[Cauldron and Candle Illo]


Cauldron and Candle
Issue #75 -- July 2006

A Publication of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum
website: http://www.ecauldron.com/
message board: http://www.ecauldron.net/mb/


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C A U L D R O N   A N D   C A N D L E  #75 -- July 2006

           A Publication of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum
                website: http://www.ecauldron.com/
            message board: http://www.ecauldron.net/mb/
             newsletter: http://www.ecauldron.com/cnc/
            shopping: http://www.ecauldron.com/mall.php

In this Issue:

[00] Editorial Notes
[01] Cauldron News
   * Shadow New Assistant Message Board Coordinator
[02] Cauldron Discussions
[03] Pagan Announcements
[04] Book Reviews:
   * A Seeker's Journey and Initiation into Wicca
   * Moon Tides, Soul Passages
[05] Articles
   * How To Make A Dowsing Pendulum
   * Amethyst: The Stone Of The Royals
[06] Flamekeeping: Belief, Faith, and Divine Love
[07] Software Gadgets: The Column
   * FreeMind -- Free Mind Mapping Software
   * SVS -- Virtualize Software Installs
   * Poke -- Cheat In Almost Every Game Out There
[08] Grimoire: Infusion Purification Spell
[09] Pagan Webmaster: Search Engine Positioning and More
[10] Recipe: Watergate Salad
[11] Support The Cauldron
[12] Newsletter Information
              (Including How To Subscribe/Unsubscribe)

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Welcome to the first July 2006 issue of Cauldron and Candle.
You are receiving this issue because you subscribed. To learn how
to unsubscribe, see the last section of this newsletter.

There was no seconf June issue last month. I simply got to busy
in real life to put it together. I'd like to say it will not
happen again, but that would be a lie. It's also why we are
calling ourt two issue a month schedule "experimental."

I'd like to remind everyone of a couple of painless ways to
support The Cauldron if you are in the market for web hosting or
pagan supplies.  Buy directly from our links:

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Randall Sapphire
Editor and Publisher, Cauldron and Candle
Co-Host, The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum

========= by The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum Staff

===== Shadow New Assistant Message Board Coordinator

With The Cauldron's recent decision to stress Flash Chat less (as
there is not that much interest in itamong our membership),
Shadow has moved from the Chat Coordinator position to our second
Assistant Message Board Coordinator position. This gives her more
family time and gives our message board staff a much needed
second assistant coordinator.

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========= Recent Discussion Topics on our Message Board

In an average month, over 200 new discussion topics are started
on The Cauldron's message board. Here are a few of the more
interesting recent discussions. It's not too late to join in.

Thanks to Feedburner, you can now receive an email every night on
days we post new site news items to the main page of The
Cauldron's web site. These emails contain a link to the new item
and the first couple of lines of the news text. You can sign up
for Feedburner's free news delivery via the form at the end of
the site "News and Updates" section of The Cauldron's main web

===== Can We Get Some Testosterone Here, Please?

I'm not Wiccan, but my neopagan worldview is virtually the same.
As a guy, I have no problem with Wicca's strong feminist
leanings; and as a gay guy, I'm probably less threatened than
most men about appreciating my own feminine side. Yet, like the
guy who wrote the article referenced in a recent thread (whose
Wicca experiences tended towards the "You've got a penis, so
you're wrong" type), I find myself wondering about the role of
men in Wicca and its neopagan relatives.

I'm not concerned with individuals who reject all things male;
their problem, not mine. But I'm curious if others have found
anywhere in Wicca or its close relatives an embrace of
"hypermasculinity": the competitive drive, athleticism, unbridled
promiscuous sexuality, a tendency towards directness, etc.

The nearest I've found is the Wiccan concept of the God as
hunter, which seems of limited value to most of us whose nearest
experience to death-dealing is ordering a burger. Ancient
pantheons have a wealth of hypermasculine archetypes -- Herakles,
Zeus, Achilles, and a ton of other Greeks; Thor and Odin; and
that's just naming the most obvious. Yet in Wicca-related
neopaganism, we seem to be defined solely in relation to the
female: the Consort; the rape-fighter. (My sole purpose in life
is to run around preventing rape? Great.)

As a gay guy I understand better than most just how damaging the
hypermasculine can be when it's improperly channeled: bullying,
violence, war, patriarchal domination, and yes, rape. But maybe
because my own embrace of my hypermasculinity was hard won, it
seems a shame that so many Wiccan types cut themselves off from
it. A nature-centered religion shouldn't have so much trouble
appreciating what's beautifully obvious from every fantastically
plumaged male bird belting out his song at the top his lungs. And
a feminist religion risks diminishing its women if they're not
given the opportunity to embrace their masculine side (seen the
legion of girls on suburban soccer fields lately?) just as we
Wiccan-type guys get to embrace our feminine side.

So shoot me down. Am I totally off base here? In Wicca and its
neopagan relatives, where's the testosterone?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Developing Religious Structure?

I've been what I call an armchair pagan for awhile- all thought,
no action- and my Gods have decided that they have had enough
with the wishy-washy indecisiveness. I spent some time searching
for groups that matched my beliefs, but I was constantly met with
the thought that I have to do it myself. I've also come to the
conclusion that I should be designing this path to be walked by
more than one person.

The problem is, I have no real experience with organized
religion. My mother chose to raise me without religion so I could
decide for myself- unfortunately, I was never really exposed to
anything. I know virtually nothing about the Abrahamic religions.
I'm pretty well versed with mainstream wicca, but it's so
contradictory to my beliefs that tweaking would be a severe
understatement. The closest thing to my beliefs is Celtic
Reconstructionism, but I haven't been able to find much in the
way of structure as that particular path is still in a major
growth period.

Darkhawk said in 332.21 "Then I thrashed around like a beached
trout until I managed to find and establish actual structure that
I could work with. Without structure, I was trying to carve with
a spoon made out of Jell-o." It's very fitting for the place that
I'm currently in.

So my question (sorry this has been so long in coming!) is this:
How does one develop any kind of religious structure or framework
when they're in my kind of position? I feel very much adrift, and
I'd try to get back to the shore if I knew what it looked like.

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Godforms and Magic?

