[Cauldron and Candle Illo]


Cauldron and Candle
Issue #76 -- August 2006

A Publication of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum
website: http://www.ecauldron.com/
message board: http://www.ecauldron.net/mb/


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C A U L D R O N   A N D   C A N D L E  #76 -- August 2006

           A Publication of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum
                website: http://www.ecauldron.com/
            message board: http://www.ecauldron.net/mb/
             newsletter: http://www.ecauldron.com/cnc/
            shopping: http://www.ecauldron.com/mall.php

In this Issue:

[00] Editorial Notes
[01] Cauldron News
   * Ray (OCELOT) New Chat Contact
   * Legend of the Green Dragon Updates
[02] Cauldron Discussions
[03] Pagan Announcements
   * New Pagan Rights Yahoo Group
[04] Book Reviews:
   * The Inner Temple of Magick
   * The Case for Ghosts
[05] Articles
   * Commentary on The Cauldron and Its Rules
   * Is Your House Haunted? (And What To Do If It Is)
   * Rider Waite Smith Tarot - A Brief Introduction
[06] Flamekeeping:  A Universe of Knowledge
[07] Software Gadgets: The Column
   * Wikipad -- Notepad with Wiki Features for Organization
   * Enigmail -- Email Encryption for Thunderbird
   * Font Frenzy -- Safely Clean Up Unused Fonts
[08] Grimoire: Money Bag Spell
[09] Pagan Webmaster: Convert RSS Feeds to Dynamic HTML Web Pages
[10] Recipe: Glassmaster's Herring
[11] Support The Cauldron
[12] Newsletter Information
              (Including How To Subscribe/Unsubscribe)

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Welcome to the first (and perhaps only) August 2006 issue of
Cauldron and Candle. You are receiving this issue because you
subscribed. To learn how to unsubscribe, see the last section of
this newsletter.

As in June, there was no second July issue last month. I simply
got too busy in real life to put it together. August may be just
as busy -- which is why we are calling our two issue a month
schedule "experimental."

I'd like to remind everyone of a couple of painless ways to
support The Cauldron if you are in the market for web hosting or
pagan supplies.  Buy directly from our links:

Dreamhost -- Pagan Friendly Web Hosting

Pagan Supplies

Randall Sapphire
Editor and Publisher, Cauldron and Candle
Co-Host, The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum

========= by The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum Staff

===== Ray (OCELOT) New Chat Contact

Ray (OCELOT) has volunteered to take over as contact person on
our Flash Chats. He will be the staff member in charge of helping
our chat hosts and members use our Flash Chat.

===== Legend of the Green Dragon Updates

One of the features on the "Member's Only" menu of the Cauldron's
message board (visible only after you log in to our message
board) is our member's only Legend of the Green Dragon server.
This is a web-based fantasy game where you attempt to become
powerful enough to slay the huge green dragon that this
terrifying the area. We have recently expanded the game with
multiple towns, new village and forest features, and other

If you haven't given LOTGD a try recently, now might be good time
Note that logins to the Legend of the Green Dragon server are
completely separate from those of the message board. You will
have to create a new character to play.

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     Visit Dreamhost for Affordable, Pagan-Friendly Hosting

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========= Recent Discussion Topics on our Message Board

In an average month, over 200 new discussion topics are started
on The Cauldron's message board. Here are a few of the more
interesting recent discussions. It's not too late to join in.

Thanks to Feedburner, you can now receive an email every night on
days we post new site news items to the main page of The
Cauldron's web site. These emails contain a link to the new item
and the first couple of lines of the news text. You can sign up
for Feedburner's free news delivery via the form at the end of
the site "News and Updates" section of The Cauldron's main web

===== Pronunciation of Pagan Names and Terms?

When you started out, did anyone else here want to bang their
head against the walls over how to pronounce things correctly?
Every website I look up has the same thing going on, no one knows
how to say gods' names that are Celtic ... because none of us are

Take Cernunnos. Is that Cer-noon-us? os? He's supposed to be
Celtic, but some of these sites say the name is still Latin,
because the Celts didn't have a written language {wouldn't they
still have spoken his name out loud?}. But even with it being
Latin, it's still a hard C. I think.
Cerridwen? Cer-a-win?

No one wants to pronounce a god's name wrong ... seems in bad
form. How does one pronounce Ganesha? Gan-esha? Or Sekhmet? I can
watch Stargate SG1 all day and they won't pronounce any of the
hard Egyptian gods' names.

I think the Greek and Roman gods are so common to us, because of
movies and books, that we know how to pronounce them. But toss in
Celtic or Egyptian or Hindu and some of us are clueless.

So is there a good source for how to pronounce these names? or
even Sabbat names. I think Lughnassad is Loo-nus-ah. But how does
one say Lammas if that's too long? Hehe. I know I sound really
stupid, but this just isn't a strong point for me. I don't want
to say the words wrong. My husband is asking me alot of questions
here lately ... I hate not being able to answer them.

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Reconstruction vs Modern Reality

How much change is allowed when adapting actual rituals and
practices to the modern world will always generate an argument in
a group of reconstructionists. Most agree that things that are
illegal (human sacrifice) or generally considered wrong (treating
women like chattel) have to go, but how far should one go to make
one's reconstruction fit the modern world?

For example, what if the historical record shows that the vast
majority of the time a ritual wass done via method A. While not
illegal or questionable, method A would certainly not be socially
acceptable today. Method B was used to a much lesser extent by
the ancients (and was probably not the "mainstream" way of doing
the ritual), but it would be much more acceptable to modern
society. Which method do you think should be used and why?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Oils in Magic and Religion?

I use oils in both my magical and religious practices. Some I
make myself (right down to growing the herbs, grinding the
resins), and some I buy commercially. My favourite commercial
source right now is BPAL and TAL (blackphoenixalchemylab and
twilightalchemylab) and while the BPAL oils are primarily meant
to be worn and enjoyed, I use them for other purposes as well.

So, what I'd like to talk about is this: do you use oils at all?
Do you make your own, or purchase them, and if the latter, what
sources do you especially like? Do you use them to annoint
candles, annoint yourself or icons in ritual, make candles with
them, use them to dedicate/consecrate/purify items? Use them
instead of or as incense? What role, if any, do oils play in your
religious and/or magical practices?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== First Meeting with Coven Leader?

I have been a solitairy for a little over a year and finally felt
like it was time to reach out for some guidance. I found a group
nearby that is a very neat Tradition. It's native to my state and
seems like a good fit.

After some initial emails, I answered a very awesome
questionnaire and I am about to meet this high priestess this
week. At a public place. She seems very starightforward and down
to earth but I am still a bit nervous. I feel like she knows alot
about what I want although I am not sure beyond the basics she's
already outlined what she is looking for.

Should I treat it like a job interview?

Should I have tons of questins?

What should I expect?

Any advice from people who have done this before?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Pentacles and Offending People?

