbkreviewform.php ===== ===== Graphic Assistance ===== The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum is purposely a low graphics site as we value page download speed over flashy graphics. However, we are always willing to talk with artists who have ideas for well-designed small graphics (small in both physical dimensions and file size) that might enhance a specific article or page. ===== ===== Invite Your Friends ===== If you have friends or acquaintances who you believe would find The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum useful, please tell them about our site. If you are active in our message board and have friends who might enjoy them or have information to contribute, please invite them. ===== ===== Link To The Cauldron ===== If you have a web site where linking to The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum would be appropriate, simply providing a link to this web site is a big help. Our Link to this Site page explains how you can do this if you need help or want some simple graphic buttons to use: http://www.ecauldron.net/linktous.php ===== ===== Amazon Purchases ===== The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum also receives a small percentage (usually 5%) from most items purchased from Amazon.com when you go to Amazon.com from one of the links to Amazon on our web site. If you purchase a lot of books, CDs, and other items from Amazon.com as many members do, going to Amazon.com through one of our links when you are going to make a purchase there is a painless way to help fund this web site. http://www.ecauldron.net/zamazon.php If you are a regular user of the US version of Amazon, you can help The Cauldron by replacing the URL of your ebay bookmark in your browser with the above link so that TC gets credit every time you visit Amazon.com. To do this in Internet Explorer or Firefox, find Amazon in your bookmark list. RIGHT click on it and select Properties from the popup menu which will appear. A dialog box describing your bookmark will appear. You'll see the standard Amazon url -- probably http://www.amazon.com/ -- in an edit box (labeled "Location" in FireFox and "URL" in IE). Erase that url completely and replace with one listed above, then click on OK. If you use Amazon UK, you can use this address http://www.ecauldron.net/zamazonuk.php If you use Amazon Canada, you can use this addess: http://www.ecauldron.net/zamazonca.php ===== ===== Ebay Purchases ===== Are you an Ebay user? Ebay has a new program that pays affiliates a small percent of the winning bid if the winning bidder enters ebay from an affiliate link (some like how our Amazon.com affiliate program works). So if you visit the US version ebay via the following link, the Cauldron will get credit for your bids: http://www.ecauldron.net/zebay.php If you are a regular user of the US version of ebay, you can help The Cauldron by replacing the URL of your ebay bookmark in your browser with the above link so that TC gets credit every time you visit ebay. To do this in Internet Explorer or Firefox, find ebay in your bookmark list. RIGHT click on it and select Properties from the popup menu which will appear. A dialog box describing your bookmark will appear. You'll see the standard ebay url -- probably http://www.ebay.com/ -- in an edit box (labeled "Location" in FireFox and "URL" in IE). Erase that url completely and replace with one listed above, then click on OK. ===== ===== Have Questions or Suggestions? ===== If you have specific questions, proposals or other ideas we haven't mentioned here, please email them to rssapphire00@ecauldron.GETRIDOFEME.com. (Unfortunately, Randall has to answer general "Tell me more?" type questions with a request for a more specific question. He's not trying to be rude, he just can't think of anything general and useful to say that isn't said here.) [08] ========= ========= NEWSLETTER INFORMATION ========= (Including how to subscribe and unsubscribe) ========= Cauldron and Candle is a free publication of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum. The Cauldron intends to publish this newsletter once a month and often actually succeeds in doing so. We tried to publish it twice a month for a while, but real life interfered too often. This issue of Cauldron and Candle as a whole is copyright (c) 2008 by The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum. Copyrights on individual items in this newsletter are retained by their author, please contact the editors if you need to contact an author for permission to reprint an article and the editors will do their best to put you in touch with him or her. The opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of newsletter, The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum, or its staff. Publication of an article in this newsletter is not an endorsement of the authors position or any products and companies mentioned therein. No one involved in producing this newsletter has any money to speak of so suing us if you don't like something we do is a waste of time and money. ===== ===== HOW TO SUBSCRIBE OR UNSUBSCRIBE OR CHANGE EMAIL ADDRESS ===== You are receiving a copy of this newsletter because you signed up to receive it. You can subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter via your web browser at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cauldronandcandle/join Or you can unsubscribe via email by sending a blank message to cauldronandcandle-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Be sure to send this message from the email account actually subscribed to the newsletter. If you have trouble unsubscribing by email, please use the web browser method mentioned above. If you need to change your subscription to a new email address, unsubscribe your old email address and subscribe your new email address. Note that you have to make these changes yourself. Yahoo Groups does not allow the list owner to make them for you. ===== ===== NEWSLETTER WEB SITE AND BACK ISSUE ARCHIVE ===== The Cauldron and Candle web site contains information on this newsletter and an archive of back issues. http://www.ecauldron.com/cnc/ ===== ===== PLEASE INVITE YOUR FRIENDS TO SUBSCRIBE ===== If you have Pagan friends who you believe would be interested in Cauldron and Candle please invite them to subscribe. You can either drop them a note yourself or -- better yet -- send them one of The Cauldron's email postcards with the information. You are also welcome to forward a copies of this newsletter to interested friends and associates provided you forward the entire newsletter. ===== ===== SUGGESTIONS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME ===== Don't forget that your suggestions for this newsletter are always welcome, either posted on the message board or via email to LyricFox (lyricfox01@ecauldron.GETRIDOFME.com) or Randall Sapphire (rssapphire01@.ecauldron.GETRIDOFME.com). Typos are, as usual, courtesy of the Goddess Eris. |
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