It's very often held in a number of books on Magick, especially
Hermetic ones, that the Gods, spirits, demons and so on are
"thoughtforms" or parts of your own psyche. The argument being
that "the God/demon is a part of your Archetypal make up and thus
yourself but even if you can't prove any other type of existance
to it that could be said about your neighbur or this computer

This is all fine if your an Acosmic Monist or for some types of
Dualism, however, there are many world views out there.
I sometimes get the feeling the Magicians writing tries to
explain away their own spirituality using a bit of Psychology
(and a title ofcourse, another reason to be ashamed to be a

I would say that most Christians (as an example) take their God
literaly. I have never heard one of them refer to God as a
Godform, an Arcetype or anything else than God.

Magick today, despite of calling it self "revivalist" is very
much built on Rationalism, outer Empirism and so on
and I much ask myself, why bother with Magick at all? I don't
reject that view of Magick, i just feel that it's hard to be a
Theist and a Materialist simultainusly. There are worldwiews that
"allows" a God (or several) to exist after all, and pounding "all
in your headism" into an aspiring Magician or Pagan is just
limiting them.

What do you think?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Is Religion Your Life?

I'm just curious as to whether people's main focus in life is
their religion or spiritual path?

For instance, do you use your spare time for spiritual purposes
or focus?

If not, how do you find the balance between leading a "normal"
life and between your spiritual path and whatever
rituals/meditations/dedications/further study etc you may do in
regards to this.?

Do you feel you spend enough time and energy towards your
spiritual path or would you like to put more in but possibly
can't because of other obligations etc?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Spells Done: Why Shouldn't We Talk About Them?

I can't figure the reasons why we shouldn't talk about the
magical works or rituals we have done. Some are saying that we
should stay silent on the subject for at least 24 hours, while
others just say "Do not talk about it at all."

Why is it so? Will it change the effect? Is it to keep the energy
focussed on the goal? Or to help us to concentrate on it? All of
the above?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== So... Where Did "Harm None" Come From?

I was wondering exactly where the "harm none" interpretation of
the Wiccan Rede began. I've read a few of the older books on
Wicca (the Gardner, Valiente, and Farrar stuff), and haven't seen
it there. I recently re-read Cunninghams "Guide for the Solitary
Practitioner" and didn't see it there, either.

So where did this "harm none" misconception get started? Anyone
have an idea?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Never Taken Seriously When I Say I'm Wiccan

I have this major pet peeve thing with the fact that wicca is
very commonly just a "fad religion." So when i mention being
wiccan to anyone they always look at me with this look of
"oh...you're one of those." And some people who used to be wicca,
but are now something "more advanced" have actually said to me
that they only see wicca as an "introductory religion."

When I first stepped off the path of Christ...I was lost. (I was
about 13 or so at the time) I didn't really have a religion.
There were some things I believed and some things that I was
still sketchy about. Over about 7 years I looked into several
different religions and just kept a personal relationship with
nameless gods and goddesses.

When I was about 20...a few celtic gods smacked me in the face
one day and I suddenly had these names in my head that I had no
idea who they were. I looked them up and figured it out. So I had
gods and goddesses, but no religious path yet. Then a few months
later I stumbled upon Wicca.
Since it fit all the things I had believed over the past few
years I adopted wicca as my religion. I am a pretty avid
solitary, but have since been looking into a circle in

Anyway... I personally know that Pagan does not equal Wicca. And
"witch" does not necessarily mean wiccan. I am pretty well
educated about the differences between a lot of the different
pagan religions. My personal problem is that everyone I meet
seems to think I'm in a "phase". That I just haven't been into
paganism long enough to know better. I know a lot of solitary
witches that basically laugh at me when I say I'm Wiccan. That

But I am 24 years old...and my mind is made up. I am very happy
with my religion and I am very content with how my life is going
now. I am at peace. So I suppose I'm asking what you all think of
wicca. Do you feel the same way...that it is simply an
introductory religion? I just kind of feel like all the young
rebelious teens are ruining the name of my chosen path.

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Predators and Con Men in the Community

As has been pointed out we do have predators and con men in the
community, such as the child sex abuser in Australia. As Randall
pointed out, we have just as bad people here in the States. It is
a fact of life, as any community grows, not all the people who
become part of it are going to be good people.

So I have a question, what is our responsibility to the Pagan
community when we come across such people?

You know the moment you say something, someone will bring up
Witch Wars and not being judgmental. But at the same time not
doing anything allows these people to continue to do harm to our
people. New people are going to be especially vulnerable to the
the predators and con men.

Worse yet these people become part of justifying the attack on
Paganism as a whole by those that already would like to get rid
of us, or restrict our religious freedoms.

* Read (or join in) this discussion:


None this month. We'll be happy to publish yours.


Most of The Cauldron's book reviews are now written by Mike
Gleason. If you would like to contact Mike with comments about
his reviews (or about books you would like to have reviewed), you
can email Mike at:



A Seeker's Journey and Initiation into Wicca
by Janine DeMartini
Published  2006 by Publish America
ISBN 1424139511
196 pages Trade Paperback
$16.95 (U.S.)

This is one person's account of her journey from an inquisitive
pre-teen in the '80s through experiences and questions; doubts
and self-assurance; and all the myriad events that make up the
life-changing course many people go through. It is not a great
book. It is, however, an excellent book.

It is not a continuous story. It is told as a result of her
mediations prior to her initiation and needs to be understood in
that context.

Since it is, in essence, autobiographical it offers insights into
the perceptions and actions of its author. And since it is being
written relatively close in time to the events being described,
it brings a sense of immediacy which is frequently lacking from
other autobiographical writings.

Ms. DeMartini is not shy about sharing her ideas and perceptions.
She is a generation behind me in coming to Wicca, but still
encountered many of the same problems I met with - failure of
people to follow through on promises; expectations not being met;
and many others.

She includes a section on a group she associated with which is
definitely not Wiccan (and she makes that quite clear). It was an
important part of her evolution, and thus deserves to be

Her journey, as she is well aware, is still on-going. She may be
prompted to write another book further down her path.

At the end of the book she includes a few rituals which she
created for an Open Circle group she founded. Some of the
invocations and images are quite compelling.