I just recently started wearing a pentacle necklace. I've noticed
that when i wear it out, quite a few people become cold toward
me. I don't wear it outside my shirt at work yet, mostly because
I have a fear of reprisals here (it's a private firm, not public)
but if it is out at a store, I find it much more likely that the
cashier will be rude, no matter my sunny disposition.

Have others found this to be the case on a large scale just from
wearing jewelry with your religious symbols?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== The Ritual Blooper Reel

OK, so admit it. You're not perfect. None of us are. Sometime, at
some point during a ritual, you've made a mistake. A funny one. A
hilarious one. Everyone got a good laugh out of it and probably
teased you for another year or two over it.

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Songs That Remind You of a Deity

Maybe I am weird, but when I hear certain songs on the radio, the
song will make me think of a God or Goddess.
I thought it would be fun to compile a list of such songs...
unless I am the only freak this happens to.

I'll go first:

Jupiter - Thunderstuck by AC DC
Pan - Let's Get It On by Marvin Gaye

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Souvenirs From Your Ex-Religions

This is a question for people who were involved with a religion,
monotheistic or otherwise: is there anything you miss about where
you used to belong?

For me, it's the music. There are a lot of Christian hymns,
chants, and anthems that are simply beautiful.

And also: do your gods allow you to use parts of your old
religion in worshipping them? Are they offended that you would
recycle or use someone else's stuff, or do they like the general
reverent attitude behind what you're doing?

I don't have any experience with this part, as I only left the
church last month. But I'd love to hear everyone else's stories.

* Read (or join in) this discussion:


===== New Pagan Rights Yahoo Group
===== by Fern Owl (Pamela Freeman)

The United States of America is a wonderful, glorious place or at
least it could be. The basic tenents the country was founded upon
are good and should be a model of what all countries strive to

But there is an underside to the United States that is much less
than perfect and completely undeserving of being emulated. It is
the side that says one thing, yet does something else. Sadly it
is the side our current President is on and the side many of the
nations top Religious leaders are on. It's called religious
intolerance and it threatens the very right to religious freedom
the country was founded on.

I do not want this to be an article bashing any one side or
another. The Goddess has enough blessings for all of us and I
fully believe everyone has the right to believe what ever they
want to believe. According to the Constitution of the United
States, everyone already has these right. But what we see and
feel in the mundane world as Wiccans, Pagans and Native Peoples
is so much different than what we are being told. It is time to
bring reality, what we see, feel and hear on a daily basis, in
line with what those in power are telling us.

Slowly but surely the rights of Non Judeo/Christian/Muslim
peoples are being erroded. Many of the leaders of these book
religions would prefer we simply disappear from the face of the
earth. They want to outlaw our herbs and make all forms of
divination illegal. They laugh at our Magick and call us demons,
devils and degenerates.

Anyone with an Internet connection can visit Google or Yahoo can
perform a word search on religious intolerance or Pagan
discrimination and find article after article showing how and
where it is happening. There are courses available free of charge
on hundreds of Christian websites teaching their members ways to
undermine our way of life, our Temples and even our rights as
human beings. Any one that denies it is happening is lying to
themself as well as whomever they are speaking to.

Where our biggest problem comes in is because Pagans for the most
part, do not like conflict. We would rather turn the other cheek
than directly confront those that would force their beliefs on
us. The world would be a better place if more people handled
things this way. But sometimes things happen in such a way that
by turning our cheek, we are giving our personal power to persons
that would prefer we not exsist.

So the big question becomes, are you going to continue to do
nothing and allow it to get worse or are you going to try to do
something about it? Stand_Up_For_Pagan_Rights has decided to do
something about it. We seek to make changes in how all Pagan
peoples are treated in all areas.

We can only make changes if we get involved. We can do so using
the systems our forefathers set in place to ensure this country
was for ALL peoples, not just those on a specific religions
roles. The system in already in place and we can do it without
making demands, threats or using violence, if we band together.

I urge you to join our group and be prepared to occasionally
write a letter, make a phone call or sign a petition and perhaps
tell a couple of friends about us. You do not have to get
involved within anything else if you don't want to.

There will be plenty of other things you can get involved with if
you want to be more active, but 100,000 people doing these basic
things will make a MAJOR difference.

Just get involved and use the tools our founding forefathers put
into place in this country to make changes.

You can visit our yahoo group at:

Join with us before we are forced to go undercover again.

Blessings be upon you and yours!


Most of The Cauldron's book reviews are now written by Mike
Gleason. If you would like to contact Mike with comments about
his reviews (or about books you would like to have reviewed), you
can email Mike at:



The Inner Temple of Magick
by  Phillip Cooper
Published 2004 by Spiral Publishing
ISBN 0975540343
186 pages Trade Paperback
$12.99 (U.S.) $15.93 (Canada)

I wasn't sure what to expect when I ordered this book and, as I
got started reading it, I still wasn't sure what I had gotten.
Mr. Cooper's approach to magick is uniquely his own, as is his
perception of life and its journey.  I am not sure, even now, how
much I agree with his premise and conclusions. Which is not to
say that I disagree with this book, but rather that I haven' t
made a final decision regarding it.

Mr. Cooper definitely feels that his perceptions represent
"truth," but that is an opinion shared by each and every author
in the known universe.  He stresses that everyone must find truth
within themselves, and then proceeds to indicate what, in his
opinion, you should be finding.  That is the thing about human
beings as unique individuals - no two people will share the same
exact opinion.

His assertion (which I happen to agree with) that magick should
produce tangible results is sure to upset some practitioner; as
well his assertion that it NOT wrong to use magick to achieve
material gains (again a position with which I agree).  So many
traditions downplay materialism and focus only on "spiritual
advancement" and followers of those belief systems will find
little of value in this book.

If you are reluctant to try new things; if you distrust
viewpoints which conflict with the world "as we know it"; and if
you think magick is all about discipline and hard work, you will
probably want to pass this book by. If, on the other hand, you
are willing to open yourself to alternate thought processes, you
will probably benefit from this book.  You may not become a
"great magickian" (however YOU define that term), but you will
learn other ways of perceiving the world, and that is a definite

There are numerous, individually unimportant, grammatical errors
in this book.  Were this a novel, I would simply leave it at
that.  However, Mr. Cooper is supposed to be teaching the reader
how to accomplish anything they put their mind to.  How about
putting his mind to writing a book without a bunch of distracting
errors (incorrect punctuation, twisted syntax, etc.)?

Mr. Cooper's presentation, at times, seems to be composed of
equal parts of Christianity and Church of All Worlds.  He
stresses the role of the "Divine Originator" in the creation of
all that exists and then follows up with some vintage Norman
Vincent Peale "Power of Positive Thinking."  Some of the old
"standards" of magick have been reworked - the Inner Temple has
been transformed from a Greco-Roman temple to a medieval fortress
complete with towers; the approach to the temple appears to owe
at least a bit to Plato's description of the lost land of
Atlantis; and there are other tweaks as well.