This book will definitely not be everyone's cup of tea. It is not
a how-to book. It does not contain a great deal of detail (she
deliberately does not name groups, traditions, and individuals
with whom she does not agree). It is, however, an excellent
insight into how to follow the promptings of the Gods. And it
shows the value of meditation and journaling during one's passage
from Inquirer through Initiation and beyond.

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===== Moon Tides, Soul Passages
===== reviewed by Randall

Moon Tides, Soul Passages
by Maria Kay Simms
Published 2004 by Starcrafts Publishing
ISBN: 0976242206
304 pages Trade Paperback
$22.95 US

As most readers have probably noticed, I haven't reviewed many
books since my marriage to LyricFox. Marriage and the growth of
The Cauldron have really cut into my time for reading and
reviewing. However, when asked to review a copy of Moon Tides,
Soul Passages by Maria Kay Simms, I had to say yes. Simms is a
professional astrologer and one of the better eclectic Wiccan
authors writing today. Unfortunately, her books are often ignored
by eclectic Wiccans because they can seem at first glance to have
more to do with astrology than with Wicca.

Of course, I get my hands on a copy of Moon Tides, Soul Passages:
Your Astrological Cycles for Personal and Spiritual Development
and quickly discover that is actually does have more to do with
astrology than with Wicca -- especially if you judge by page
count. This book deals with the moon and its cycles in astrology.
While you would never know it from reading astrology columns in
the paper, your moon sign is as important as your sun sign in
astrology and the moon's cycles affect us all. Of course, that's
still not going to get many Wiccans to pick up this book.
However, if you have read Simms' The Witches Circle, you might
expect some astrological-based Wiccan rituals. They are there. In
fact, Wicca and Goddess spirituality are as central to the book
as astrology -- to the point where non-Pagan readers may be a bit
put off by it.

The book is about the moon in your astrological chart -- and
comes with a CD-ROM Windows program that will generate all the
information on the moon in your chart that you will need to use
the book. The program is simple to install and use. It's nothing
like the complex astrology programs I'm used to. The ones that
scare off non-astrologers who try to use them. Once you have the
one page printout from this program, you are ready to see what
lunar-based astrology has to say about your life and
spirituality. Simms writes clearly on this subject. While she has
been a professional astrology most of her life, she has a knack
for explaining astrological concepts in a way that is truly easy
to understand without dumbing things down to the point where they
are as useless as the astrology column in your newspaper.

While the last part of this book has mediations and rituals,
Wicca thought and, more generally, goddess spirituality, is a
part of this book from the very beginning. Various Goddesses are
used to illustrate the qualities of the moon in various signs and
houses, for example. The last two chapters, however, are what
make this book a must buy for eclectic Wiccans with any interest
in using astrology in ritual. Simms provides rituals for
spiritually experiencing the cycles of the moon. There are
rituals for lunar and solar eclipses as well as rituals for each
of the eight phases of the moon. These rituals would be at home
in the Book of Shadows of many of eclectic Wiccans I know.

I can't end this review without mentioning the full color plates
of some of Simms' paintings. They are quite interesting. I'm
especially fond of "Green Tara" on page 129 (which was actually
done by Simms' daughter). Simms style expresses emotion and
feeling quite well. I understand, however, that some of the illos
will be changing in the 2nd edition.

In summary, Moon Tides, Soul Passages explains the astrological
influence of the moon and its cycles over our lives in a clear
manner that is easy to comprehend and put to use. The book has a
strong spiritual focus that will especially appeal to Wiccans and
other Pagans who celebrates the cycles of the sun and the moon.
While rituals are a minor part of the book by page count, those
provided are quite well-written. My only strong complaints about
this book are that the software only runs on Windows (not Linux
or Mac OS) and the book is so focused on Wicca and Goddess
spirituality that it may put off those following other religions
who could benefit from the astrological information. While this
book is especially recommended for Wiccans, anyone interested in
understanding the astrological effect of the moon on their live
will benefit from reading it.

========= ARTICLES

===== by Shen Gerald

A pendulum is a very useful communication tool for spiritual
inquiring. When used in conjunction with a chart, it can be used
for dowsing and divination. It can be used for the following:

    1. Provide Yes/No responses and answers to queries. This is
       similar to muscle testing or applied kinesiology.
    2. Provide more accurate answers to queries, such as degree,
       intensity or percentage.

There are commercial pendulums available on the market. Usually
they can be bought from shops dealing with metaphysical or new
age stuffs. However these shops are quite scarce and can be quite
hard to find. Alternatively, pendulums can be ordered online
through websites selling them.

This article is about making a do-it-yourself (D-I-Y) pendulum
for dowsing. If you want to save some money or commercial
pendulums are not available for you, you can opt to make one

Actually, to make a pendulum is not that difficult. We can always
find substitutes for the various parts of a commercially-
manufactured pendulum. The parts that need to be substituted are:

    1. The bob which is the weight at the lower end of a
    2. The chain which connects the hand to the pendulum bob.

For the pendulum bob, we can use any reasonably weighted object.
I personally, use arrow shaped pendants. In fact, the smaller-
sized fishing weights can also be used. Although, I much prefer
some pendants over fishing weights as they are more visually
attractive than the latter. Pendants can be bought from fashion
accessory stores. As for fishing weights, they can be found in
large departmental stores as well as shops selling fishing

For the chain, they can be acquired from fashion accessory shops
that sell necklaces and chains. Metal ones are preferred. The
length of the chain should not be more than a foot. In my
opinion, 1/2 to 3/4 of a foot is quite ideal.

Once we have the parts, all we need is to assemble them. At the
tip of the pendant or fishing weight is usually a loop or ring.
We need to hook one end of the chain through the ring (or loop)
at the tip of the pendulum bob (which is either a pendant or
fishing weight).

Normally, most chains are made up of many little metallic rings.
To assemble the pendulum, we may need to pry open one of the
metallic rings (at one end of the chain) and insert the loop/ring
of the pendulum bob through it. After that, we will need to re-
adjust the metallic ring (on the chain) back to its original
closed-looped position. A long-nose plier is most suitable for
doing these fine handiworks.

That's all to making a pendulum for dowsing. Quite simple, isn't

I hope this article is useful. Happy pendulum making.