I know that I am a nit-picker when it comes to the written word
(I am as bad with the spoken word, but it is much easier to spot
errors [and illustrate them] in writing), but it seems to me that
an author who is attempting to teach readers to overcome self-
imposed perceptions of reality would be more careful about
correct syntax, punctuation, etc.  I find it disconcerting to
read (as on page 53) ".God is only in one place - heaven, and
that only in Gods (sic) mind does there exist."  This isn't the
only time such carelessness occurs, but it is representative.
There are, in my opinion, for too many sentence fragments trying
to pass as complete thoughts.  For instance:  "Because of the
sheer number of sleights, effects, and 'mental magick' that can
be made to appear miraculous by virtue of its seeming
impossibility."  Because of that, WHAT?  Such carelessness
undermines the purpose and value of the entire work, as far as I
am concerned.

The sheer bulk of the difficulties outlined above made it
difficult for me to evaluate the contents of this book in an
objective manner.  I kept finding myself being jarred  from the
flow of what I was reading by the dissonances.

While I understand the use of symbols to program the subconscious
mind as a basic step towards accomplishing magick; and while Mr.
Cooper acknowledges that the subconscious can influence things
both positively and negatively; the one factor that Mr. Cooper
fails to mention is that the subconscious doesn't understand
negatives.  It is necessary to convey "I am rich" (if that is
your desire) and not "I am no longer poor."  The subconscious
will interpret the latter statement as "I am poor," and act

I understand that the author's approach to magick is minimalist
(i.e., things don't have to be perfect, as long as you are making
a sincere effort; the magick comes not from the tools, but from
the magickian, etc.), but sometimes I feel that it is too bare-
bones (e.g., pick any direction and call it East).  I have always
worked in a minimalist way, and I have never found it too
difficult to use an inexpensive compass to determine the

There are numerous asterisks used which, to my way of thinking,
would seem to indicate the existence of explanatory material
(either as footnotes, end of chapter notes, or at the back of the
book in the "The Inner Temple of Magick Notes" section).  Such
material is NOT included anywhere I can find. I'm not sure
whether they were written and failed to make it through the
printing process, or if the author never got around to writing
them in the first place.  In any case, it is very disconcerting.

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The Case for Ghosts
by J. Allan Danelek
Published 2006 by Llewellyn
ISBN: 0738708658
220 pages Trade Paperback
$12.95 (U.S.)  $15.95 (Canada)

Looking for a collection of spooky stories?  Sorry about that,
this book is not for you.  Hoping for a how-to manual for your
next ghost-busting experience?  Once more you will be
disappointed.  Looking for a possible explanation of how and why
ghosts may exist?  Okay, now you've found a book for you.  It
doesn't have all the answers.  In fact, it doesn't have ANY
answers.  It does have theories; basic details on how to document
your experiences; and some really good food for thought.

Mr. Danelek offers some intriguing thoughts on how consciousness
arises; how it might survive physical death; how non-animate
objects (aircraft, boats, automobiles, etc.) might manifest as
"ghosts"; and just generally opens the field to investigation to
multiple approaches.  He offers a true skeptic's approach to the
subject - he neither accepts the reality of ghosts
unconditionally, nor does he reject the possibility
categorically.  His approach is basically that of "Convince me
one way or the other."  He is not a true believer, nor is he a
debunker.  He is an inquirer.

Mr. Danelek is not a professional paranormal investigator, nor is
he a professional debunker.  He is a profession, however - a
professional artist and writer.  This lack of a position to
defend allows him to look at both sides of the issue and offer
common sense suggestions to both sides.

He does pose some interesting questions about the current crop of
"ghost hunters," especially those who appear on television.  If
ghost sightings "normally" (if you can use that term) occur in
lighted rooms or during daylight hours, who do so many of these
people shoot their investigations at night, using "night vision"
equipment?  It would seem more logical (although less "spooky")
to do the hunting during the day when most incidents occur. He
does offer some intriguing possibilities about how to improve the
chances for encouraging a "ghostly" encounter.

Mr. Danelek has some obvious biases and attitudes regarding the
reason for "spiritual afterlife," but he makes no attempt to
disguise them.  He clearly identifies suppositions, suggestions,
and other non-provable beliefs as just that when they are brought
into the discussion.  He is very careful to avoid categorical
statements, while making a real effort to be fair in his
presentation.  Hew may not agree with a particular premise (the
existence of a literal heaven or hell, for instance), but he is
honest enough to admit that there is no scientifically verifiable
proof one way or the other.

There are a couple of pages of photographs illustrating common
"sightings" which show up on film, and how to "fake up" a ghost
photo.  These pages are included simply as examples of what is
out there, and have no intent of debunking photographic evidence
in general.

This book is well-written and fairly presented.  It offers a
great deal of food for thought.  And it is reasonably priced.
What more can you expect from a book on a controversial subject?

========= ARTICLES

===== by Koimichra

      [These are taken from the first few messages in a new
      thread on our message board located at:
      http://www.ecauldron.net/cncsocial.php?m=1210.1 ]

=== Message #1210.1

The Message Board Rules can be found here:

If you have any questions about the rules, anything you're unsure
about, please feel free to ask them in this thread, and the staff
will do our best to answer them.

A partial quote of my post to Rabbit, which kicked off this rules

At TC, we prefer to leave discussions intact, including with any
offensive or even rule-breaking bits. We'd rather moderate the
poster than censor the posts, if that makes sense.

Most of our rules aren't meant to head off particular topics of
discussion or particular viewpoints; they're meant to require
individuals to behave with good manners. People are invited to
say basically anything they want to, no matter how offensive or
outlandish, as long as they're polite about it. They may get
totally shouted down by the rest of the membership, but at least
it'll be a marginally not-rude shoutdown. :)

To sum them up in a single sentence, The Cauldron aims to foster
debate about ideas (not personalities) in an at-least-marginally
respectful fashion.

Some people find this very difficult to live with, because
they're used to message boards where ideas are restricted and
people with strong opinions are shut down or made to be "nicer."
We don't do that. As long as posters can follow basic rules of
marginally polite discourse, the discussion itself can get
extremely heated without the staff feeling any need to moderate.
Some people consider almost any strong opinion (that differs from
theirs!) to be a "personal attack." We don't. This means
sometimes people flounce off in high dudgeon because TC lets
other people disagree with them, but it means we have a pretty
high level of discussion and debate here that, by and large,
remains respectful and even friendly even in the face of vehement

(Just for example, Bob and I disagree probably as much as is
humanly possible on gun control and capital punishment and have
done so heatedly in threads, but we like each other quite a bit
regardless. Moreover, I've LEARNED quite a bit from him about the
opposing position and it's really made me respect the opposing
position more and take their arguments much more seriously. I
think (I hope!) he would say the same.)

If you have questions about a SPECIFIC situation that has already
occurred, please take those to e-mail. But if you have GENERAL
questions about the rules (or hypothetical questions), we're
happy to answer them!

=== Message #1210.2

A couple of questions that come up a lot:

=== When can I edit a post?

When you need to fix a typo, or change something minor for
clarity, or fix formatting (as I did in the post just above this
where I did the html wrong)! If you do so quickly before
anybody's really had a chance to read it, you can add something
or remove it. Generally when this occurs, people mark the post
"edited to add:" (or "ETA:") or something like "rambling question
answered later in the thread removed."


If you are in a particularly heated thread, editing for other
than typos, minor clarity, or formatting is strongly discouraged.
One option is to make a second post making your correction or
clarification, then adding to the original one something like
"Edited to add: further clarification in post 113".

=== When can I post a link?

When it's germane (i.e., related or important) to the thread. If
someone asks, "Where can I buy an athame online?" it's absolutely
appropriate to post links to online stores that carry athames.

=== What if it's my own store?

If you're an active poster, and someone in the thread
specifically asks about athames, and you make athames, feel free
to post a link. What we frown on is posters who join only to
promote a commercial interest, or who start threads at random
saying "Come shop at my store." That sort of post has to be
cleared in advance with the staff or it will be considered spam.

If you're not sure about the propriety of posting a link, feel
free to ask the staff. That's a quick and easy question for us to

=== Not Safe for Work?

Just as a note, many Cauldronites read TC from work, so if you
post a link that isn't safe for work, do us the favor of noting
that! Also, if you post a "tinyurl" or "shorl" link or something
similar that truncates the link, it's polite to let posters know
if they're pulling up multimedia content (some posters can't and
their computers or browsers will crash) or going to a site that
may offend some.

=== So-and-So Insulted Me!

Copy the post, the thread title, and the post number, and e-mail
the staff if you feel rules have been broken. Do not address
rules violations in public. Staff e-mails are available on the
start page of the message board.

=== My English Isn't Very Good.

We don't care. :) We urge all posters to attempt to use standard
English without excessive abbreviations or netspeak, largely
because we have such an international membership with varying
levels of English competence. Our hope is that if all fluent
English users use standard English, users who are not fluent will
have an easier time understanding posts, and users who are fluent
won't be exhausted by 25 posts full of netspeak when they get to
a post from a user who is genuinely non-fluent, not just lazy.

Plus, almost everyone who protests to us that they're non-fluent
is perfectly fine and totally intelligible. All you not-Americans
have such a higher standard of what constitutes foreign language
competence than we Americans do!

If you are a non-native speaker, or if you suffer from dyslexia
or a similar disability that impacts your reading or writing of
English, it's helpful if you put that in your profile. If we see
that your country of origin is, say, Uganda, we'll know that any
awkward English is merely a translation issue.

We've had a couple posters in the past who put in their sigs "I'm
dyslexic, please forgive spelling errors," or something similar.
That's another option.

=== Message #1210.3

=== Why Isn't Moderating Always Consistent?

Three reasons:

1) We're human. Some days I may have a horrible cold and have
been cut off in traffic and be much less tolerant of a minor
rules infraction I might let slide on a day when everything is
going right. I don't do it on purpose; I try to be fair, but I'm
just as subject to life as anybody else.

2) We're different people. Some things I see as a rules
violation, Star might pass over, and vice versa.

3) Some issues are situational. Sometimes in a heated thread, we
jump more quickly on things we might let slide in a more relaxed
thread. Sometimes, because language is slippery, we know what a
long-time poster "means" when he or she misspeaks, whereas with a
newbie we have to take the words at face value. Some rules calls
issues are just REALLY close to the border and are always a
judgment call. And sometimes, if a poster has a history as a
troublemaker, we're quicker to jump on those borderline calls.

=== What If I Think You Are Being Unfair?

You are always free to argue rules calls in e-mail to the staff.
Do not argue with them on the board. Staff e-mails are listed on
the start-page. You can climb up the ladder of command, from
board staff, to board coordinators (Star, and HeartShadow and
Koimichra (me) assistants to her), to hosts (Randall, Lyric, and
the currently-absent Elspeth). When we've made an error (or
someone up the chain of command feels someone below has made an
error), we usually apologize and retract.

Perceptions of Unfairness typically have three causes:

1) We missed it or misread it. Sometimes really long posts make
staff's eyes glaze over, or we just miss something being
insulting. (Insults directed at you are so much easier to find,
aren't they?) This happens most often when the board is
particularly busy and when part of staff is on vacation, so we're
struggling to keep up.

2) Randall thus decrees it. This board is a benevolent
dictatorship. Randall makes the rules, and Randall makes the
final call. He freely admits that occasionally, life is unfair.

3) Someone does not understand how the board works. Rules here
are very different at many other boards. We allow a level of
heated discussion that is not present at very many other
moderated boards. Often people arguing about moderator calls
appear unclear about what, exactly, constitutes a rules violation
at TC; they often seem confused about why one example IS a
violation and another ISN'T. We are always happy to try to
explain this. These situations, however, are probably where we
get most of our flounce-offs, from people who either can't or
won't understand how the rules on this board work. They also
often insist that we're the worst message board ever, and our
rules are stupid and/or illegal. This board isn't for everyone,
and it doesn't try to be. But we DO try to be fair and
consistent, and my opinion (after 6? 7? year here) is that it
usually is. People who've disagreed typically seem unwilling to
accept a set of rules different from what they're used to. That's
okay, and we encourage people uncomfortable at TC to find a board
they like better.

=== Message #1210.4

=== I'm a N00b and You All Seem So Smart! I'm Scared to Post!

That's so flattering that you think we're smart! We like you
already! But we were all n00bs once (me more than most!) and
we've ALL posted basic questions, silly comments, or lame links
now and again. TC is a venerable board with a surprisingly large
number of long-time members; I personally have been here since
1999. It's not that I never post anything stupid; it's that you
probably missed many of my stupid posts because I was posting
them four years before you got here.

We truly enjoy fresh perspectives and new members. I do
personally encourage people to spend at least a day or two
reading the board and finding out how discussion works here (as
it is different from many other boards); if your first post is
about how the Dolphins told you that the aliens from Tau Ceti are
actually the Egyptian Gods, well, you're going to have a
looooooot of very direct questions asked of you! (Heck, if that's
your 10,000th post, you're going to have a lot of very direct
questions asked!)

But every single one of us has been a n00b and a learner at some
point, and I don't think any of us have forgotten it. None of us
sprang full-formed from TC's brow. And the perspectives of
someone still learning can help even those considered "elders" to
re-evaluate and rethink what they know, and often to think
entirely new thoughts.

===== by Natalie Lynn

You'd think sharing your home with a ghost would be full of the
dramatic events we often see in movies or on tv, but that isn't
always the case. Certainly those big moments can happen, but
often the presence of spirits is more subtle and the realization
that we are "haunted" comes about more slowly, over time.

When paranormal activity isn't "in your face" obvious, it can
take months, even years, of odd or unusual experiences to realize
that something extraordinary is happening. If strange events are
occurring at home, it's very likely they will need to be repeated
several times before anyone begins to question what is happening.