=== About the Author

The author runs a Self Growth site with pendulum dowsing and
divination resources: http://www.dreamdatum.com/pendulum.html

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===== by Richard Aubin

=== History

Amethyst gets its name from the Greek word amethustos, meaning
"not drunken". The origin of amethyst name and its healing
properties come from a Greek legend telling the story of how
Dionysus, god of wine and intoxication was angry from one mortal
that he swore revenge on all mortals who did not get drunk and

A young maiden called Amethyst was on her way to pay tribute to
the goddess Diana, when she was captured by the furious Dionysus.
Being so innocent she was not familiar with drinking and
intoxication. Dionysus brought two tigers to eat her and sat back
with his wine to watch.

Amethyst called upon Diana for help, who turned Amethyst into a
crystalline quartz statue to protect her. Seeing Amethyst like
that, Dionysus wept tears of wine, which stained the quartz
purple creating the gemstone amethyst. Owing to its name and
mythological origin, it was believed that the wearer of amethyst
jewelry is immune to becoming intoxicated. Moreover, amethyst
used to be carved into cups with the belief that drinking from it
helps to cure and avoid positioning.

Purple color has long been associated with royalty. Because of
its purple color and beauty, amethyst was favored by the royals
for centuries. Amethyst necklaces and jewelry were found buried
in the tombs of Ancient Egyptians, and was a personal favorite of
Queen Catherine the Great.

It is still being used today, with the rare ones decorating the
British Crown Jewels. Amethyst is mentioned in the Old Testament
and the Bible, and is thought to encourage celibacy and symbolize
holiness. Cardinals and Bishops in the Catholic Church wear rings
with a large amethyst as a part of their office. In Tibet,
amethyst is a sacred gem to Buddha.

=== Geological Information

Amethyst is a high-quality form of quartz crystal, naturally
found as clusters in a nodular stone. They are found sometimes in
volcanic vugs or small cavities in rocks. The chemical name for
Amethyst is Silicon Dioxide. Amethyst obtains its color through a
combination of manganese impurities and iron.

The purple color comes from the presence of manganese, while the
existence of iron in certain quantities controls the intensity of
the color. Artificial heating treatments have been used on
Amethyst to produce popular gems known as Citrine and Ametrine
(400 and 500 degrees Celsius). Amethyst measures 7 on Mohs'
hardness scale.

One of the largest cut amethysts in the world is 343 carats and
is being displayed at the National History Museum in London. Very
dark stones are sometimes heated to enhance color.

=== Geographical Information

Amethyst is found globally, at very affordable prices, in
countries like Canada, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, United States,
Zambia, Namibia and other African countries. Amethyst has been
named the state gemstone of South Carolina.

Amethyst deposits can also be found in other countries such as:
Germany, Italy, Bolivia, Madagascar, India and Sri Lanka.
However, the quality of amethyst differs by region and source.
Amethyst coming from South America is likely larger than the
African amethyst. However, Amethyst from Africa is known for
better and deeper color. Dark amethyst in small sizes is also
found in Australia.

=== Physical and Optical Properties

Amethyst is available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes.
Large stones could be sold in free sizes but usually amethyst is
cut in certain dimensions.

This semi-precious stone is unique in color. With colors range
from pale lilac to deep purple, including a reddish shades
sometimes, amethyst is the most valuable form of quartz. In
jewelry, the deepest shades of Amethyst, which maintain their
transparency, are considered the most precious.

A unique Brazilian amethyst in pastel shade of lilac with pinkish
tones is known as Rose de France Amethyst. It is a very clean
gemstone and was very popular during the Victorian age. Though it
is frequently found in antique jewelry, Rose de France Amethyst
is becoming popular again nowadays.

=== Amethyst in Jewelry

Amethyst is the traditional gem for the 4th, 6th and 17th wedding
anniversaries. It is used as faceted stones and is carved in
various shapes. Amethyst gemstones are used in necklaces,
earrings, rings, bracelets, brooches, and pendants. This highly
praised stone is also shaped and used other items such as hair
accessories, key rings and watches.

=== Metaphysical and Healing Properties

New Age supporters believe that crystal and gem healing is an
art. Objects such as gems and crystals have absorbed and
inherited the vital healing powers of Mother Earth. They believe
that crystals and gems have physical and spiritual powers that
can be used as a therapy for pain, stress and depression.

Amethyst has come to be known to possess prolific purifying
healing powers. It acts as a healer at all levels of mind, body
and soul, and is commonly associated with peace. It has a
tremendous ability of reducing negativity and anxiety.

Placing it under the pillow is said to calm the mid, encourage
sleep and dispel nightmares. Amethyst is also known to enhance
mental strength and stability. It is considered an ideal stone
for those who are struggling with addiction or recovering from

Beside its mental therapeutic benefits, amethyst is used as a
remedy for many physical afflictions. When used as a medical
solution, amethyst is used to treat toothaches, skeletal
discomforts, and other bone and joint-related sicknesses.
Amethyst also cures stomach problems, blood disease as well as
heart and hearing disorders. Amethyst as crystal is used to heal
nervous system problems such as neuralgia.

=== About the Author

Richard Aubin makes it easy for you to find amethyst rings
quickly and easily. Visit the amethyst earring section on his
website (http://jewelryalliance.com/amethyst) to view a vast
array of amethyst earrings, amethyst pendants and amethyst

=========  Belief, Faith, and Divine Love
=========  by HeartShadow

HeartShadow is following her own religious path. She calls it
FlameKeeping. This regular column will present articles on
FlameKeeping, many taken from HeartShadow's FlameKeeping blog at:


=====   Belief, Faith, and Divine Love

Belief and Faith are irrelevant, Love is not.

Faith is a very delicate issue. We believe, but we are never
quite sure how to explain that belief, how to share that belief.
It's incredibly important to us, and yet faith is by nature
private. We face the reality of our isolation in our faith, for
even when we celebrate together, the experience with the Divine
is forever personal. Because of the vastly overwhelming
experience, we find doubt when not directly interacting with the
Divine. The overwhelming reality of the Divine, of the Gods,
seems impossible when not directly interacting.