So, if you have some unexplained moments nagging at you and
you've been wondering if things aren't exactly "normal" at your
house, check the list below to see if you have experienced some
of the milder signs of paranormal activity.

Subtle Signs of Paranormal Activity:

    1) Things missing and then being returned to the original (or
    an unusual) location.

    2) The slight feeling of being watched when no one is there.

    3) Seeing a smoky mist that's there one minute and gone the

    4) Doors and windows open when you thought you closed them
    and vice versa.

    5) Some unexplained knocking and rapping noises.

    6) Unusual cold spots in rooms.

    7) Anomalies showing up in photographs that weren't visible
    when the photo was taken.

    8) Lights, tvs, radios, etc. being turned off or on by

If you or your family members are experiencing any of these
events on a regular basis you should first check and recheck for
logical explanations. For example, if an item keeps turning up
missing or a door/window keeps opening, check with other family
members to make sure they aren't your "ghost." If you have no
other plausible explanations, don't panic. Activity of this
nature is generally non threatening and many people actually
learn to enjoy sharing their home with this type of energy.

Now, on to the more high profile and energetic type of spirit
activity. If you are experiencing this type of haunting behavior,
chances are you already know you have something unusual or even
"ghostly" going on. But, just in case you are deeply in denial,
you can check the list below for verification that you are,
indeed, "with ghost."

Not so Subtle Signs of Paranormal Activity:

    1) Seeing orbs. These can be pinpoints of light or larger,
    quickly coming and going. Sometimes they can be seen out of
    the corner of your eye, sometimes they can be seen straight
    on. Note: Orbs don't always indicate the presence of a ghost
    but they certainly can.

    2) Moving, shadowy shapes, sometimes seen out of the corner
    of your eye, sometimes seen directly in your line of vision.

    3) Feelings of being touched, hair pulled, or tugged on when
    no one is nearby.

    4) Things moving on their own or appearing to be thrown in
    plain sight.

    5) Seeing doors or windows open or close by themselves.

    6) Hearing voices, hearing your name called when no one is

    7) Hearing music, or an instrument playing by itself.

    8) Feelings of discomfort, nausea, or unease in areas of the
    home. A strong feeling of being watched.

    9) This one is obvious, seeing an apparition or a person
    appear and disappear.

While some of this activity could be interpreted as playful and
non threatening, others may be experienced as very negative and
intimidating. If that is happening to you and you want the ghost
or presence to leave, here are some things you can try:

First, take ownership of your home. Ghosts of a dark nature like
to frighten you and feed off of your fear so, as calmly as
possible, tell it you want it to leave and why. You could say:
"This is my house and I don't like it when you--fill in the
blank--, so please leave this house immediately." The more firm
and less afraid you are, the better. Ghosts rarely have any
significant power in our world and they rely upon the fear they
can generate in you as one of their biggest weapons so try not to
provide it for them.

If you have told the ghost to leave several times (it could take
a few tries) and it still hasn't left, you may either have a
ghost that doesn't know that it is dead or a ghost that needs
something before if can leave. Try telling the ghost that it is
no longer physical and needs to move on, toward the light.

Still not gone? Try asking it what it needs and see if you can
discern an answer. Admittedly, not everyone can communicate with
ghosts so if you are stuck here, maybe it is time to seek outside
help from a ghost investigator or psychic. Not only can they
document your ghost's presence and validate your experiences,
they may also be able to communicate with your ghost and get it
to move on.

Sharing your home with a ghost can be many things--fun,
uncomfortable, frightening, interesting, or exciting--depending
on your outlook and the type of spirit present. While some people
are quite happy about it, there are probably just as many, if not
more, who are not. No matter which way you feel, it's important
to look, beyond your fear or excitement, at what is actually
happening in your home.

If, upon inspection, you discover an unwanted presence, try using
the previously mentioned removal suggestions since they have been
found to be fairly effective. If that doesn't work, try to
educate yourself about the ghost, the house and various removal
techniques, as much as possible. Since knowledge is power, using
this knowledge can boost your confidence, lessen your fear, and
provide you with the information you will need to restore your
home back to the welcoming and safe environment you want it to

=== About the Author

Copyright Natalie Lynn, 2006. Natalie Lynn is a founding member
of The Traverse City Paranormal Society.

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===== by Lori Hampson

The Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck is probably the most popular and
well known of all the many Tarot decks available today. The name
comes from William Rider & Son - the original publishers, Arthur
Edward Waite - the academic and mystic who commissioned the
creation of the Tarot deck, and Pamela Colman Smith - the
talented but often ignored artist who drew the images of the
Rider-Waite (as it is often referred to) Tarot deck. Waite and
Smith were both members of the Order of the Golden Dawn, a famous
but short-lived occult group of the 19th Century.

The RWS Tarot deck was published in 1909 and was the first widely
available deck with illustrated Minor Arcana cards. The 56 cards
of the Minor Arcana, also known as "pips" now had a wealth of
symbolism depicted in the illustrations - as did the 22 cards of
the Major Arcana. Up until then the numbered Minor Arcana cards
of a Tarot deck would show just 4 cups, or 6 Wands or 8 Swords.
The RWS Tarot with its illustrated "pips", together with the
evocative images of the Major Arcana ultimately revolutionised
the Tarot world. When Waite designed his Tarot deck he kept the
basic sequence of the cards although he switched the numbering of
the Strength and Justice cards in the Major Arcana. There is some
discussion about who actually designed the Minor Arcana cards -
did Waite conceive them and give Smith full instructions or did
he just tell her his ideas and allow her some free rein with her
artistic talents to create the images? Each card carries Pamela
Colman Smith's monogram, usually in one of the bottom corners.

Tragically, the original printing plates were destroyed in the
London blitz and publication came to an end. In 1971, US Games
inc. began publishing a copyrighted facsimile version of the

These days there are many, many decks which follow the basic
template of the RWS Tarot deck. There are RWS versions that have
been re-coloured but which retain the original line drawings.
Versions that have been redrawn, generally, have the same basic
figures and settings on the cards with similar symbolism. A RWS
type of deck is usually recommended for beginners as the basic
visual scenes can be more easily associated with keywords for
easier recollection and understandings of the meanings for each
card. However, there are also many experienced readers whose
favourite reading deck is a RWS or variant. The majority of
beginner and novice books use illustrations of the RWS deck for
learning purposes.

One thing is for sure, if Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman
Smith had not collaborated and created the RWS Tarot deck - Tarot
decks would be quite different to what we are used to today.

=== About the Author

Tarot reader, Lori Hampson, offers advice and guidance for all
life's challenges through her website. Please visit
http://www.tarotforlifeguidance.co.uk for further insights and
information on readings and Tarot in general.

=========  A Universe of Knowledge
=========  by HeartShadow

HeartShadow is following her own religious path. She calls it
FlameKeeping. This regular column will present articles on
FlameKeeping, many taken from HeartShadow's FlameKeeping blog at:


=====   A Universe of Knowledge

Of all the creatures on the planet, we are (so far as we know)
the only ones that exist aware of time and choices, able to chose
one thing over another. To learn, not simply through direct cause
and effect, but from being told from one to another.