That doubt we feel is good, a blessing and not a curse. As long
as we allow ourselves to doubt, we can continue to grow, and our
understanding can continue to deepen. Only when we fear doubt,
fear not having answers, do we being to obsess about rules, about
security. We cannot have security in this world, and perhaps not
in any. When we fear doubt and seek that impossible security, we
give up an uncomfortable reality for a harmful illusion, an
illusion that leads us to attempt to regulate the doubt out of
our lives, to deny that doubt wherever it might be, and to try
and force other people to believe the same as we do to hide that
doubt from ourselves.

When we experience the Divine, the Gods, and feel Their love for
us, there is no room for faith or doubt. However, we cannot stay
in that safe place where we live in the Love of the Divine. Daily
life interferes, with bills and duties and problems, drags us out
of communion with the Divine and makes it hard for us to remember
what that feeling was. It takes work to bring that feeling with
us throughout our lives, to keep it even in situations which try
our patience. At times, we even feel betrayed, because we cannot
keep that feeling with us and cannot understand why.

However, the Divine can only act in our lives as we allow. The
more we try to control and regiment the Divine, the more we lose
the Divine. Love cannot be contained in a box only opened when it
is convenient. Either we welcome the Divine into our lives, and
allow ourselves to be swept away by the changes or we do not; but
we can't live halfway. The Divine will love us the same, but we
pull ourselves away and block the Divine off and refuse to be
changed. And that love the Divine has for us will keep the Divine
from forcing the issue, as well. After all, sooner or later we
all return to the Divine. The hurry is only one-sided.

This is not to say we should surrender our lives to the Divine
and take no control of what we do or what happens around us. We
are the hands of the Divine, but we are also responsible for our
own actions. We are called, not to inaction and passivity, but
action, thought, and work. We need to accept our callings as
active, and do our best to take the love of the Divine and share
it with others not through proselytization, but through having
large hearts and being loving ourselves. When we can do that, we
can become better people and make the world a better place. When
we accept the love of the Divine and don't take that love back
into the world, we betray the Divine by not fulfilling our end of
the bargain.

Belief is, in most cases, irrelevant. For when we have faith and
belief, there is no room for doubt, for our hearts are filled
with love. And when we do have doubt, clinging to belief while
fearing to question robs us of a chance to learn, and grow, and
understand that love and faith better.


  * What does faith mean to you?

  * How do you handle doubt?

  * How can we embrace love of the Divine even when we doubt?

=========  Interesting Items From The Software Gadgets Blog
=========  http://softwaregadgets.gridspace.net/

The Software Gadgets Blog aims to present a different "software
gadget" every weekday. A software gadget is a program or addon
that is both interesting and useful -- and often free. This
column highlights three of the programs listed recently. Many
more were listed and you'll find more gadgets like these added
every week at the Software Gadgets Blog at:



Software Gadgets must be more popular than I thought as I've
received several emails asking -- no demanding (in one case) --
that I add FreeMind to the Software Gadgets list. FreeMind is a
powerful and popular open source Mind Mapping program. I've be
the first to admit that I just don't get mind mapping software.
I've tried several mind mapping programs, and mind mapping does
not help me organize my thoughts nor does it make me more
productive. However, I must be weird as a lot of people swear by
mind mapping software and some commercial mind mapping
applications are sold to large corporations for hefty chunks of

According to Wikipedia:

    A mind map (or mind-map) is a diagram used to represent words
    and ideas linked to and arranged radially around a central
    key word or idea. It is used to generate, visualize,
    structure and classify ideas, and as an aid in study,
    organization, problem solving, and decision making.

If that flies over your head as high as it did over mine, these
examples from the FreeMind web site of what people are using
FreeMind for may be more helpful:

    * Keeping track of projects, including subtasks, state of
    subtasks and time recording
    * Project workplace, including links to necessary files,
    executables, source of information and of course information
    * Workplace for internet research using Google and other
    * Keeping a collection of small or middle sized notes with
    links on some area which expands as needed. Such a collection
    of notes is sometimes called knowledge base.
    * Essay writing and brainstorming, using colors to show which
    essays are open, completed, not yet started etc, using size
    of nodes to indicate size of essays. I don't have one map for
    one essay, I have one map for all essays. I move parts of
    some essays to other when it seems appropriate.
    * Keeping a small database of something with structure that
    is either very dynamic or not known in advance. The main
    disadvantage of such approach when compared to traditional
    database applications are poor query possibilities, but I use
    it that way anyway - contacts, recipes, medical records etc.
    You learn about the structure from the additional data items
    you enter. For example, different medical records use
    different structure and you do not have to analyze all the
    possible structures before you enter the first medical
    * Commented internet favorites or bookmarks, with colors and
    fonts having the meaning you want.

I can do all that with an ascii text editor, but what do I know?
More seriously, a lot of people find mind mapping software very
useful for brainstorming and for organizing information. Other
people -- like me -- try it and just scratch our heads in
confusion. You will not know if it clicks for you until you try
it. FreeMind considered one of the better examples of mind
mapping software and the price -- free -- is certainly right.

Rating: 4.0
Operating System: Any running Java 1.4 or higher
License: Open Source (GPL)
Price: Free
Version Reviewed: 0.8.0
Web Site:


VMWare has been in the news quite a bit since they released a
freeware VMWare Player that allows one to install an operating
system and its software into a virtual machine that runs as a
window in your Windows or Linux system. Programs installed in the
virtual machine, can't affect your main system. VMWare even has a
virtual browser VM download that runs a browser VMWare Player
where it cannot install spyware or viruses on your machine.

While VMWare is nice for testing entire operating systems, it is
overkill for testing programs. If you download, install, try, and
uninstall a lot of programs, it will eventually kill your Windows
operating system as something will get wiped in the registry or a
dll will get overwritten with a bad copy or .... After a year of
testing new software daily, I'm to the point when I will soon
have to wipe my main partition and start over with a fresh
install of XP. However, I've discovered a program that should
make my next installation of XP last a lot longer: Altiris
Software Virtualization Solution 2.0 aka SVS.

SVS allows you to install a program into a virtualized "layer"
that you can activate, deactivate, or even delete at will. No
changes to your underlying system are made, SVS shunts all
changes to the "layer" stored on your hard drive. Not just
changes made by the installation, but all changes made by using
the program. If you delete a layer, the program, all its registry
entries, dlls, etc. are gone. Nothing is left behind. This makes
it great for testing software. Install it into a layer. If you
find the software troublesome or you just don't like it, you can
delete it. If you suspect it is causing other problems on your
machine, you can temporarily deactivate it which makes it appear
as if it was never installed while it remains on your hard drive.

The detailed pdf manual that comes with the program lists many
other uses for SVS as well -- such as installing multiple
versions of the same program without the different versions
interfering with each other or making a virtualized data layer
than can easily be backed up or even moved from machine to
machine. The 60+ page manual is well worth reading.

Altiris has made SVS free for personal use -- their paid
enterprise version comes with a server that allows virtualized
layers to easily be transferred from computer to computer on a
network. You can even get a personal edition serial number
without giving Altiris your email address, although if you do
give them your email address, you get a very nice newsletter on
using SVS.

This program isn't perfect. For example, it would be nice if
there was a way to "flatten" a layer into the OS if you decide
you really like a program, but SVS has enough useful features
that it really belongs on any system used to experiment with new

Rating: 4.5
Operating System: Windows 2000+
License: Commercial Freeware
Price: Free (for personal use)
Version Reviewed: 2.0
Web Site: http://www.altiris.com/
Download Sites: http://juice.altiris.com/node/86


I stumbled across a nifty little program today: Poke. It's a
fairly simple to use universial cheat program for single player
Windows games. It automatically finds values like money or
experience points and lets you change them. It needs just a bit
of help. Say you want to change the amount of money you have. You
tell Poke how much you have. It finds possible storage locations.
You spend a bit of money and give it the new value. It checks to
see which of those locations match. You may have to do this a few
times, but you eventually end up with the correct location (or
locations in some tricky games). You can then give that location
a label (like "Money") -- and change it. The web site steps you
through a couple of samples.

This program is fairly simple to use and works with many games --
but probably not all. But it is a free program and worth a try if
you want to cheat, but can't find a cheat program for your
current favorite game.

Rating: 4.0
Operating System: Windows
License: Freeware
Price: Free
Web Site: http://codefromthe70s.org/poke.asp

========= From the Spell Grimoire:

Collect equal parts (about a handful each) of dried marjoram, bay
and rosemary.

Heat a gallon of water until it is almost boiling, remove it from
the heat and toss the herbs into the water. Cover and allow to

Strain the herbs from the water and, using your fingers, sprinkle
the infusion throughout the house.

Move in a clockwise direction, visualizing evil and unwarrented
influences leaving the area and say something like the following:

    I banish evil and negativity;
    This is my will, So Mote It Be!

Touch the water to the doors and windows, appliances and
furniture, outside around the home and on the surrounding
property. Be sure to pour some down the drains as well. Visualize
the water cleansing the whole area.

=== About This Spell

This spell is taken from The Cauldron's Spell Grimoire, a
collection of basic spells available on The Cauldron: A Pagan
Forum's web site. You'll find more spells at:


========= Pagan Webmaster:
========= Search Engine Positioning and More
========= by Eihdos

===== If you build it, will they come?

You've created your site. You've uploaded it to the web. Now
what? You could tell your friends about it, and wait for the word
to spread, but to really get attention you need to do a bit of
work. There are plenty of companies, and even some free services,
that offer to announce your site to the search engines and
directories, but in my never very humble opinion you will often
get better results if you do it yourself.

The first part of this article details some strategies for
getting good placement in search engines, and assumes that the
reader has some familiarity with HTML. The second part looks at
other ways to attract visitors to your site, and to keep them
coming back.

=== Naming files

Search engines do pick up file names, and image search is
dependent on it. The name of your files should reflect the
content. If you, for instance, have a page about full moon
rituals on your site, the file name should be
full_moon_rituals.html. And if, on that page, there's a picture
of a priestess casting a circle, priestess.jpg or
casting_the_circle.jpg are much better names than 12.jpg. Always
use the ALT tag to describe your pictures.

=== The TITLE tag

Do not, and I repeat not, forget the TITLE tag. Not only is it an
important place to put keywords, it should also tell people what
your site is about, and if possible set it apart from other sites
dealing with the same topic. Let's say that your hypothetical
site describes a variety of rituals. Putting the word rituals in
the TITLE tag is not enough. Wiccan rituals (or Pagan, Celtic, or
whatever) is better, but it might still get lost among other
sites. Aim for the narrowest definition possible. Your goal is
not to attract every surfer out there, but to attract the surfers
who are interested in what your site has to offer. Wiccan rituals
for solitary women might be a good name. It tells the potential
visitor something about what he or she can expect to find on your
pages. You could narrow it down further by using the name of your
specific tradition instead of Wiccan.

Another reason for you to use the TITLE tag is that people might
want to bookmark your web site. You don't want it to show in a
bookmark menu as Untitled or New Page.

=== The KEYWORDS tag

Two things should be taken into account. First, what information
does your site contain, and secondly, what words do you expect
that people looking for that information will use when searching?

Begin with repeating the words from the TITLE tag. Then read the
text on the page you're optimizing and pick out more. For the
hypothetical site mentioned above, I expect that sabbat
celebration, purification ritual, beltaine, litha (and the names
of the other sabbats) are words that would occur, along with the
elements of ritual - circle casting, calling the quarters, et
cetera, and tools such as athame and cup. Only put keywords in
the tag that are also used in the text on the page. Filling the
tag with unrelated words in the hopes of getting more traffic is
stupid and pointless. Repeating the same keyword several times in
the hopes of getting better placement might be interpreted as
spamming and result in your submission being denied.

While you should only submit the main page to the search engines,
subpages might be picked up later. You can use different keywords
for different pages if you feel that it's worth the effort.


Some search engines use this tag, some ignore it. It's still
worth using, because it means that you have some control over how
your site is described, some of the time. Do you know how to
write a news lead? If so, use that knowledge. If not, learn how
to do it. The description should be short, sweet, and to the
point. Describe your site in one or two sentences, and make sure
that you put the most important information in the first
sentence, in case only part of your description is displayed in
the search engine results. Avoid promotional language. Do Not
Capitalize Every Word.