What makes us no longer the creatures that once lived in caves,
but instead the society we are, is that very ability to transfer
knowledge from one person to another. With that, we can learn
from each other's experiences instead of simply repeating our
own. This knowledge is more than simply what we store in books
and in our heads. Knowledge by its very nature is meant to be
shared, passed from one to another. Concepts are shared both
deliberately through direct communication, and indirectly through
shared knowledge base, individual minds distilling the same
concepts from the data available.

As we are part of the Divine, so are our thoughts shared by the
Divine and rippled back outwards throughout humanity. Our
thoughts are both our own and of the Divine, distilled and
learned and shared. When we learn a new skill, a new piece of
knowledge, that knowledge or skill gets strengthened throughout
humanity, reinforced as worthwhile. Knowledge cannot be stopped
or hoarded, because understanding ripples throughout our species,
one to another as we can understand.

Knowledge and learning are holy, precious gifts from the Divine
that we can return unto it, sharing knowledge with ourselves and
each other. It is transmission of knowledge and the discovery of
new things and new ways to understand things that helps us grow,
that makes us better than we were the day before and gives us
hope for the future.

We are creatures of knowledge, learning, and beauty. What we
learn and share, what we create, betters the Universe and betters
ourselves, radiating inwards and outwards. It is through learning
and sharing knowledge that we better ourselves and the Universe.

=== Questions

  * Why is learning important? Why isn't it an absolute good?

  * What is the difference between information gathered firsthand
    and that obtained by other sources? Is there one?

  * How does knowledge pass between ourselves and the Divine?

=========  Interesting Items From The Software Gadgets Blog
=========  http://softwaregadgets.gridspace.net/

The Software Gadgets Blog aims to present a different "software
gadget" every weekday. A software gadget is a program or addon
that is both interesting and useful -- and often free. This
column highlights three of the programs listed recently. Many
more were listed and you'll find more gadgets like these added
every week at the Software Gadgets Blog at:



Simple editors like Windows Notepad are great for jotting down
ideas and storing them in files. However, it is easy to lose try
of all those note files and how they relate to each other. A Wiki
is an online application that lets people create a linked set of
web pages easily. Some time ago, Jason Horman came up with the
idea of writing a notepad-like application with the features of a
Wiki. He made the program open source in mid-2005 and Michael
Butscher took over as the main developer in 2005.

Don't let the name confuse you. Wikipad is a single user program
you run on your computer, not a script ran on a web server for a
group of people to use.

Here's how the designers describe this application: "WikidPad is
a wiki-like notebook for storing your thoughts, ideas, todo
lists, contacts, or anything else you can think of to write down.
What makes WikidPad different from other notepad applications is
the ease with which you can cross-link your information. Links in
a wiki are created by typing in WikiWords. A WikiWord is any
mixed case word (also called CamelCase) typed into the editor.
TodoList or JohnDoe are example WikiWords."

Some of Wikipad's features:

    * On the fly WikiWord linking, as you type
    * WikiWord auto-completion
    * Easy WikiWord navigation
    * Wiki text styling
    * WikiWord History
    * Wiki document attributes
    * Dynamic views
    * Tree/Outline view with over 100 icons
    * Todo lists
    * Incremental search
    * Search and Replace
    * Autosave
    * Export to HTML
    * All your data is stored in plain text
    * URL and file linking
    * Intuitive keybindings
    * Help Wiki included

Rating: 4.0
Operating System: Windows
License: Open Source
Price: Free
Web Site: http://www.jhorman.org/wikidPad/


It seems like everyone wants to be able to read your email these
days: the company you work for, the government, etc. If you value
your privacy, you can make it much harder for people to read your
email by encrypting it. GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) is a powerful
freeware encryption program, but it is a command line program and
very hard to use. The Enigmail extension for Thunderbird makes it
easy to use GnuPG to encrypt, decrypt and sign emails.

Here are some of the main features of Enigmail from the
extension's web site:

    * Encrypt/sign mail when sending, decrypt/authenticate
      received mail
    * Support for inline-PGP (RFC 2440) and PGP/MIME (RFC 3156)
    * Per-Account based encryption and signing defaults
    * Per-Recipient rules for automated key selection, and
      enabling/disabling encryption and signing
    * OpenPGP key management interface
    * Automatically encrypt attachments for inline PGP messages
    * Powerful GUI for easy configuration and management
    * User Preferences for advanced configuration
    * Integrated OpenPGP PhotoID Viewer
    * Supports OpenPGP key retrieval via proxy servers
    * Integrates with GnuPG

The Enigmail web site even explains in detail how to set up and
configure GnuPG -- the hardest part of the process. Once Enigmail
is installed on your system, you'll need to get your friends and
associates to use it (or an equivalent program for their mail
client). Then you will be able to email each other without fear
of others being able to read your email. Government spy agencies
may have the computing power to break the GnuPG code and read a
message, but chances are good that your neighborhood hacker
trying to listen in our your cable connection or your boss does

Rating: 4.0
Operating System: Windows (and others)
License: Freeware
Price: Free
Version: 0.94.0
Web Site: http://enigmail.mozdev.org/index.html


Programs love to install new fonts to your system. Unfortunately,
each font adds a tiny bit to your system footprint making your
system slightly more of a memory hog and take slightly longer to
boot. Each font only adds a tiny amount to "Windows Bloat," but
given how many programs love to install a pack of fonts -- many
that you will never use -- one can have a lot of fonts on one's
system without even realizing it.

Font Frenzy can help you resolve this situation. It is a font
viewer on steriods. It will view and print fonts like every other
font viewer available. It will allow you to easily add and remove
fonts. What sets it apart from other freeware font viewer is that
it can create a snapshot of all the fonts currently installed on
your system and quickly restore your system to that point. This
means you can take a snapshot of your current (overloaded) font
folder, remove all the fonts you don't think you need to reduce
"Windows Bloat," but if you discover you were wrong and removed
the wrong fonts, you can quickly restore to your snapshot.

Here is the freatures list from the Font Frenzy web site:

    * Save a snapshot of your fonts folder that you can use as a
      restore point.
    * Re-install fonts quickly and easily from a previous
    * View your font list at any point-size using a customizable
      test phrase.
    * Easily print your font list for reference.
    * View a sample of each font in a pop-up window including
      every upper- and lower-case character and numbers.
    * User-friendly font manager allows you to add new fonts,
      delete, or unload and store selected fonts.
    * View all fonts from a specified folder

While Font Frenzy is freeware, registration is required to use
the program beyond a trial period of 40 days. Registration is
free, but it is a slight hassle.

Rating: 4.0
Operating System: Windows
License: Freeware
Price: Free
Version: 1.1
Web Site: http://www.fontfrenzy.org/

========= From the Spell Grimoire:


    * a small green talisman bag
    * three silver coins
    * a green candle
    * cinnamon sticks
    * cedar chips


Set the cauldron on your pentacle. Place a small dish inside your
cauldron with a small amount of cinnamon sticks and cedar chips
on it. On the right side of the cauldron, lay your wand. On the
left side of the cauldron, have ready a green candle.

Once all is ready, calm yourself with a short meditation. In your
mind's eye, imagine yourself surrounded by money; coins of silver
and gold, gems, etc. Once you have a clear image of this in your
mind, open your eyes and light the taper.

Tap each coin (one after the other) as you say the following

    Glistening silver, coin of the Moon,
    Shiny and round, bring me a boon.
    Draw to my hands more of your kind.
    Multiply, grow, like the image in my mind.

Place the coins in the cauldron with the herbs. Stir the air
clockwise over the cauldron. Chant:

    Earth elementals, cunning and bright,
    With me share your treasures here on this night.
    Share with me riches of silver and gold,
    Success, prosperity, all I can hold.

After this, allow the candle to burn almost all the way down.
Pinch it out once about a half inch of wax is left to it. Put the
coins in the talisman bag, along with a few pieces of the
cinnamon sticks, cedar chips, and the remaining candle wax. Wear
this talisman for nine days. On the ninth night, repeat the spell
using fresh herbs and a new candle.

=== About This Spell

This spell is taken from The Cauldron's Spell Grimoire, a
collection of basic spells available on The Cauldron: A Pagan
Forum's web site. You'll find more spells at:


========= Pagan Webmaster:
========= by S. Housley

Many webmasters have realized the benefit of using RSS to
dynamically update websites. This means that the website content
automatically changes when the RSS feed is updated. This allows
for webmasters to serve dynamic content or a mixture of static
and dynamic content on their website.

=== Syndication

Often, publishers, interested in expanding their base, will allow
other webmasters to republish the contents of an RSS feed.
Content providers that allow for syndication, receive additional
exposure, and the webmasters serving the content, will generally
see web traffic increase as a result of the new content. RSS
feeds can be syndicated or displayed using a variety of different
methods. Depending on the web host, server configuration, and the
intent of the publishers, a variety of different syndication
tools exist.

In most cases, providers convert RSS feeds to HTML in order to
display the feeds contents. The following are some of the more
popular methods to convert RSS feeds as web based content.

=== Hosted Services

The easiest of solution is not server dependent, a third party
host displays the contents of the feed. The downside to using a
hosted service is that you are relying on a third party. If the
third party's website has problems, your content will not be
displayed. Additionally, webmasters often cannot customize the
way the contents are displayed on hosted servers and there is no
real search engine benefit to third party hosting.

examples - FeedBurner.com - http://www.feedburner.com and
RSS2HTML - http://www.rss2html.com

=== Scripts

Using scripts to display RSS feeds on a website is probably the
most effective solution. In addition, the webmaster using ASP or
PHP scripts to convert their feeds, maintain the control of the
"look and feel" of the content displayed. Webmasters also realize
the benefit of hosting the feed on a domain that is within the
webmasters control.

Using ASP or PHP will allow search engines to spider the actual
contents of the RSS feed as if it is part of the actual HTML. Pay
particular attention to solutions that cache the RSS feed. If
your RSS feed is popular this will save significant bandwidth.

=== PHP

PHP is a popular scripting language that is often used to
dynamically update web pages. PHP support is available on most
web servers that run on a Unix Operating System.

example - rss2html.php - http://www.feedforall.com/free-php-

=== ASP

ASP or active server pages is a scripting language similar to PHP
but support is more often found on Windows web servers.

Example - rss2html.asp -

=== Javascript

Javascript is easy to use, and many sites will produce the code
that needs to be inserted into the HTML web page, making
implementation very easy for webmasters. The downside to the
majority of the javascript solutions is that the webpage calls
the script each time, and the actual contents of the feed is not
able to be spidered or indexed by search engines. So while
javascript is easy to use, there is very little benefit to the
webmaster. Search engines will not detect any new content or
keywords contained in the contents of the feed, so their is
little optimization benefit to displaying RSS feeds using
javascript. Additionally, while it is unusual, occasionally
website visitors will have the javascript turned off in their
browser, if that is the case they will be unable to view the
contents of the feed.

Example - FeedRoll Pro - http://www.feedrollpro.com

=== Advanced Scripts

=== Merging Scripts

Webmasters will often find value in merging multiple RSS feeds in
to a single feed. This is particularly useful when attempting to
aggregate news on a specific topic. The script allows you to
produce an RSS feed by taking the latest items from multiple

Example - RSSmesh - http://www.feedforall.com/rssmesh.htm

=== Filtering: Newsmastering

Due to the enormous and ever-increasing information flow we are
all submitted to, the only way to improve our ability to access
and use the information that is really important to us, must take
place by scaling up one notch our ability to filter, aggregate,
and access relevant content.

Example - Newsmaster kit -

=== Prepublish Scripts

On occasion, webmasters will choose to build a large amount of
content, and gradually release it over time. FutureRSS is a PHP
script that when used properly will only display feed items that
publish dates have passed.

FutureRSS - http://www.feedforall.com/future-rss.htm

A number of flexible solutions exists for webmasters to create,
filter, and display content contained in an RSS feed. Using these
simple solutions, webmasters can dynamically maintain webpages
with unique content.

=== About the Author

Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll
http://www.feedforall.com software for creating, editing,
publishing RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition Sharon manages
marketing for NotePage http://www.notepage.net a wireless text
messaging software company.

========= From the Cauldron Cookbook:
========= Glassmaster's Herring
========= submitted by Faerie

=== Ingredients

2 herrings (600g each)


1 dl vinegar
1 dl sugar
2 dl water
10 white peppercorns
10 allspices (Jamaican pepper)
2 bayleaves
5 cloves

For the jar:

1 carrot
1-2 red onion, chopped
A piece of horseradish or ginger

=== Directions

Gut the herrings and let them soak in plenty of water overnight
(this goes for salt herring!). If the herrings have been only
lightly salted, just rinsing them will do.

Bring the marinade ingredients to boil and let cool.

Rinse the herrings and dry them. Fillet the herrings, remove the
skin and cut the herrings to about 2cm wide pieces.

Put the herring pieces in a glass jar in alternate layers with
sliced onions and carrot. Pour the cooled marinade over the fish
and vegetables. Refrigerate.

This appetizer is ready to be served in 2-3 days and will keep
refridgerated a couple of weeks.

=== About This Recipe

This recipe is taken from the Cauldron Cookbook, a growing
collection of recipes submitted by members of The Cauldron: A
Pagan Forum. You'll find more recipes at:


========= Cauldron Info

The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum was founded in December 1997 to
provide a friendly but serious discussion area for Pagans on the
Internet. We've grown a bit over the years. We now have an active
message area, a large web site with around 700 pages of
information (including over 300 book and divination deck
reviews), and a monthly email newsletter. To continue to provide
and expand these services, The Cauldron needs lots of volunteer
help from our members and supporters.