=== Selecting hosting

If at all possible, avoid Geocities, Tripod, and similar types of
hosting. It might be free, but it's also slow and full of
annoying ads. If you offer a product or a service I recommend
getting your own domain. Again, the name should reflect the
subject of the site. Search engines don't care much what your url
looks like, but directories are more inclined to take your
submission seriously if the url is less than eleventy-seven
characters long.

Make sure that you get some sort of statistic reports. If your
host doesn't offer them, get a free StatCounter. It will provide
you with valuable information, such as where your visitors came
from and how long they stayed.

=== Time to submit

Do not expect results instantly. Some search engines will add
your site within hours, others might take weeks. Don't forget to
suggest your url to the Open Directory Project. If it's accepted
you can look forward to a good placement in Google.

=== The importance of links

Once upon a time, in a distant past, a properly configured
keyword tag was enough to get you decent placement in the search
engines. Not anymore. Now your site is mostly judged based upon
how many others link to it, and the quality of those sites. I've
already mentioned the Open Directory Project. Google, Yahoo, and
a number of other popular search engines use the directory. Be
sure to submit your site to the right category. Be patient. It
might take weeks for the editors to approve your submission, but
it's worth the wait. The ODP is the best way to get your site
listed with search engines that won't allow you to simply add
your url.

Another important place is Wikipedia. You can add the link
yourself. (Do find the proper dictionary entry. There's a special
place reserved in Tartaros for those who spam useful resources.)
Like with the OPD, many of search engines and directories use the
information in Wikipedia, which means lots and lots of links to
your site. Another benefit is that visitors arriving from the OPD
and Wikipedia are what's called targeted traffic, that is, people
who are looking for more or less exactly what your site offers.
Commercial web sites depend on targeted traffic.

=== Trading links

What you will want to do next is to create a page for reciprocal
links. Not all Pagan directories demand them, but many do. Giving
them a text link back is fine. If a directory wants you to put a
huge animated banner on your main page in the return for
inclusion, tell them to sod off. Here's where your stats come in.
If you only get a few visitors a month in exchange for a link on
your main page, it's clearly not worth it. It's called trade for
a reason. Some Pagan directories and search engines that will
likely bring you traffic are listed below.


Another excellent way to get quality traffic is to ask other site
owners for links. Do a Google search for your chosen keywords.
Visit the web sites displayed on the first few pages. If they
seem like reliable resources to you, and cover topics similar or
complimentary to your own site, contact the web master and
suggest a link trade.

===== Use LinkPopularity to see who's linking to you.

Here follows part 2 of the article, with more suggestions for
getting traffic to your web site. These suggestions are less
technical than the search engine optimization tips, and could be
used by anyone. Feel free to ask questions if anything is

=== Use a signature file

In e-mail or Usenet posts your signature file should contain no
more than four lines of text, separated from the rest of your
post with two hyphens and a line break, like this:

  The Hekate FAQ - http://www.hekate.nu
  Naos Hekate - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naos_hekate/

Your e-mail program will let you create one or more sig files
that are automatically tagged on to the end of your message. If
you're not openly Pagan, consider using a separate e-mail account
for the Pagan mailing lists you participate in, and for
communication with visitors to your web site. You don't want to
accidently out yourself when your boss or your mother clicks on
that link in your signature file.

Some web based forums prefer that you use a sig like the one
above, other's permit you to use grahpics. Just stay within the
guidelines of the forum, and all will be fine. Using a sig should
bring you a small but steady stream of traffic.

=== Get a mailing list

You want visitors to return to your web site over and over again,
right? One good way of reminding them that the site exists is to
create a mailing list.

You have two basic options. You can create an announcement list
(that only you can post to). Use the list to send out a message
every time you update the web site. The other option is to
publish a newsletter. This requires more work, because if people
are to take you seriously you should send out the newsletter
regularly, and it should contain some original content. For
instance, if your site offers information for Wiccans you could
send it out around the time of the sabbats, with some ideas for
celebrations. Don't forget to include the url for your site!

=== Write articles for other web sites

Submitting articles or book reviews to other sites can get you
loads of traffic, provided that the url to your web is included.
Do make sure that you retain the copyright so that you can use
the article on your own site too, should you feel like it. Two
good places to start are The Cauldron and The Witche's Voice.


=== Stats, and how to read them

Finally, a few words about interpreting web site statistics.
First of all, look at how long visitors are staying. You can have
thousands of unique visitors in one day, but if you can't grab
their attention you might as well not have had them. If you find
out that most people only stay for a few seconds you need to
figure out why. Are your pages quick to load, and the text
readable? Is the site easy to navigate? Are you using anything
(for instance, badly written java script) that could cause your
pages to be displayed incorrectly or not at all? Also, check that
no links are broken. In addition to this, look at the system
stats for your visitors. If most have a screen resolution of
600x800 and you have designed your site for 1024x1280 you might
want to rethink things.

Next, look at the percentage of returning visitors. For the first
few weeks you will probably have very few, but if you still don't
have returning visitors after a month or two you need to ask
yourself why. Does your site provide original content? Do you
update it regularly? Have you given your site a unique name so
that people can tell it apart from other sites dealing with the
same topic?

Third, what are your most popular pages? This is what your
visitors want. Focus your attention on these pages, adding more
content and making sure they're featured prominently in the
navigation menu. Also, throw in some meta tags on these pages if
you haven't already.

=== About the Author

Eihdos is an Assistant Webmaster on The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum.
This article originally appeared as posts on The Cauldron's

========= From the Cauldron Cookbook:
========= Watergate Salad
========= submitted by Star

(Also known as pistachio salad or "green stuff")

=== Ingredients

1 3.4 ounce package instant pistachio pudding mix
1 20 ounce can crushed pineapple, drained
1 1/2 cups miniature marshmallows
1 12 ounce container frozen whipped topping, thawed
1/2 cup flaked coconut
1/2 cup maraschino cherries, drained

=== Directions

In a large bowl, combine pudding mix and pineapple; mix well. Add
marshmallows and 3/4 of the container of dessert topping (add
more to get a creamier consistency). Toss in the coconut; mix
well. Chill for at least an hour before serving.

=== About This Recipe

This recipe is taken from the Cauldron Cookbook, a growing
collection of recipes submitted by members of The Cauldron: A
Pagan Forum. You'll find more recipes at:


========= Cauldron Info

The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum was founded in December 1997 to
provide a friendly but serious discussion area for Pagans on the
Internet. We've grown a bit over the years. We now have an active
message area, a large web site with around 700 pages of
information (including over 300 book and divination deck
reviews), and a monthly email newsletter. To continue to provide
and expand these services, The Cauldron needs lots of volunteer
help from our members and supporters.

Here are some of the things members and supporters can do to help
The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum thrive:

===== Actively Participate In Our Message Board

While our new message board welcomes readers, we encourage
members to actively participate by posting their comments and
views in our discussions. One of the easiest ways to help The
Cauldron is to actively participate in our message board. The
staff especially appreciates members who start new topics for
discussion based on their own questions, opinions, or interests.


===== Articles! Essays! Tutorials!

We are in constant need of original, well-written and accurate
articles, essays, tutorials, and other written items for both our
web site and for our Cauldron and Candle newsletter. There's no
real limit on length for web site articles. Here are a few areas
in which we always need articles:

* information on the beliefs and theology of the various Pagan
  religions, especially non-Wiccan religions

* information on holidays and festivals of the various Pagan
  religions, especially non-Wiccan religions

* recipes for oils, incenses, and food for the various Pagan

* magick, spells, and ritual information

* herbal information

* positive articles on dealing with other faiths

* information on historical pagan cultures

* editorial/opinion pieces

Non-Wiccan material is stressed not because we don't want Wiccan
material but because good non-Wiccan material has been hard to
find. We have a web form you can use to submit an article for
consideration: http://www.ecauldron.com/bnbarticleform.php

===== Book Reviews

While The Cauldron receives some review copies from a couple of
Pagan publishers, there are many books that can only be reviewed
on our web site if a member has a copy and writes a good,
objective review. The Cauldron is interested in reviews on the
more academic books used by reconstructionist Pagan religions as
well as on the books one finds on the Pagan/New Age shelf in the
bookstore. We have a web form you can use to submit a book review
for consideration: http://www.ecauldron.com/bnbbkreviewform.php

===== Graphic Assistance

The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum is purposely a low graphics site as
we value page download speed over flashy graphics. However, we
are always willing to talk with artists who have ideas for
well-designed small graphics (small in both physical dimensions
and file size) that might enhance a specific article or page.

===== Invite Your Friends

If you have friends or acquaintances who you believe would find
The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum useful, please tell them about our
site. If you are active in our message board and have friends who
might enjoy them or have information to contribute, please invite

===== Link To The Cauldron

If you have a web site where linking to The Cauldron: A Pagan
Forum would be appropriate, simply providing a link to this web
site is a big help. Our Link to this Site page explains how you
can do this if you need help or want some simple graphic buttons
to use: http://www.ecauldron.com/linktous.php

===== Donations

As The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum uses as many free services as
possible, our need for money to operate our site is currently
lower than our need for the many items we list above. However, if
you have a few dollars to spare, we would be honored to have your
help in paying for our web site. You can donate by using either
PayPal or the Amazon Honor System links below (we get about 85%
of what you donate).

Donate via PayPal
Donate via Amazon.com

===== Amazon Purchases

The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum also receives a small percentage
(usually 5%) from most items purchased from Amazon.com when you
go to Amazon.com from one of the links to Amazon on our web site.
If you purchase a lot of books, CDs, and other items from
Amazon.com as many members do, going to Amazon.com through one of
our links when you are going to make a purchase there is a
painless way to help fund this web site.


If you are a regular user of the US version of Amazon, you can
help The Cauldron by replacing the URL of your ebay bookmark in
your browser with the above link so that TC gets credit every
time you visit Amazon.com.

To do this in Internet Explorer or Firefox, find Amazon in your
bookmark list. RIGHT click on it and select Properties from the
popup menu which will appear. A dialog box describing your
bookmark will appear. You'll see the standard Amazon url --
probably http://www.amazon.com/ -- in an edit box (labeled
"Location" in FireFox and "URL" in IE). Erase that url completely
and replace with one listed above, then click on OK.

If you use Amazon UK, you can use this address


If you use Amazon Canada, you can use this addess:


===== Ebay Purchases

Are you an Ebay user?  Ebay has a new program that pays
affiliates a small percent of the winning bid if the winning
bidder enters ebay from an affiliate link (some like how our
Amazon.com affiliate program works). So if you visit the US
version ebay via the following link, the Cauldron will get credit
for your bids:


If you are a regular user of the US version of ebay, you can help
The Cauldron by replacing the URL of your ebay bookmark in your
browser with the above link so that TC gets credit every time you
visit ebay.

To do this in Internet Explorer or Firefox, find ebay in your
bookmark list. RIGHT click on it and select Properties from the
popup menu which will appear. A dialog box describing your
bookmark will appear. You'll see the standard ebay url --
probably http://www.ebay.com/ -- in an edit box (labeled
"Location" in FireFox and "URL" in IE). Erase that url completely
and replace with one listed above, then click on OK.

===== Have Questions or Suggestions?

If you have specific questions, proposals or other ideas we
haven't mentioned here, please email them to
rssapphire00@ecauldron.GETRIDOFEME.com. (Unfortunately, Randall
has to answer general "Tell me more?" type questions with a
request for a more specific question. He's not trying to be rude,
he just can't think of anything general and useful to say that
isn't said here.)

========= (Including how to subscribe and unsubscribe)

Cauldron and Candle is a free publication of The Cauldron: A
Pagan Forum. The Cauldron intends to publish this newsletter once
a month and often actually succeeds in doing so. We tried to
publish it twice a month for a while, but real life interfered
too often.

This issue of Cauldron and Candle as a whole is copyright (c)
2005 by The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum. Copyrights on individual
items in this newsletter are retained by their author, please
contact the editors if you need to contact an author for
permission to reprint an article and the editors will do their
best to put you in touch with him or her. The opinions expressed
herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of newsletter, The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum, or
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Don't forget that your suggestions for this newsletter are always
welcome, either posted on the message board or via email to
LyricFox (lyricfox@ecauldron.GETRIDOFME.com) or Randall Sapphire
(rssapphire00@ecauldron.GETRIDOFME.com). Typos are, as usual,
courtesy of the Goddess Eris.
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