Here are some of the things members and supporters can do to help
The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum thrive:

===== Actively Participate In Our Message Board

While our new message board welcomes readers, we encourage
members to actively participate by posting their comments and
views in our discussions. One of the easiest ways to help The
Cauldron is to actively participate in our message board. The
staff especially appreciates members who start new topics for
discussion based on their own questions, opinions, or interests.


===== Articles! Essays! Tutorials!

We are in constant need of original, well-written and accurate
articles, essays, tutorials, and other written items for both our
web site and for our Cauldron and Candle newsletter. There's no
real limit on length for web site articles. Here are a few areas
in which we always need articles:

* information on the beliefs and theology of the various Pagan
  religions, especially non-Wiccan religions

* information on holidays and festivals of the various Pagan
  religions, especially non-Wiccan religions

* recipes for oils, incenses, and food for the various Pagan

* magick, spells, and ritual information

* herbal information

* positive articles on dealing with other faiths

* information on historical pagan cultures

* editorial/opinion pieces

Non-Wiccan material is stressed not because we don't want Wiccan
material but because good non-Wiccan material has been hard to
find. We have a web form you can use to submit an article for
consideration: http://www.ecauldron.com/bnbarticleform.php

===== Book Reviews

While The Cauldron receives some review copies from a couple of
Pagan publishers, there are many books that can only be reviewed
on our web site if a member has a copy and writes a good,
objective review. The Cauldron is interested in reviews on the
more academic books used by reconstructionist Pagan religions as
well as on the books one finds on the Pagan/New Age shelf in the
bookstore. We have a web form you can use to submit a book review
for consideration: http://www.ecauldron.com/bnbbkreviewform.php

===== Graphic Assistance

The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum is purposely a low graphics site as
we value page download speed over flashy graphics. However, we
are always willing to talk with artists who have ideas for
well-designed small graphics (small in both physical dimensions
and file size) that might enhance a specific article or page.

===== Invite Your Friends

If you have friends or acquaintances who you believe would find
The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum useful, please tell them about our
site. If you are active in our message board and have friends who
might enjoy them or have information to contribute, please invite

===== Link To The Cauldron

If you have a web site where linking to The Cauldron: A Pagan
Forum would be appropriate, simply providing a link to this web
site is a big help. Our Link to this Site page explains how you
can do this if you need help or want some simple graphic buttons
to use: http://www.ecauldron.com/linktous.php

===== Donations

As The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum uses as many free services as
possible, our need for money to operate our site is currently
lower than our need for the many items we list above. However, if
you have a few dollars to spare, we would be honored to have your
help in paying for our web site. You can donate by using either
PayPal or the Amazon Honor System links below (we get about 85%
of what you donate).

Donate via PayPal
Donate via Amazon.com

===== Amazon Purchases

The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum also receives a small percentage
(usually 5%) from most items purchased from Amazon.com when you
go to Amazon.com from one of the links to Amazon on our web site.
If you purchase a lot of books, CDs, and other items from
Amazon.com as many members do, going to Amazon.com through one of
our links when you are going to make a purchase there is a
painless way to help fund this web site.


If you are a regular user of the US version of Amazon, you can
help The Cauldron by replacing the URL of your ebay bookmark in
your browser with the above link so that TC gets credit every
time you visit Amazon.com.

To do this in Internet Explorer or Firefox, find Amazon in your
bookmark list. RIGHT click on it and select Properties from the
popup menu which will appear. A dialog box describing your
bookmark will appear. You'll see the standard Amazon url --
probably http://www.amazon.com/ -- in an edit box (labeled
"Location" in FireFox and "URL" in IE). Erase that url completely
and replace with one listed above, then click on OK.

If you use Amazon UK, you can use this address


If you use Amazon Canada, you can use this addess:


===== Ebay Purchases

Are you an Ebay user?  Ebay has a new program that pays
affiliates a small percent of the winning bid if the winning
bidder enters ebay from an affiliate link (some like how our
Amazon.com affiliate program works). So if you visit the US
version ebay via the following link, the Cauldron will get credit
for your bids:


If you are a regular user of the US version of ebay, you can help
The Cauldron by replacing the URL of your ebay bookmark in your
browser with the above link so that TC gets credit every time you
visit ebay.

To do this in Internet Explorer or Firefox, find ebay in your
bookmark list. RIGHT click on it and select Properties from the
popup menu which will appear. A dialog box describing your
bookmark will appear. You'll see the standard ebay url --
probably http://www.ebay.com/ -- in an edit box (labeled
"Location" in FireFox and "URL" in IE). Erase that url completely
and replace with one listed above, then click on OK.

===== Have Questions or Suggestions?

If you have specific questions, proposals or other ideas we
haven't mentioned here, please email them to
rssapphire00@ecauldron.GETRIDOFEME.com. (Unfortunately, Randall
has to answer general "Tell me more?" type questions with a
request for a more specific question. He's not trying to be rude,
he just can't think of anything general and useful to say that
isn't said here.)

========= (Including how to subscribe and unsubscribe)

Cauldron and Candle is a free publication of The Cauldron: A
Pagan Forum. The Cauldron intends to publish this newsletter once
a month and often actually succeeds in doing so. We tried to
publish it twice a month for a while, but real life interfered
too often.

This issue of Cauldron and Candle as a whole is copyright (c)
2005 by The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum. Copyrights on individual
items in this newsletter are retained by their author, please
contact the editors if you need to contact an author for
permission to reprint an article and the editors will do their
best to put you in touch with him or her. The opinions expressed
herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of newsletter, The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum, or
its staff. Publication of an article in this newsletter is not an
endorsement of the authors position or any products and companies
mentioned therein. No one involved in producing this newsletter
has any money to speak of so suing us if you don't like something
we do is a waste of time and money.


You are receiving a copy of this newsletter because you signed up
to receive it. You can subscribe or unsubscribe to this
newsletter via your web browser at:


Or you can unsubscribe via email by sending a blank message to


Be sure to send this message from the email account actually
subscribed to the newsletter. If you have trouble unsubscribing
by email, please use the web browser method mentioned above.

If you need to change your subscription to a new email address,
unsubscribe your old email address and subscribe your new email
address. Note that you have to make these changes yourself. Yahoo
Groups does not allow the list owner to make them for you.


The Cauldron and Candle web site contains information on this
newsletter and an archive of back issues.



If you have Pagan friends who you believe would be interested in
Cauldron and Candle please invite them to subscribe. You can
either drop them a note yourself or -- better yet -- send them
one of The Cauldron's email postcards with the information.

You are also welcome to forward a copies of this newsletter to
interested friends and associates provided you forward the entire


Don't forget that your suggestions for this newsletter are always
welcome, either posted on the message board or via email to
LyricFox (lyricfox@ecauldron.GETRIDOFME.com) or Randall Sapphire
(rssapphire00@ecauldron.GETRIDOFME.com). Typos are, as usual,
courtesy of the Goddess Eris.

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